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近日 , 为了帮助澳大利亚医疗健康科技初创企业深入了解中国市场和产业动态 , 把握市场发展机遇 ,Plug and Play 中国联合澳大利亚贸易投资委员会 , 将于 4月22日共同举办 2021年澳大利亚医疗健康科技创新线上路演活动 , 从种子轮初创企业、B轮成长型企业到IPO阶段的上市公司中 甄选8家澳大利亚科技企业 , 展示他们的产品和技术 , 与投资机构、大企业、城市合作伙伴等行业内的创新参与者进行线上对接 , 助力澳大利亚医疗科技创新企业在华落地发展 。
To help Australian health technology startups to learn more about Chinese market, Plug and Play China, in collaboration with the Australian Trade and Investment Commission, will co-host the 2021 Australian Health Technology Innovation Online Roadshow on April 22. eight Australian companies is selected from seed round, series B round companies to IPO listed companies, displaying their products and technology, connecting with investment institutions, large enterprises, such as city partners in the industry innovation participants. The event aims to contribute to the launch and development of Australian medical science and technology innovation enterprises in China.
More information to contact
活动议程 Agenda 活动时间:
4月22日(周四), 北京时间 14:00-16:00
April 22 (Thursday), 14:00-16:00 (GMT+8)
北京/上海/线上 , 中/英同声传译
Beijing/Shanghai/Virtual(Open Registration), Language: CN/EN (With Simultaneous Interpretation)
活动开场及Plug and Play 中国介绍
Opening and Introduction of Plug and Play China
Keynote Speech: Innovative Applications and Trends of Australian Healthcare Industry
Successful International Collaborations & MedTech Innovation
14: 20-15:40
Startups Pitching
Closing Remarks
众所周知 , 先进的医疗技术和领先的医疗创新能力是澳大利亚享誉世界的一大标签 。 澳大利亚政府及企业每年投入大量资金和人力用于新药研发、医疗器械迭代、诊疗手段升级等方面的创新 , 持续攻关技术瓶颈 , 优化患者预防、诊疗、愈后全周期体验 , 以此构建高效、人性的社会医疗保障系统 。
Australia has a world renowned reputation for advanced medical technology and leading medical innovation. The Australian government and enterprises invest a large amount of capital and manpower every year in innovation of new drug research and development, medical device iteration, diagnosis and treatment upgrading, etc., constantly tackle technical bottlenecks, optimize prevention, diagnosis and treatment as well as recovery, and thus build an efficient and humane social medical security system.
在中国 , 医疗健康关乎民生 。 自2017年“ 健康中国”作为国家战略被提出 , 围绕大健康产业的利好政策便层出不穷 。 而在新冠疫情的影响下 , 民众对大健康服务需求的进一步升级 , 促使 传统服务模式各环节加快智能化转型的脚步 。
In China, health care concerns people's livelihood. Since "Healthy China" was proposed as a national strategy in 2017, favorable policies about health industry have emerged. However, with the influence of COVID-19, public demand for large-scale health service has been further upgraded, accelerating the pace of intelligent transformation in all aspects of the traditional service model.

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以互联网+医疗为例 , 据安信证券报告显示 , 2018年12月至2020年4月 互联网医院数量增幅达到317.6% 。 在疫情初期 , 超过200家公立医院及互联网诊疗平台开通新冠肺炎免费 线上问诊通道 。 2020年 , 国家有关意见表示将进一步 放宽互联网诊疗范围 , 将符合条件的互联网医疗服务纳入医保报销范围 。 医疗、医药、医保“ 三医联动”局面的形成 , 预示着 中国互联网医疗行业发展拐点的到来 , 而这不过是整个大健康产业发展的一隅 。
Taking Internet + Healthcare as an example, according to a report by Essence Securities, the number of Internet hospitals increased by 317.6 percent from December 2018 to April 2020. At the beginning of the epidemic, more than 200 public hospitals and Internet diagnosis and treatment platforms opened free access to COVID-19 online inquiry. In 2020, related policy suggested further expansion toward the scope of online diagnosis and treatment. Besides, eligible online medical services will be included in the coverage of medical insurance reimbursement. The formation of the "three medical linkage" situation of medical treatment, medicine and medical insurance indicates the arrival of the turning point of the development of Chinese Internet medical industry, which is just a segment of the whole health industry.
在中国巨大市场潜力的驱动下 , 更多诸如 远程医疗、数字医疗、生物医药等领域的创新技术源源不断地涌入 , 重构中国大健康产业市场 。 其中就包括了一大批在澳大利亚生根发芽的优秀医疗创新企业 , 他们携技术入场 , 希望验证医疗科技在中国的更大可能 。
Driven by the huge market potential in China, more and more innovative technologies such as telemedicine, digital medicine, bio-medicine and other fields are pouring in to reconstruct China's health industry market. Among them, there are a large number of excellent medical innovation companies with roots in Australia, bringing technology to China in the hope of proving the greater possibilities of medical technology in China.

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Plug and Play作为世界知名的创新平台 , 长期关注 数字医疗、医疗服务、智能医疗器械、医药使能技术等医疗健康细分赛道 , 与 礼来、阿斯利康、韦莱韬悦、勃林格殷格翰、拜耳、安进、罗氏等行业大企业深度合作 。 今年 , Plug and Play中国切入罕见病创新方向 , 与病痛挑战基金会共同发布 《罕见病全球科技创新白皮书:药物以外的解决方案在哪里》, 并就罕见病患者真实需求点在全球范围内寻求技术解决方案 。
Plug and Play, a world-renowned innovation platform, has been focused on the segments of healthcare, including digital healthcare, medical services, intelligent medical devices, and Pharmaceutical Enabling. Plug and Play has worked closely with Lilly, AstraZeneca, Willis Towers Watson, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bayer, Amgen, and Roche, among others. This year, Plug and Play China launched the Rare Diseases Innovation White Paper with the Illness Challenge Foundation, which aims to find solutions to the real needs of patients with rare diseases around the world.
此外 , Plug and Play 中国与北京、上海、深圳、南京、武汉、无锡、南通、苏州、合肥、佛山、广州、青岛等城市建立合作伙伴关系 , 深度挖掘城市生物医药与大健康产业资源 , 实链接 初创企业与中国城市产业端的上下游合作伙伴、潜在客户与投资机构 , 推动海外科技企业在中国的发展与合作 。
In addition, Plug and Play China establish partnerships with Beijing, Shanghai, shenzhen, nanjing, wuhan, wuxi, nantong, suzhou, hefei, foshan, guangzhou, Qingdao and other cities to , deep mining urban biological pharmaceutical and health industry resources, solid link start-ups with the Chinese city industry upstream and downstream partners, potential customers and investment institutions. Promote the development and cooperation of overseas technology enterprises in China.

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路演企业 Startups Prospection
【加速度|报名 | 让海外医疗创新技术,为中国健康加速度!】医疗健康数据分析丨B轮

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Prospection 2012年成立于澳大利亚悉尼 , 是一家 医疗数据分析公司 , 旨在通过 知情决策改善健康结果 。 利用真实世界的数据洞察来了解治疗实践、医疗保健利用以及治疗过程中可以改善之处 。 公司计划进入中国市场并希望寻找中国医药企业作为合作伙伴 。
项目亮点:Prospection与制药公司和研究人员合作 , 将我们自己融入客户的业务 , 以更好地理解和解决他们的挑战 。 整合多个数据集 , 我们使用 人工智能、技术平台和专业知识来做出更好的决策 。 我们的团队在工程、数据科学、医疗和商业行业提供广泛的经验 。
Founded in Sydney, Australia 2012 we are a healthcare data analytics company that aims to improve health outcomes through informed decision making. Using real world data insights to understand treatment practice, healthcare utilisation and where treatment journey can be improved. We are seeking to expand into Korea, Taiwan and China.
Value proposition: We work with pharmaceutical companies and researchers by integrating ourselves into our clients’ business to better understand and address their challenges. Integrating multiple data sets, we use AI, technology platforms and expertise to inform better decisions. Our team offers broad experience across engineering, data science, medical and commercial industry.
ResApp Health

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ResApp Health开发了一款 基于智能手机应用程序app, 用于诊断和管理患者的 呼吸道疾病 。 该程序可通过手机咳嗽的声音分析和诊断患者的呼吸道疾病状况 , 这将大大减少患者去医院做胸片的时间及成本 。 该产品 已获澳大利亚TGA及欧洲CE认证 ,并已在澳大利亚推广 。 该项目目前欲在中国寻找合作伙伴 , 包括:远程诊疗平台 , 医院及药企等 。
项目亮点:当听诊器或胸片无法使用或可能没有必要时 , ResAppDx可以通过简单的手机APP端 , 帮助临床医生在 远程医疗会诊中诊断呼吸系统疾病 。 ResAppDx检测可能会减少患者被转介作进一步的当面咨询的可能性 ,节省了时间和费用 。
ResApp Health develops digital diagnostics on the basis of cough and snore sounds that can be run on a smartphone. ResApp Health has CE marked tests for asthma, COPD, pneumonia, croup, bronchiolitis and sleep apnoea.
Value proposition: ResAppDx aids clinicians in the diagnosis of respiratory diseases during a telehealth consult when a stethoscope or chest x-ray are unavailable or may be unnecessary. A ResAppDx test may reduce the likelihood that the patient will be referred for a further in-person consult, saving travel time and costs.
Singular Health Group Limited

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Singular Health (SHG) 利用其 三维立体VR技术的创新 , 通过对其卓越的 可视化医学图像分析 , 来改善健康结果和医疗规划流程 。 SHG试图通过通过该工具改善医患沟通、手术计划来提高医患双方的诊断体验 。 SHG寻求对该技术感兴趣的合作伙伴 , 将该技术引进中国市场 。
项目亮点:与传统的二维医学图像不同 , 该技术通过VR头盔、3D打印副本或电脑、平板电脑和智能手机的显示器显示 。 SHG正在同时开发和定制用于临床实践中的 手术规划、用于医学教育的 虚拟解剖产品和其他一般应用的 3Dicom Viewer工具 。
SHG’s innovation pipeline was borne out of the limitations of traditional 2D medical imaging experienced by both healthcare professionals and patients. Using its “Volume Rendering Platform” (VRP) innovation, SHG is developing and commercializing tools to improve health outcomes and medical planning processes through superior medical image visualisation and analysis. Through these tools, SHG seeks to enhance the doctor and patient experience through improving communication, surgical planning, as well as doctor and patient education.
Value proposition: In contrast to traditional medical image viewing formats (eg. CT or MRI scans) that are visualised on a 2D screen, VRP presents bioimages in fully interactive immersive models in virtual reality headsets, as 3D-printed replicas or on the monitors of computers, tablets and smart phones. Specifically, SHG is developing and customizing tools for surgical planning in clinical practice (SHG’S MedVR product), education opportunities (Virtual Anatomy) and for other general applications (3Dicom Viewer).

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genomiQa创始人将全球领先的 全基因组分析技术推向市场 , 造福患者 。 他们正在为癌症和罕见疾病患者提供全基因组诊断 。 该公司正在帮助制药公司 开发下一代生物标志物 , 使临床开发更快 , 促进真正 精确的新药 。 genomiQa是澳大利亚QIMR Berghofer公司的分支机构 , 目前寻求融资合作伙伴 , 将其诊断技术引入亚洲市场 。
项目亮点:作为一种诊断 , 全基因组避免了当前基因组学的诊断盲点 。 我们能看到与病人疾病相关的 所有基因组特征 。 作为创造生物标记的工具 , 全基因组允许真正的发现 , 而不依赖于现有的假设 。 更好的生物标记物是使 精准医疗更加精准的基础 。
genomiQa is bringing our founder’s world-leading whole-genome analysis techniques to market to benefit patients. We are bringing whole-genome diagnostics to patients with cancer and rare diseases. We are helping pharma develop next-gen biomarkers to make clinical development faster and facilitate truly precise new medicines. genomiQa is a spin-out from QIMR Berghofer in Australia and seeks funding to partner to bring our diagnostics to markets in Asia.
Value proposition: As a Diagnostic, whole-genome avoids the diagnostic blindspots of current genomics. We see all genomic features relevant to a patients illness. As a tool for creating biomarkers, the whole-genome allows for true discoveries, not relying on an existing hypothesis. Better biomarkers are the basis for making precision medicine more precise.
StickyCell 人体白细胞免疫监测
及量化、个性化精准医疗丨Pre-A 阶段

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StickyCell是一家创新的生物技术公司, 也是 全球第一家可以检测人体白细胞粘附功能的公司 。 StickyCell专门从事开发新的血液测试 , 以评估白细胞粘附功能和药物对这些功能的潜在影响 , 也是一家最近成立的 致力于炎症引起的疾病的生物技术前沿的公司 。 公司寻求与中国投资机构以及对该技术感兴趣、有意愿将该技术推广至中国市场的企业或科研机构对接 。
项目亮点:StickyCell开发了一种名为 白细胞粘附功能测试(LAFA)的新型平台检测技术 , 可对人类的免疫系统功能进行准确和定量的评估 。 LAFA使用其先进的 微流体技术在体外模拟血液微循环 , 允许在接近生理的条件下 , 对白细胞引发炎症的潜力进行精确评估 。 LAFA平台能够对多项新型的LAFA生物标记进行精准检测 。 目前该产品 已商业化并实现营收 。
StickyCell is an innovative biotechnology company. It specialises in the development of novel blood tests to assess leukocyte adhesive functions and potential drug impact on these functions. Recently formed, we are a company at the very forefront of biotechnology on diseases caused by inflammation.
Value proposition: StickyCell has developed a new platform test called Leukocyte Adhesion Function Test (LAFA) that provides an accurate and quantitative assessment of human immune system function. LAFA uses its advanced microfluidics technology to simulate blood microcirculation in vitro, allowing for an accurate assessment of the inflammatory potential of white blood cells under near-physiological conditions. The LAFA platform enables accurate detection of several novel LAFA biomarkers.
DLS Pathology Services

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DLS病理学服务是一个由经验丰富的rpa认证的病理学家和实验室科学家组成的网络 , 他们为病理服务的各个成熟阶段提供端到端的支持 , 强调地方病理学能力的发展 , 风险缓解 , 教育和合作支持和研究 。 我们的核心服务是 为所有组织病理标本(组织病理学和细胞病理学)提供快速(<48小时)的专家第二意见(咨询) 。
项目亮点:点击一下 , 你的问题就传递到我们这里 。 两天之后问题就会得到解决 。 今天与DLS病理服务谈谈我们如何帮助您的病理服务 更快 , 更好 , 更有成本效益 。 DLS病理学服务 , 你隔壁的病理学家 。
DLS Pathology Services is a network of experienced RCPA-accredited pathologists and laboratory scientists who provide end-to-end support for pathology services at all stages of maturation, emphasizing the development of local pathology capacity, risk mitigation, education and collaborative support and research. Our core service is provision of rapid (<48hr) expert second opinions (consultations) on all tissue pathology specimens (histopathology and cytopathology).
Value proposition: One click and your problem comes to us. Two days and the problem goes away. Talk to DLS Pathology Services today about how we can help make your pathology service faster, better, and more cost-efficient. DLS Pathology Services – Your Pathologist Next Door.
Sydney Neuroimaging Analysis Centre (SNAC)

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Sydney Neuroimaging Analysis Centre (SNAC) 暨悉尼神经影像分析中心 (SNAC) 是一个具有先进设施的 神经影像分析中心 , 它独特地将神经影像研究与专门的、符合法规的商业图像分析设备结合在一起 。 SNAC使用尖端技术提供 对神经疾病的新见解 , 并开发用于疾病诊断和监测的生物标志物 。
The Sydney Neuroimaging Analysis Centre (SNAC) is a state-of-the-art facility that uniquely integrates neuroimaging research with a dedicated, regulatory-compliant commercial image analysis facility SNAC uses cutting edge technologies to provide novel insights into neurological diseases, and to develop biomarkers for disease diagnosis and monitoring.
MDXD Pty Ltd

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MDXD正在开发 连接设备 , 通过脚的移动实现与软件的交互 , 以通过腿部活动控制视频游戏、VR和AI设备 。 MDXD的硬件允许持续的腿部活动 ,模拟步行 , 使用户(如慢病患者、老年人及康复病人)居家就可以做有氧训练 。
项目亮点:定期体育锻炼是管理大多数慢性疾病和健康老龄化的关键干预措施 , 特别是在COVID-19期间 。 MDXD的产品能够使用 远程医疗为居家客户提供运动康复服务 , 包括心脏病患者和老年人 。
MDXD is developing connected devices to enabled interaction with software by foot movements allowing control of video games, VR, and AI by leg activity. Our hardware allows sustained leg mobilisation, simulation of walking, and cardio training at the point of care and home.
Value proposition: Regular physical exercise is the key intervention in the management of most chronic diseases and healthy ageing, but it is underutilised especially during COVID-19. MDXD’s products enable delivery of exercise rehabilitation to home-based customers, including cardiac patients and elderly, using telehealth.
Evrima Technologies

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Evrima Technologies was founded in 2018. Evrima is an online platform for clinical trial recruitment. It helps patients to search for clinical trials and connect with the providers for recruitment. Evrima’s vision is to change the game in clinical research to increase access, awareness and participation. They are striving to make a global impact on clinical trial timelines and enable the industry to advance medical research swiftly so people get access to the therapies they need.
Their mission is to accelerate patient identification and recruitment to help advance medical development. They are driven to reduce the administrative burden on researchers so they can focus on the high value clinical work required to get new medicines from bench to bedside.
主办方 Organizations
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The Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade)
澳大利亚贸易投资委员会(澳贸委、Austrade , 即澳大利亚驻华使领馆商务处)是澳大利亚政府的官方贸易、教育及投资发展促进机构 。 通过我们的全球网络 , 协助澳大利亚公司成功拓展国际业务 , 吸引有效外商直接投资澳大利亚 , 并把澳大利亚的优质教育推广到世界各地 。 澳大利亚贸易投资委员会在澳大利亚拥有一个庞大的 , 覆盖全国的分支机构并在海外设有80多个海外办事处及机构 。 澳大利亚贸易投资委员会 在中国拥有最大的外国政府网络——通过在全国各地的8个办事机构提供服务 。
澳贸委提供一系列全面的服务 帮助澳大利亚出口企业建立和发展国际业务 , 我们的服务包括提供全球不同市场的介绍、市场机遇信息和海外扩展的建议 , 以及为这些企业的出口市场开发推广活动提供资金补助 。
澳贸委与其他政府部门和商界合作 , 能为国外投资者提供在澳大利亚投资或扩大业务所需的信息;帮助投资者与对口的行业和政府部门建立联系;提供投资法规和政府投资鼓励政策方面的建议 。
澳贸委可以帮助国外买家 寻找合适的澳大利亚供应商、协助他们访问澳大利亚与供应商进行会谈 , 以及介绍澳大利亚最新的产品和服务信息 , 从而节省他们为与澳大利亚经商所需的时间和经费 。
The Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) is the Australian Government’s international trade promotion and investment attraction agency. We deliver quality trade and investment services to businesses to grow Australia’s prosperity. We do this by generating and providing market information and insights, promoting Australian capability, and facilitating connections through our extensive global network. Specifically, we:
Connect export-ready Australian businesses to overseas opportunities and work with them to achieve commercial outcomes
Win productive foreign direct investment
Work with priority industry sectors to drive sustained long-term growth of Australian exports
Reduce the time, cost and risk for our clients doing business internationally
Provide authoritative commercial insights and information to help clients to make informed business decisions
Inform and influence policy to support positive trade and investment outcomes
Provide financial assistance for exporters through programs such as the Export Market Development Grants scheme
Support Australia’s regional exporters through the TradeStart network
With over 80 offices around the world, our experts in Australia and abroad collaborate to provide the best ‘in-country’ advice. We also contribute to economic diplomacy and protect the welfare of Australians abroad through timely and responsive consular and passport services in specific locations.

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即联即用中国 Plug and Play China
Plug and Play起步于美国硅谷斯坦福大学路 165 号 , 曾先后成功早期投资孵化了Google、PayPal、Dropbox 等多家互联网行业科技巨头公司 。
2006 年 , Plug and Play 正式在硅谷成立 。 经过10余年的发展和超过20年的长期积累 , 目前在全球 18个国家和地区设立 30多个创新生态空间和区域办公室;累计为 超过2000家初创企业进行孵化加速 , 为 超过500家全球领先大企业提供联合创新服务 , 年平均举行初创企业和大企业间的 对接交流活动1000 余场 。
2015年 , 随着Plug and Play的全球业务发展 , 在中国双创浪潮下 , Plug and Play 进入中国 , “即联即用中国(Plug and Play China)”成立 。
“即联即用中国(Plug and Play China)”立足 北京——中国总部 , 布局 上海、深圳两大区域创新中心 , 联动 南京、武汉、无锡等城市创新合作伙伴开展中国创新业务 。
Plug and Play 中国开设企业 创新服务、城市创新服务、投资、创新空间四大业务板块 , 构建了中国领军的线上线下创新平台 , 并为之配套构建了包括大企业、初创公司、城市伙伴、风险投资机构、高校科研院所、行业导师等 多维度的创新生态伙伴体系 。
迄今Plug and Play 中国已服务近100家行业领军企业 , 累计孵化加速4000余家创业公司 , 并投资了包括ApplyBoard、AutoX、非夕科技、纵行科技、银基安全、大界机器人、海飞科、Authing、优时科技等超过150家科技创新企业 。
About Plug and Play China
Plug and Play started its business at 165 University Avenue, Palo Alto, California in 1998. Since then, the company successfully invested and incubated many internet giants including PayPal, Google, Dropbox, LendingClub, Guardant Health, Rappi, N26, Honey, etc.
Plug and Play was formally established in Sunnyvale in Silicon Valley in 2006. With over 20 years of experience in early-stage tech investment, Plug and Play now has regional offices in over 30 countries and regions worldwide, and has invested in over 2,000 startups globally. Each year, Plug and Play provides open innovation services for over 500 world-leading corporations through over 1,000 matchmaking activities with cutting-edge technology companies.
Founded in 2015, Plug and Play China currently has 3 regional innovation hubs in Beijing (China HQ), Shanghai (Plug and Play Innovation Hub - Yangtze River Delta Area), and Shenzhen (Shenzhen Innovation Center).
Plug and Play China also provides open innovation services in Nanjing, Wuhan, Wuxi etc.
There are 4 main business fuctions across Plug and Play China’s innovation platform including tech investment, corporate innovation, city innovation and innovation space.
It has built China's leading international innovation ecosystem and created a multi-dimensional open innovation platform that includes corporations, startups, universities and research labs, government agencies, venture capitalist firms, and city innovation partners. Since 2015, Plug and Play China has engaged with 100 industry-leading corporations, accelerated over 4000 startups, and has invested in over 150 startups including ApplyBoard, AutoX, Flexiv, ZiFiSense, ROBOTICPLUS.AI, INGEEK, Hexaflake, Authing, Yours, etc.
