
1、没遇上钟情之前,新鲜就是一切 。
Before falling in love, freshness is everything.
2、爱情就像鬼,相信的人多,看见的人少 。
Love is like a ghost. More people believe than see.
3、可不可以对我说说谎,说你有想我 。
Can you lie to me and say you miss me.
4、爱我的请继续,恨我的别放弃 。
Love me please continue, hate me don't give up.
5、不是姐不适合你,是姐根本看不上你 。
It's not that the elder sister is not suitable for you, but the elder sister doesn't look up to you at all.
6、用不着你喜欢,也轮不到你讨厌 。
You don't need to like it or hate it.
You have reason to pretend with me, I have the ability to let you hurt!
8、陪我长大的男孩,我一定要嫁给他 。
I must marry the boy who grew up with me.
9、有些事不逞强,有些人不必勉强 。
Some things don't show off, some people don't have to force.
10、姐不是巴黎欧莱雅,谁想拥有就拥有 。
Sister is not L'Oreal in Paris, who wants to have it.
11、与其卑微的爱恋,不如高傲地孤独 。
It's better to be aloof and lonely than humble love.
12、不需应有尽有,只求该有都有 。
You don't have to have everything, just have everything.
13、只要还有明天,今天就永远是起跑线 。
As long as there is tomorrow, today will always be the starting line.
14、有人考试靠实力,有人考试靠视力 。
Some test by strength, others by eyesight.
15、可能就是这么巧,我发的消息你都收不到 。
Maybe it's such a coincidence that you can't get any messages from me.
16、沉默是我现在的状态,不是无话可说 。
Silence is my present state, not nothing to say.
17、我不是你的猫,我不会向你摇尾巴 。
I'm not your cat. I don't wag my tail to you.
18、我想要的不是喜欢,而是偏爱 。
What I want is not like, but preference.
19、什么样的关系,就该谈什么样的话题 。
What kind of relationship, what kind of topic should be discussed.
20、速热的人也速冻,慢热的人最长情 。
People who are quick to heat are also quick to freeze, and those who are slow to heat are the longest.
21、我不虚情假意,怎配你犯贱到底 。
I'm not hypocritical. How can I deserve you to be humble in the end.
22、你流干了眼泪,自有另一个人逗你欢笑 。
You shed tears, there is another person to make you laugh.
23、我很自私,想让你爱我,并且只爱我 。
I'm selfish and want you to love me and only me.
24、手拿菜刀砍电线,一路火花带闪电 。
He cut the wire with a kitchen knife, and all the way there was a spark and lightning.
25、最怕时光荏苒,而我依然孤单 。
Most afraid of time flies, and I am still lonely.
26、与其妥协忍让,不如找回自己原本脾气 。
Instead of compromise and tolerance, it's better to find your original temper.
27、听说杀手没有眼泪,王者也无力举杯 。
It is said that the killer has no tears, and the king is unable to raise his glass.
28、本无意与众不同,怎奈何品味出众 。
I didn't mean to be different. How could I have outstanding taste.
29、别用你的脾气,挑战我的个性 。
Don't challenge my personality with your temper.
30、忘记一个人挺简单的:不要见,不要贱 。
Forget a person is very simple: do not see, do not cheap.
31、不爱你的时候,我也大方懂事不粘人 。
When I don't love you, I'm generous, sensible and not sticky.
32、别站在你的角度看我,你看不懂我 。
Don't look at me from your point of view, you can't understand me.
33、年纪大了,经不起凶,只能被宠 。
Old, can not stand fierce, can only be spoiled.
34、活着已经够累了,不要再假惺惺的交心 。
I'm tired enough to live. Don't be hypocritical.
35、你别看你穿的很危险,但你长得很安全 。
You don't think you're wearing dangerous clothes, but you're safe.
36、没有什么爱不爱,如果离开就别回来 。
There is no love without love. If you leave, don't come back.
37、人总要有点脾气,才能对得起自己 。
People always have to have a little temper in order to be worthy of themselves.
38、做个俗人,浪荡不羁,灯红酒绿 。
To be a layman, unruly and unrestrained.
39、遇事只说三分话,不可抛却一片心 。
When you are in trouble, you can't give up your heart.
40、没兴趣认识你,你也别来打听我 。
I'm not interested in meeting you. Don't ask me.
41、一张游戏人生的脸,一颗坚持到底的心 。
A game of life's face, a heart to the end.
42、没什么错过的人,会离开的都是路人 。
There's no one to miss. Those who leave are passers-by.
43、世界那么大,要么庸俗,要么孤独 。
The world is so big, either vulgar or lonely.
44、人生没有重来,贪婪有何不可 。
Life is not over again, why not be greedy.
45、即使你不是最好的,但却是我最珍惜的 。
Even if you are not the best, but I cherish the most.
46、岁月里,你很单纯,比酒淡,比水清 。
Years, you are very simple, lighter than wine, clearer than water.
47、百毒不侵的人,曾经都无药可救过 。
People who are invulnerable to all kinds of poisons have never been saved.
48、没人走过我的路,我何必大度 。
No one has walked my way. Why should I be generous.
49、我擅长气人,拉远距离,斩断人际关系 。
I'm good at making people angry, pulling distance and cutting off interpersonal relationships.
50、时间带走了太多,剩下的我会去珍惜 。
Time takes too much, the rest I will cherish.
51、不在放荡中变坏,就在沉默中憋坏 。
If you don't get bad in dissolute, you'll suffocate in silence.
52、别踏入我的圈子,扰乱我的生活 。
Don't step into my circle and disturb my life.
53、哪有什么错过的人,会离开的都是路人 。
Where there is any missing people, will leave are passers-by.
54、请你,带上你高姿态的爱滚出我的视线 。
Please, take your high-profile love out of my sight.
55、早知道做人这么累,当初就不下凡了 。
If I knew I was so tired, I didn't go down to earth.
56、爱不是恨,可我偏偏对你又爱又恨 。
Love is not hate, but I love and hate you.
57、能把你宠上天,也能杀你不眨眼 。
Can spoil you, can also kill you without blinking an eye.
If a man is born like this, he can take his place!
59、别不信:女人的坚强永远比矫情更漂亮 。
Don't believe it: Women's strength is always more beautiful than affectation.
60、哭着吃过饭的人,是可以坚强活下去的 。
【女生霸气签名英文句子】People who have had a meal in tears can live a strong life.
