
托福独立写作中使用经典五段写法的考生很多,但这种写法有一个问题,那就是如果中间三个段落的分论点之间逻辑关系不够鲜明,或是考生想不出三个分论点,那么这种写法就会难以实现 。下面小编就和大家分享托福独立写作让步式写法运用实例分析,来欣赏一下吧 。
在写一边倒的文章的时候,多数考生喜欢采用经典的五段式写法,即开头段、结尾段、中间三段三个分论点论证 。这样的写法当然无可厚非,然而多数学生会碰到两个问题,一是我只能想到两个理由,第三个理由写不出来怎么办?二是我三个理由都写完了,但是字数不够300字怎么办?这样的情况,就需要我们的救命稻草"让步段"出场了 。
让步段,顾名思义,就是退了一步的段落 。例如,For further career success, is relate well to otherpeople more important than studying hard at school?选择了同意的立场,写完了三个同意的理由之后,可以再写一点让步段论述一下反方的观点,即在学校学习好也很重要 。写让步段的好处有很多,一是上文提及的最实际的用途---凑字数,二是从行文逻辑看,写一段让步段也可以展现考生思维的严密性 。只要时间允许,此种一举多得的做法为何不尝试呢?
但是,让步段写作也需要遵循一定的原则 。考生在写作时,应当按照三部曲进行:1)写出一个反方观点 2)进行一定程度的削弱 3)重申自己的观点 。
1. 写出反方观点
这一步大多数同学都做得不错,但是在提出反方观点之前,可再加上一些连接词,例如admittedly,nevertheless等等 。还拿之前拿到题目做例子,For further career success, is relate well to otherpeople more important than studying hard at school?总观点是同意,让步段写学习好也挺重要的 。第一步引出反方观点时,应写:Admittedly, acquiring an excellent GPA is onesignificant proof of your ability, for "study" is one of the major tasks thatstudents are supposed to fulfill in school.
2. 进行一定程度的削弱
这是大多数同学会忽略的一步 。很多同学在写让步段的时候,喜欢跳过第二步,直接重申自己的观点,然而这样的写法会显得逻辑上牵强,行文也显得生硬 。因此,在提出反方观点时要进行一定的削弱 。例如在写完上文那句话之后,应加上:However,the outstanding scores only prove the intelligence of the student, while the EQ,largely reflected by how well you relate with others, plays an utmostsignificant role in the future career success.
3. 重申自己的观点
这一步非常重要,因为让步段的提出仅仅是小插曲,重要的还是自己的观点 。切不可写了让步段,就忘了自己的立场,那样就是得不偿失了 。因此,在写完上面两句话之后,需要再加上一句,therefore,I still hold the opinion that relate well with others is more important thanacquiring high scores in school.
在让步段的写作当中,尤其需要注意两点:1是第二步的削弱过程,这样可使文章看起来不那么唐突,更为流畅 。2是另外还需注意字数的控制,让步段切不可写得超过之前的论述段的长度,否则就有观点不明确的嫌疑了
托福写作论据通常来自两个角度:个人和社会 。
个人角度通常会涉及到个人的身体和心理的健康,个人的动机,梦想,兴趣爱好,职业和学业,家庭背景,个人生活方式以及个人的能力 。
社会角度一般包括政府税收,教育,民族文化,经济,能源环境以及社会秩序 。
1. Government should be responsible for the tuition fee of universitystudents. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
题目的意思是政府该不该支付大学生的学费,针对这个题目,无论是同意还是不同意,我们都按个人和社会两个角度来看一下 。
个人:For those students who are with great intelligence but from poorfamilies, government surely should be responsible for their tuition fee andprovide them opportunities to go to school and then release pressure for theirfamilies. 因为此题讨论的是大学生的学费,正如前面所提到的,个人的构思角度包括"个人家庭经济背景" 。
社会:As we all know, economy is a master key to a country's development andit is undeniable that students who finish their education are the main forcepushing forward social and economic development, for which government shouldencourage education for the benefits of the whole society.既然从社会角度出发,就要试着往这方面靠拢,首先想想学生接受教育对社会的益处是什么?上文提到,社会角度包括"经济",所以政府支持教育必然对推进社会经济发展有好处 。
个人:Paying tuition fee for university students can make them access toeducation easier, therefore, some students may lose motivation without financialpressure and will not cherish the studying opportunities. As a consequence, itis hard to guarantee the quality of university education.个人的角度包括"学习动机",政府给大学生支付学费可能会让他们丧失学习动机,从而影响教学质量 。
社会:Due to the limited financial budget, government is likely to suffer agreat pressure if spending too much money on education; as a result, ourgovernment will not have extra energy to develop in other fields, such asscience and technology, as well as the medical advances, which are also withgreat significance to society.
我们之前也提到,社会的构思角度除了"教育"之外还有其他方面,例如"经济"或者"文化"或者"环境保护" 。所以一旦政府在教育上花费过多,其他领域的发展就会受到限制 。
2. Machines can do a lot of work for human being, it can bring manybenefits. To what extent do you agree or disagree.
个人:More work can be done in a relatively shorter time, which can greatlyincrease the working efficiency and improve quality of life by reducing theworking tense; the benefits of this trend also can ensure safety of employees assome work with great danger can rely on machines
个人角度包括个人的身体健康(人身安全)和生活方式 。所以这里的论据 "减轻劳动强度"和 "增强安全程度"正是来源于此 。而且Reduce theworking tense之后就意味着生活将会更轻松即"改善生活方式" 。
社会:The economic development speeds up due to the improvement ofproductivity by using machines, which never feel tired and are not dependentexternal factors, such as emotion and weather.
社会包括"经济",所以机器代替人类能够提高社会生产力,从而促进"社会经济"发展 。
个人:Relying on machines too much may lead to lack of exercise and then causehuman's healthy problems.个人角度包含"个人的健康"问题 。因此我们可以想到如果过多的依赖机器,人们就会缺乏运动从而导致健康水平下降 。
社会:Some handicraft skills cannot be passed on and the traditional culturemay die out since the skilled workers have been replaced by machines. Moreover,it is usually more resource consuming and causes environmental problems by usingmachines in the massproduction.因为社会包括"传统文化",进一步我们可以想到机器工作多了必然导致人们的手工技能或者称之为传统文化将会在社会中消亡 。同时,社会包括"环境问题" 。机器虽然可以提高效率,但是会消耗能源或者排放一些污染环境的物质,因为会涉及到环保问题,同样属于社会的构思角度 。
Sample Response
The professor actually contradicts the statements made in the passage. Sheis of the view that dinosaurs are not endotherms i.e. they were not able to keeptheir body temperature at a constant rate.
The professor contradicts the issue of dinosaurs being endothers based onthe availability of fossils being available in thwe polar regions, she say thatthe polar regions in those days were not as cold as they are today i.e at leastwarm enough for dinosaurs to live. Durin harsh winters she says that there is apossibility of the dinosaurs actually migrating to warmer regions.
The issue of leg position and movement being used as a reason to clasifythe dinosaurs as endotherms does not please the professor either. She says thatdinosaurs had legs under their bodies to support their huge bodies i.e the legsunder the body of the dinosaur were actually to support the huge weight of thedinosaur and not to provide it with a body structure like endotherms(which isactually suited for running).
The professor acknowledges the presence of haversian canals but also pointsout that that the fossils show the presence of growth rings. These rings occurdue to the thickening of the bone. The thickening indicates that the dinosaurswere’nt actually growing continuously but were experiencing periods of rapidgrowth and periods of no growth in succesion. This pattern. she says ischaracteristic of non endothermic aanimals.
Thus it can be inferred that the professor challenges the passage by givingreasons as to why she thinks that the dinosaur is not an endotherm.
Description of Response:
Despite initial appearances, this response largely succeeds in clearly andaccurately presenting how the lecture points take issue with the points in thereading passage that dinosaurs were endotherms. The first point regardingdinosaurs in polar regions could be a bit clearer. Otherwise, the responsemainly suffers from typographical errors, but these are not regarded as majorproblems; it is obvious that the writer has good control of structure andvocabulary and the ability to use these to convey in an organized and logicalmanner what has been understood and asked.
