团队|英国两院院士领衔,中外专家畅谈AI药物发现(下)( 六 )

Question 7:
As far as you know, in what extent biologists and medical experts appreciate the assistance of AI in their research? How could biomedical science direct and enable the next phases of AI development? In other words, what types of feedback from the medical science community would be valuable to AI scientists in the coming years?
I personally think that AI/machine learning can have transformative impacts on biological and medical research. I suspect it is underutilized at the moment and we all need to learn how to spot the opportunities. A risk is that AI-based centres are established where the links between the computational people and laboratory or clinical scientists are not as strong as they could be. Similarly, the initiatives and questions that need to be solved are often best identified by the experimental scientists and clinicians and not the computational experts. Thus, we need to seek to integrate the computational work much better within the experimental and clinical frameworks and in many cases designs
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