1、人生道路上既有坦道,又有泥泞;既有美景,又有陷阱,只有坚定信念又勇往直前的人才能到达胜利的终点 。
There are not only plain road, but also muddy road, beautiful scenery and trap in the road of life. Only those who have firm faith and go forward bravely can reach the end of victory.
2、把工作当享受,你就会竭尽全力;把生活当乐趣,你就会满怀信心;把读书当成长,你就会勤奋努力;把奉献当快乐,你就会慷慨助人 。
When you enjoy your work, you will try your best; when you enjoy your life, you will be full of confidence; when you grow up, you will work hard; when you are happy, you will be generous and helpful.
3、天使的翅膀碎了,落到人间,成了我们的忧伤;诚信的被囊抛了,散到世上,成了撒旦的魔杖 。
The angel's wings are broken and fall into the world, which becomes our sorrow; the honest ones are thrown away, scattered to the world, and become the magic wand of Satan.
4、如果你的童年不游乐,少年不好学,青年不立志,中年不创业,那么,你的生命就将随着年老而逝去 。
If your childhood is not fun, your youth is not easy to learn, your youth is not determined, and your middle age is not entrepreneurial, then your life will die with age.
5、生活的真谛在于创新,生活的理想在于远大,生活的艺术在于选择,生活的步履在于踏实,生活的乐趣在于追求,生活的安乐在于平淡 。
The essence of life lies in innovation, the ideal of life lies in greatness, the art of life lies in choice, the step of life lies in steadiness, the joy of life lies in pursuit, and the happiness of life lies in plainness.
6、我们最好把自己的生命看作前人生命的延续,是现在共同生命的一部分,同时也是后人生命的开端 。如此延续下去,科学就会一天比一天灿烂,社会就会一天比一天更美好 。
We'd better regard our own life as the continuation of our predecessors' life, a part of our common life now, and also the beginning of our future life. If this continues, science will become more and more brilliant and society will be better and better day by day.
7、向父母索取愈少愈好,向社会索取愈少愈好;向书中索取愈多愈好,向智慧索取愈多愈好 。
The less you ask from your parents, the better you ask from society; the more you ask from books, the better you ask from wisdom.
8、如果你是一棵大树,就洒下一片绿阴;如果你是一株小草,就增添一份春色;如果你是一只蜜蜂,就酿造一份甜蜜;如果你是雄鹰,就搏击万里长空;让我们共同创造辉煌 。
If you are a big tree, sprinkle a green shade; if you are a grass, add a spring color; if you are a bee, brew a sweet; if you are an eagle, fight against the sky; let's create brilliance together.
【英语九年级句子】9、人生十字路口是一道选择题,谨慎选择才能确保正确方向,糊涂选择就易步入歧途,放弃选择就会迷失方向 。
The crossroad of life is a choice question. Only careful choice can ensure the right direction. Confused choice is easy to go astray, and giving up choice will lead to disorientation.
10、拥有一个健康的体魄将使你的生活更具活力;拥有一个清醒的头脑将使你的人生更具理智;拥有一群朋友将使你的生活更具快乐;拥有一颗爱心将使你的生活更具和谐 。
Having a healthy body will make your life more energetic; having a clear mind will make your life more rational; having a group of friends will make your life happier; having a love will make your life more harmonious.
11、健康的才是美丽的,合适的才是最好的,常新的才是迷人的,平凡的才是伟大的,坚韧的才是长久的,真实的才是永恒的 。
Healthy is beautiful, suitable is the best, new is charming, ordinary is great, tough is long, real is eternal.
12、生活中可以没有诗歌,但不能没有诗意;行进中可以没有道路,但不能没有前进的脚步;工作中可以没有经验,但不能没有学习,人生中可以没有闪光,但不能有污迹 。
There can be no poetry in life, but it can't be without poetry; there can be no road in progress, but there can't be no step forward; there can be no experience in work, but there can't be no learning, there can be no flash in life, but there can't be stains.
13、因为你在成长的道路上,我充满信心;因为有你,我才能克服挫折;因为你,我才能认真学习 。就像孩子靠着肩膀,就像眼泪靠在脸上,你像天使一样给我力量 。
Because you are growing up, I am full of confidence; because of you, I can overcome setbacks; because of you, I can study hard. It's like a child on his shoulder, like tears on his face, you give me strength like an angel.
14、天空被夕阳染成了血红色,桃红色的云彩倒映在流水上,整个江面变成了紫色,天边仿佛燃起大火 。
The sky was dyed bloody red by the setting sun, and the peach red clouds reflected on the water. The whole river turned purple, and the sky seemed to burn a fire.
15、人的一生中,最光辉的一天并非是功成名就的那一天,而是从悲叹与绝望中奋起、勇往直前的那一天 。
The most glorious day of a man's life is not the day when he has achieved success, but the day when he rises from lament and despair and goes forward bravely.
16、太阳无语,却放射出光辉;高山无语,却体现出巍峨;蓝天无语,却显露出高远;大地无语,却显示出广博;鲜花无语,却散发出芬芳;青春无语,却散发出活力 。
The sun is speechless, but it radiates brilliance; the mountains are speechless, but they are majestic; the blue sky is speechless, but they are high; the earth speechless, but they are broad; the flowers speechless, but they are fragrant; the youth speechless, but they are vigorous.
17、生命若歌,起伏跌宕,声起声落,我们每个人都是歌者;浮华尘世,生命如茶,或浓或淡,或苦或甜,需要我们用心去品尝 。
Life is like a song, ups and downs, sounds up and down, each of us is a singer; flashy world, life is like tea, or strong or light, or bitter or sweet, we need to taste with our heart.
18、名人之所以能够成为名人,是因为他们在同伴嬉乐或休息时不停地攀登;凡人之所以成为凡人,是因为别人忙于攀登时他却安然入睡 。
The reason why celebrities can become celebrities is that they keep climbing when their companions are playing or resting; the reason why mortals become mortals is that they fall asleep when others are busy climbing.
19、当雨点落到池水中的时候,雨点就在水面上画出了一个一个的音符 。这些音符是雨点在水面上击出的圈 。
When the raindrop falls into the pool, it draws a note on the water. These notes are circles made by raindrops on the water.
20、过于欣赏自己,就发现不了别人的优点;过于赞赏别人的优点,就会看不见自己的长处 。
If you appreciate yourself too much, you will not find the advantages of others; if you appreciate others' advantages too much, you will not see your own advantages.
21、每一个人都拥有生命,却并非每个人都能读懂生命;每一个人都拥有头脑,却并非每一个人都能善用头脑 。只有热爱生命,善于动脑的人,才算得上真正拥有生命 。
Everyone has life, but not everyone can read it; everyone has brain, but not everyone can make good use of it. Only those who love life and are good at using their brains can truly have life.
22、书包是一只船,载着我去泛游学海,冲急流,越险滩,飘流远航,到达胜利的彼岸;书包又是珍宝,它融有哈哈哈情和爱,给我勇往直前的力量 。
The schoolbag is a boat that carries me to the sea of learning, to the rapids, to the dangerous beach, to the other side of the victory; the schoolbag is also a treasure, which combines the love and love of my mother and gives me the strength to move forward bravely.
23、这堵石壁似摩天大厦仰面压来,高得像就要坍塌下来咄咄逼人 。山巅上,密匝匝的树林好像扣在绝壁上的一顶巨大的黑毯帽,黑绿从中,岩壁里蹦蹿出一簇簇不知名的野花 。
This stone wall is like a skyscraper pressing on its back, as if it is about to collapse. On the top of the mountain, the dense forest looks like a huge black blanket hat on the cliff. From the black and green, there are clusters of unknown wild flowers springing out of the cliff.
24、选择自信,就是选择豁达坦然,就是选择在名利面前岿然不动,就是选择在势力面前昂首挺胸,撑开自信的帆破流向前,展示搏击的风采 。
To choose self-confidence is to choose to be open-minded and calm, to choose to stay firm in front of fame and wealth, to choose to stand tall in front of forces, to open the sails of self-confidence to break the current and show the fighting style.
25、一个人只有保持快乐和满足,才能远离痛苦;一个人只有保持青春活力,才能激流勇进;一个人只有坚持学习,才能与时俱进;一个人只有坚持奋进,才能永远年轻 。
Only by keeping happy and satisfied can one be far away from pain; only by keeping young and energetic can one advance bravely; only by persisting in learning can one keep pace with the times; only by persisting in striving can one be forever young.
26、积极人生看到的世界是一片阳光,消极人生看到的世界是一片黑暗;积极人生感受到的生活是无比快乐,消极人生心里感觉到的仅是一丝丝悲凉 。
The world seen in the positive life is a sunshine, and the world seen in the negative life is a darkness; the life felt in the positive life is extremely happy, and the life felt in the negative life is only a little sad.
27、山坡上,大路边,村子口,榛树叶子全都红了,红得像一团团火,把人们的心也给燃烧起来了 。
On the hillside, by the road, at the entrance of the village, the hazel leaves were all red, red as a fire, which made people's hearts burn.
28、天空收容每一片云彩,不论其美丑,所以天空宽阔无边 。大地拥抱每一寸土地,不论其贫富,所以大地广袤无垠 。海洋接纳每一条河流,不论其大小,所以海洋广阔无边 。
The sky holds every cloud, regardless of its beauty or ugliness, so the sky is boundless. The earth embraces every inch of land, rich or poor, so it is vast. The ocean accepts every river, no matter how big or small, so the ocean is boundless.
29、失败并不意味你无能,有时挫折反而会引导你走向成功;胜利并不意味你超能,有时顺利反而会诱导你滑入深渊 。
Failure does not mean that you are incompetent, sometimes setbacks will lead you to success; victory does not mean that you are super capable, sometimes smooth will lead you to slide into the abyss.
30、当你对自己微笑时,世上没烦事能纠缠你;当你对自己诚意时,世上没人能欺骗你 。
When you smile at yourself, nothing in the world can pester you; when you are sincere to yourself, no one in the world can cheat you.
31、人生中最艰难的是选择;工作中最困难的是创新;生活中最痛苦的是自扰;做人中最苦恼的是委屈 。
The most difficult thing in life is choice; the most difficult thing in work is innovation; the most painful thing in life is self disturbance; the most painful thing in life is grievance.
32、日子总是像从指尖渡过的细纱,在不经意间悄然滑落 。那些往日的忧愁和误用伤,在似水流年的荡涤下随波轻轻地逝去,而留下的欢乐和笑靥就在记忆深处历久弥新 。
The days are always like the spinning yarn passing through the fingertips, slipping down unconsciously. Those sorrows and misuses of the past passed away gently with the waves, and the joy and dimples left behind were renewed in the deep memory.
33、学会赞赏吧,它能拉近朋友间的距离;乐于赞赏吧,它能鼓励朋友不断上进;自我赞赏吧,它能激发自身的潜能 。
Learn to appreciate, it can close the distance between friends; like to appreciate, it can encourage friends to keep improving; self praise, it can stimulate their potential.
34、生活需要游戏,但不能游戏人生;生活需要歌舞,但不需醉生梦死;生活需要艺术,但不能投机取巧;生活需要勇气,但不能鲁莽蛮干;生活需要重复,但不能重蹈覆辙 。
Life needs games, but it can't play life; life needs singing and dancing, but it can't be drunk; life needs art, but it can't be opportunistic; life needs courage, but it can't be reckless; life needs repetition, but it can't be repeated.
Life is wonderful because of sports, life is full because of fun, learning is profound because of thinking, and making friends is lasting because of sincerity!
A time of concentration is better than a hundred times of swallowing; a time of deliberation is better than a hundred times of rash action; a time of sincere help is better than a hundred times of compassion; a time of courage for justice is better than a hundred times of heroic words!
37、梅花傲雪,桃李争春,大自然中,有许许多多,数不尽的美的存在,然而,真正让我觉得美得惊心动魄的,是学校教学楼前那棵白玉兰 。她的美,让我沉醉 。
Plum blossom Ao Xue, peach and plum contend for spring, there are many, countless beauty in nature, however, what really makes me feel breathtaking is the Magnolia in front of the school teaching building. Her beauty intoxicates me.
38、最不幸的生活是生活在不幸的回忆中,最不科学的生活是生活在不良的习惯里,最不理想的生活是生活在覆辙中,最绝望的生活是亲手埋葬了自己的理想 。
The most unfortunate life is to live in unfortunate memories, the most unscientific life is to live in bad habits, the least ideal life is to live in a rut, and the most desperate life is to bury their own ideals by hand.
39、认认真真学习,清清静静思考,踏踏实实做事,勤勤勉勉工作,淡淡泊泊生活,真真诚诚交友,悠悠闲闲散步,清清白白做人 。
Study conscientiously, think quietly, work steadfastly, work diligently, live lightly, make friends sincerely, take a leisurely walk, and live in innocence.
There is no need to regret in life, the past is like a gust of wind; there is no need to regret in life, and what should come will come after all; there is no need to be upset in life, and it is hard to be black with sad white hair; there is no need to lament in life, and you will lose everything if you lose confidence!
41、你可以忘掉失败,但不能忘掉教训;你可以忘掉昨天,但不能忘记历史;你可以忘掉苦难,但不能忘却艰辛;你可以忘掉伤疤,但不能忘却耻辱 。
You can forget failure, but not lesson; you can forget yesterday, but not history; you can forget suffering, but not hardship; you can forget scar, but not shame.
42、友谊是一缕和熙的阳光,照耀着我们的心灵 。友谊是一束绚烂的花儿,装点着我们的世界 。友谊是一剂良药,能治愈顽劣的心灵 。
Friendship is a ray of sunshine shining on our hearts. Friendship is a bunch of gorgeous flowers that decorate our world. Friendship is a good medicine, which can cure the stubborn mind.
43、柔和的阳光斜挂在苍松翠柏不凋的枝叶上,显得那么安静肃穆,绿色的草坪和白色的水泥道貌岸然上,脚步是那么轻起轻落,大家的心中却是那么的激动与思绪波涌 。
The soft sunlight is hanging on the branches and leaves of the pines and cypresses, which is so quiet and solemn. The green lawn and the white cement are so dignified, and the footsteps are so light up and down. Everyone's heart is so excited and thoughts are surging.
44、六月鲜艳的杜鹃花,漫山遍野 。我摘了最美的一束,偷偷地插在老师的桌上 。淡淡的幽香洋溢在办公室里,我的心里乐开了花 。
The bright azalea in June are everywhere. I picked the most beautiful bunch and secretly put it on the teacher's desk. The faint fragrance overflowed in the office, and my heart blossomed with joy.
45、春天就像活泼的儿童,憧憬渴望;春天就像健壮的青年,充满朝气;春天就像健康的老人,令人回味 。
Spring is like a lively child, yearning for; spring is like a healthy youth, full of vitality; spring is like a healthy old man, memorable.
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