
如果你想在雅思阅读中取得高分,这并不容易,你必须克服一些难点 。下面小编就和大家分享雅思阅读有三大难点,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧 。
阅读文章里牵涉到的词汇有7000左右,但只要具备4000左右是能够应考了 。若没有足够单词量的考生,需要的是在短时间里快速扩充认知词汇,为了看文章做题同时打下比较好的基础 。有的考生已经脱离语境孤立地背单词,如此是相当容易遗忘亦或是混淆单词的意义 。记忆单词,考生们可以通过制作单词的卡片,再正面写英文拼写,背面可以书写中文释义的技巧从而记忆 。每天背诵一定量的生词,并不断补充,而且还可以打乱次序 。
雅思阅读考试中,有些题目考察的是针对文章里某一句子的理解,如此大领会出现偏差,就容易失分 。另一方面,雅思阅读文章中长难句是很多,考生对这个是不理解的,导致大针对整篇文章的理解会有误差,如此几个小题的错误率会不断提升 。当大应对有的复合句,特别是双重否定句、比较句、指代句等会有更多的了解 。
雅思阅读部分,时间究竟有多么的紧,相信各位考生是有所体会的 。提高阅读速度是每一位考生必须要做的 。但是,想要提升阅读速度并非一两天的事,要的是大大量的练习与长时间的努力 。考生不能只是为了求速度,从而去走一些歪门邪道,考试成绩反倒会更加的低 。当大掌握有的阅读方法,革除一些坏习惯,例如边看文章边读出声来、一次只看一个单词、遇生词就停下去查字典等,将有助于看文章时加快速度,快速阅读关键的是在扫描文章的时候把握段落的主旨,并做出标记,并且在看完文章后对文章的结构有大致的了解 。
Getting married? Take the quiz first
A British family law firm is urging couples to take a "compatibility quiz"before getting married or deciding to live together.
英国一家家庭法律事务所建议情侣们在结婚或决定同居之前先做个“配对测试” 。
Bross Bennett's compatibility test focuses on key questions about finances,family ties, children and aspirations that most couples struggle with and mighthave to answer anyway if their marriage breaks down and they end updivorcing.
布洛斯?贝内特事务所的“配对测试”主要考察金钱、家庭关系、孩子、以及志向等方面的关键问题 。这些都是婚姻破裂,以离婚收场时,大多数夫妇都纠缠不休,又不得不面对的问题 。
Partner Ruth Bross compared taking the quiz to the kind of considerationsand research an employer might make before hiring someone.
事务所合伙人鲁思?布洛斯将做这项测试比作老板招聘员工前的考查 。
"No one who is truly committed to a relationship will ever mind making thefull and frank disclosure that is asked of them; if they do, you might like toask yourself why," she said in an emailed statement containing the quiz.
她在谈到这项测试的一封邮件声明中说:“真正对两人的关系认真负责的人不会介意毫无保留而且坦诚地回答这些问题,如果他们介意的话,你就要问问自己为什么了 。”
The quiz asks about assets and how each party would like to share them,what kind of relationships they have with their extended family and friends,whether they want children, their religious views, spending habits and careerplans:
测试中提到的问题包括财产,以及每位家庭成员将如何分享这些;与亲友的关系如何;是否想要孩子;宗教信仰;消费习惯;以及职业规划等 。
A copy of the quiz is below:
Do you know the extent of each other's assets? How do you both view thesharing of these assets? Do you have the same attitude to saving?
Will one of you want to put into a pension what the other wants to put intoa new car?
Will you pool your resources or do you want to keep everything separate?Joint accounts or separate? Will you contribute in proportion to your incomes,or equally?
Are you going to have to pay off your partner's debts perhaps from what youthought was going to be the deposit on your house?
Family Ties
What sort of relationship do you have with your extended family? Are theygood at staying in touch? Are they local? Affectionate? Over-involved? Have youhad any major fallings out?
Do you want children? How many? How do you want to raise your children?What sort of values do you want to pass on?
What are your religious views -- do you agree on what religion you willbring up the children in? Church/mosque/synagogue? Once a week or once a year?Or no religion at all.
Leisure and fun
Do you like doing the same things in your spare time? Do you share commoninterests? Is your idea of a holiday lying flat on the beach for two weeks andyour partner's rock-climbing?
What sort of lifestyle are you aiming for? Where do you want to live?
Do you have an expensive shoe or gadget habit? Does one of you think of aparticular purchase as an essential that the other regards as a "discretionaryspend"? Do you have any other secret addictions: handbags, chocolate, football?Do you gamble, online or otherwise?
Are your respective career paths compatible, is either of you going to haveto make compromises? Are you prepared to? Will you want to give up work when youhave children? What does your partner think about this and can you managefinancially? What about part-time working?
Roles - traditional or modern?
Will you expect to live along traditional lines: woman as homemaker and manas breadwinner? Who will organise the finances? Will household responsibilitiesbe shared equally? Who will assume responsibility for paying bills?
Are there any old flames for whom you still hold a candle?
Young, single men are fed up with being typecast as immature, insensitiveand sex-obsessed, with a survey finding that the majority believe in having asoul mate, aren't scared of commitment, and say real men can cry.A poll of70,000 men with an average age of 28 debunked many of the standard stereotypesto show that the modern man is driven by a sense of values, loyalty andfamily.
The survey, by men's lifestyle website AskMen.com, found that 77 percent ofrespondents look for girlfriends with "wife potential" while 75 percent believethey have a soul mate and 69 percent would never cheat on their partner.
"These survey results will be surprising to many women, most of whom have acompletely different perspective of what the average man thinks and feels,"James Bassil, editor-in-chief of AskMen.com, said.
"The idea that young guys only want to be single and jump from girlfriendto girlfriend is not true at all."
The online survey, conducted over a five-week period, found that six out of10 men were fed up with inaccurate commercial descriptions of them.
Bassil said the images of men on television and in advertisements had notchanged for decades whereas the image of women in the media was always changingas their roles in the home and the workplace altered.
"In TV sitcoms and in adverts, young men are portrayed as immature, fratboys who are always trying to get around their wives or girlfriends finding outabout their bad behavior. This is just not the case," he said.
The survey by AskMen.com, a unit of Fox Interactive Media, found that 56percent of men believed that being a good father or husband made them"manly."
It also found that 75 percent admitted to crying over a woman while 57percent of men cook at home and enjoy doing it.
"There really seems to be a revival of traditional values among men whichgoes against everything you see in the media," said Bassil.

