
#mui-player img {max-width: 100%;}1、新的东西最美好,老的朋友最可靠 。
New things are the best, old friends are the most reliable.
2、独学而无友,则孤陋而寡闻 。
If you study alone and have no friends, you will be ignorant.
3、良师益友,此生不忘 。
A good teacher and a good friend will never be forgotten in this life.
4、难忘的是故事里的酒,回味的是酒里的故事 。
The unforgettable is the wine in the story, and the aftertaste is the story in the wine.
5、一个普通朋友,能陪你喝完一瓶烈酒 。
An ordinary friend, can accompany you to drink a bottle of liquor.
6、友谊地久天长,友谊永存心中 。
Friendship lasts forever. Friendship is always in our heart.
7、每天的日子,虽然不完美 。
Every day, though not perfect.
8、友情如雨,细而连绵 。
Friendship is like rain, thin and continuous.
Learn to cherish, learn to be grateful, life will be more beautiful!
10、春去秋来,岁月如歌 。
Spring goes by and autumn comes.
11、同样的发型和衣服,我只愿意和你撞衫 。
With the same hairstyle and clothes, I just want to bump into your shirt.
12、友谊长存,你是我永远的朋友 。
Friendship lasts forever. You are my forever friend.
13、背不动了,就看开了 。
If you can't move your back, you can see.
14、只要你需要我,我永远在你能看到的地方 。
As long as you need me, I will always be where you can see.
15、不会因岁月而变遥远,互相珍藏 。
Will not become distant because of the years, treasure each other.
16、问候,是一种甜蜜的牵挂 。
Greeting is a kind of sweet concern.
17、你是好心情的开关 。
You are the switch for a good mood.
18、真心感谢,那些一路陪我走来的朋友 。
Thank you sincerely, those friends who accompany me all the way.
19、时间悄悄流逝,我们不离不弃 。
Time goes by quietly, we will never leave.
20、淡淡的友情,淡淡的爱 。
Light friendship, light love.
21、以赠品收买朋友,则他也可能被他人收买 。
If a friend is bought with a gift, he may also be bought by others.
22、桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情 。
Taohuatan water deep thousands of feet, not as good as Wang Lun send me love.
23、人们相互对望,却还是坐下了 。
People looked at each other and sat down.
24、交流中有您,感觉亲切 。
It's nice to have you in communication.
25、只要你需,只要我能 。
As long as you need, as long as I can.
Busy, how many times want to accompany you!
27、看人不能看表面,日久必现原形 。
You can't look at the surface, but you will see the original shape over time.
28、友不在多,贵在风雨同行 。
Friends are not many, the most important thing is to walk together in the wind and rain.
Friendship and mutual help! Happy and happy!
30、乐莫乐兮新相知 。
Happy, happy, new acquaintance.
31、真正的友谊,是择善而交,择君子而处 。
True friendship is to choose the good and make friends, and choose the gentleman to live with.
32、我是铃儿,你是叮当,铃儿响叮当 。
I'm linger, you are jingle, jingle.
33、钟子期死,伯牙终身不复鼓琴 。
Zhong Ziqi died, Boya never again Guqin.
34、难得的朋友,难得的知己 。
A rare friend, a rare confidant.
35、世道艰难,友谊长存 。
The world is hard and friendship lasts.
36、不在多少,贵在暖心 。
It's not much, it's more important to warm your heart.
37、毁掉你一条高冷的说说,只需要一群损友 。
It only needs a group of bad friends to ruin your cold talk.
38、谁心里没有故事,只不过学会了控制 。
Who has no story in his heart, but has learned to control.
39、是不是友情也抵不过时间和距离啊 。
Is not friendship can not equal time and distance ah.
40、有种友谊,无需挂齿,却最难忘 。
There is a kind of friendship, no need to worry about, but the most unforgettable.
41、真正的友谊,永远风雨同行 。
True friendship, always walk with wind and rain.
42、因为您幸福,所以我快乐 。
Because you are happy, so I am happy.
43、愿所有的财运,笼罩着你 。
May all fortune cover you.
44、话不投机,不如不说 。
It is better not to speak than to say nothing.
45、三载已逝,曲终人散 。
Three years have passed and the music has ended.
46、一个诤友,此生足矣 。
A good friend is enough.
47、岁月如海,友情如歌 。
Years like sea, friendship like song.
【有关友谊的唯美句子英文】48、听山河把春风酿成千言万语,吹过旧人故里 。
Listen to the mountains and rivers bring spring breeze into thousands of words, blowing through the old people's hometown.
49、友情是一场甘霖,是人受到心灵的滋润 。
Friendship is a shower, is the moistening of one's soul.
50、要比肩而立,一起成为更好的大人 。
We should stand shoulder to shoulder and become better adults together.
51、高山流水,也免不了曲终人散 。
High mountains and flowing water will inevitably end in the end.
52、落魄时,陪你一起再辉煌 。
When I'm down and down, I'll be brilliant with you.
53、朋友,我们来日方长 。
Friends, we have a long way to go.
54、友谊如火,友谊如雪 。
Friendship is like fire, friendship is like snow.
55、大家好,我是麻辣鸡,这是我的朋友辣鸡 。
Hello, everyone. I'm spicy chicken. This is my friend spicy chicken.
56、真正的朋友不常相聚,真情依旧浓郁 。
True friends don't often get together, and the true feelings are still strong.
57、最好的感觉是有人懂你的欲言又止 。
The best feeling is that someone understands what you're trying to say.
58、兜兜转转,吵吵闹闹,还是我们 。
It's us. It's us.
59、昔日的艰难求索,弥足珍贵 。
The hard search of the past is precious.
60、时代姐妹花,永远不分家 。
Time sister flower, never divide family.
