Hypersonic boom 高超音速的轰鸣
Long range, gliding missiles that fly at more than five times the speed of sound are coming
最新网红DF17 ,祝福祖国
“‘Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down? That’s not my department! ’ says Wernher von Braun.”
“我只管火箭上天,至于它落在哪儿,关我屁事”《沃纳·冯·布劳恩》 Tom Lehrer歌曲
Tom lehrer’s satirical ditty on the Nazi-turned-American rocketeer was faithful to the essence of early missile development, whose principal challenge was hoisting the weapons into the sky. Gravity did most of the rest. The first warheads capable of steering on descent did not arrive until the 1980s. Even they were limited in how much they could move around, making it pretty easy to predict their target area.
Tom lehrer的关于从纳粹德国转到美国的火箭专家的讽刺小曲如实道出早期火箭研发的本质。其最重要的挑战就是将火箭发射升空。剩下的事儿就交给地球重力了。直到上世纪80年代才出现了在下降过程中具备制导能力的弹头。然而,对弹头的操控能力十分有限,以致很容易就可能预测导弹的目标区域。
A new generation of hypersonic missiles is changing all that. Some might be capable of gliding across continents at great speed, their target unpredictable until seconds before impact. Russia claims to have a hypersonic glider on the cusp of deployment; others are redoubling their efforts. Many are likely to start entering service in the 2020s. All this opens up new military possibilities—and problems.
Missiles that travel at speeds greater than Mach 5 (five times the speed of sound, or about 1.5 km per second), have existed for some time. Intercontinental ballistic missiles (icbms) re-enter the atmosphere at up to 8 km per second. What is different aboutthe hypersonic weapons in the pipeline is that they are designed to sustain such speeds over long distances, manoeuvre as they do so and, in some cases, hit targets with pinpoint accuracy.
“Manoeuvrable missiles travelling at many times the speed of sound barely leave time for considered human responses,” warned Heiko Maas, Germany’s foreign minister, in March. Such weapons may also elude today’s arms-control agreements, which were written for an earlier generation of weapons.
“高倍音速飞行的制导导弹几乎让人没有反应时间” 德国外交部长Heiko Maas在三月份警告说。此类导弹能够避开现有的军控协议的约束,这些协议是根据上代的武器制订的。
There are two basic designs: cruise missiles and gliders. Hypersonic cruise missiles are essentially faster versions of existing ones but powered by very different jet engines. Gliders are pricier and harder to build, but can travel faster and farther, and so are receiving more attention. Like icbms and von Braun’s V-2s, they are lofted into space and fall to earth unpowered. But unlike the old-fashioned projectiles, they do not follow a predictable, parabolic arc through the sky. Instead, a hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV) detaches from the rocket while it is still ascending and either skips along the upper atmosphere or, having re-entered, glides through it for hundreds or thousands of kilometres.
Such gliders have several advantages. Ballistic missiles are less agile and tend not to be very accurate. A Minuteman III icbm, the backbone of America’s nuclear arsenal, has a “circular error probable” of roughly 120 m, meaning only half the missiles fired are expected to land within 120 m of the impact point. That is fine for nuclear bombs but useless for hitting a ship or runway. Today’s cruise missiles, on the other hand, are very accurate—one could be sent through a window—but much slower. HGVs combine the speed of ballistic missiles with the manoeuvrability and accuracy of cruise missiles. “You can fly, you can shape your trajectory, you can turn,” says Will Roper, the us Air Force acquisitions chief.
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