1、别指望我谅解,别指望我体会 。
Don't expect me to understand. Don't expect me to understand.
2、活得精彩,全凭本事 。
To live a wonderful life depends on one's ability.
3、输什么不输气质,丢什么不丢个性 。
Lose what not lose temperament, lose what do not lose personality.
4、没意见的话,我们明天就把证领了 。
If you don't mind, we'll get the card tomorrow.
5、寂寞若能搁浅,快乐定能永久 。
If loneliness can run aground, happiness will last forever.
6、淤青叫嚣还在痛,深爱之人你可懂 。
Bruised clamor is still painful, you can understand the one you love.
It's mine that can't run away. It's not mine. I don't want it!
8、没什么好难过的,失去的都是垃圾 。
There's nothing to be sad about. All you lose is rubbish.
9、先说爱的不爱,后动心的不死心 。
First say that love does not love, then the heart of the not dead.
10、我不会太耀眼,只要能照亮你就好 。
I will not be too dazzling, as long as I can illuminate you.
11、不用谁施舍阳光,我们自己是太阳 。
No one needs to give the sun, we are the sun.
12、人生就像卷纸,没事尽量少扯 。
Life is like a roll of paper, nothing to pull as little as possible.
13、如果不能全给我,就全都别给我 。
If you can't give it all to me, don't give it all to me.
You sweep the house for me, I sweep the world for you!
15、我曾爱你,爱得连未来都想好了 。
I loved you so much that I thought about the future.
16、人一走茶便凉,哪有周详不周详 。
As soon as people go, tea will be cool, which is not comprehensive.
17、世界之大,不是非你不可 。
The world is so big that you have to.
18、宁愿胖得精致,也不愿瘦得雷同 。
I'd rather be fat and delicate than lean the same.
19、把悲伤压在心底,把笑容挂在脸上 。
Press the sadness in the bottom of my heart and smile on my face.
20、想你的时候,我一定要找得到你 。
When I miss you, I must find you.
21、该走走,该留留,今后一律不强求 。
It's time to go and stay. We should not force them to stay in the future.
22、一身傲骨誓天地,心跳不停怎能屈 。
A proud oath of heaven and earth, the heart does not stop how to bend.
23、不用诠释,不用解释,我就是我 。
No interpretation, no explanation, I am me.
24、太在意别人的看法,累的还是自己 。
Too concerned about other people's views, tired or their own.
25、我得不到的东西,谁爱要谁要 。
I can not get things, who love who want who want.
26、喜欢放狠话,心软到不堪一击 。
Like to speak hard, soft to vulnerable.
27、温和久了,稍有脾气就成了恶人 。
Gentle for a long time, a little temper will become a villain.
28、马路很湿,好像有人哭得很伤心 。
【女霸气英文朋友圈说说】The road was wet and it seemed that someone was crying.
29、拿得起的人,处处是担当 。
Those who can afford it are always responsible.
30、只有自己强大,才不会被别人践踏 。
Only if you are strong, you will not be trampled on by others.
31、不要再委屈自己,余生从头酷到脚 。
Don't aggrieve yourself, the rest of your life from head to toe.
32、抽烟的人有心事,喝酒的人有故事 。
People who smoke have worries, those who drink have stories.
33、与其卑微的爱恋,不如高傲的孤独 。
It is better to be proud and lonely than humble love.
You stand there and don't move. I'll run to it!
35、我要的不止是喜欢,还有偏爱 。
What I want is not only like, but also preference.
36、现在开始我给你挡风,你不要哭 。
Now I'll give you the wind. Don't cry.
37、小鸟虽小,可它玩的确是整个天空 。
Small as the bird is, it plays the whole sky.
38、你有你的另一半,我有我的下一站 。
You have your partner and I have my next stop.
39、没人走过我的路,我何必大度 。
No one has walked my way. Why should I be generous.
40、你什么货色,我就什么脸色 。
I'll look whatever you are.
41、相对喜欢,我更想被偏爱 。
Relatively like, I want to be preferred.
42、没有心飞扬,只有透心凉 。
There is no heart flying, only cool through the heart.
43、我是自己的太阳,不必去借谁的光 。
I am my own sun. I don't have to borrow anyone's light.
44、我们都要面向太阳,骄傲的活着 。
We all have to face the sun and live with pride.
45、有我伴你左右,孤独不敢轻举妄动 。
I accompany you around, lonely dare not act rashly.
46、去做别人的宝贝,别来趟我这浑水 。
Be someone else's baby, don't come to my muddy water.
47、我是哭了,但我绝不承认我输了 。
I cried, but I never admit I lost.
48、带你装逼带你飞 。带你卡进垃圾堆 。
I'm going to take you and fly you. Get you stuck in the garbage.
49、做个烂人,毕竟这个世界不缺英雄 。
To be a lousy person, after all, there is no lack of heroes in this world.
50、其实我也会痛,只是你不会在意 。
In fact, I will also hurt, but you will not care.
51、不在放荡中变坏,就在沉默中憋坏 。
If you don't get bad in dissolute, you'll suffocate in silence.
52、感情是场骗局,我顶多算个卧底 。
Love is a scam. I'm an undercover at most.
53、等待不是时间问题,是值不值得 。
Waiting is not a matter of time, it's worth it.
54、拿的起、放的下、我大言不惭 。
Take up, put down, I am not ashamed.
55、要么天生丽质;要么天生励志 。
It's either natural beauty or natural motivation.
56、即使见不到你,我的心也不会疼 。
Even if I can't see you, my heart won't hurt.
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