适合九月发朋友圈的句子 适合九月发朋友圈的句子有什么

【适合九月发朋友圈的句子 适合九月发朋友圈的句子有什么】1、八月桑田 , 九月安生 。In August the sun shines, in September the sun shines.
2、愿你忠于自己 , 活得认真 , 笑得放肆 , 九月你好 。May you be loyal to yourself, live seriously, laugh licentious, September hello.
3、鸟与树林 , 九月人间 。Birds and woods, September.
4、这人间九月皆是想你的日日夜夜 。This world of September is thinking of you day and night.
5、用八月带来的星辰,去敲开九月的大门 。Knock on the door of September with the stars of August.
