1、经不起那天长地久的等待,却又为何难以释怀 。
Can't stand the long wait, but why is it hard to let go.
2、总是一个人默默承担痛苦,总是在背后偷偷的伤心 。
Always a person silently bear the pain, always secretly sad behind.
3、你要多久才能明白,你跟这个人没有以后了 。
How long will it take you to understand that you have no future with this man.
4、要进你空间多少次,才能换来最近访客里你的名字 。
How many times do I have to enter your space to get your name from the recent visitors.
5、分开之后删掉你所有的记录,彻底的走出你的生活 。
After the separation, delete all your records and get out of your life completely.
6、总有一个人,一直住在心底 , 却永远消失在生活里 。
There is always a person who has been living in the bottom of my heart, but will disappear in life forever.
7、我们谁都没有错,只是回忆太折磨 。
None of us is wrong, but the memories are too painful.
8、我在你眼里的好,远不抵她在你心里的重要 。
My good in your eyes is far less important than her in your heart.
9、终究,时间证实了一切 。
After all, time proves everything.
10、人会醉,而恨得太久 。
People get drunk and hate for too long.
11、谁曾看见过我的眼泪,谁曾懂得我的心痛 。
Who has seen my tears, who has understood my heartache.
12、别嫌弃一直陪你的人 , 别陪一直嫌弃你的人 。
Don't dislike the people who always accompany you, don't accompany the people who always dislike you.
13、当依赖变成习惯,却再也舍不得离开 。
When dependence becomes a habit, I can't bear to leave any more.
14、我的快乐方式有很多种,但每一种都是非你不可 。
There are many ways for me to be happy, but you have to be happy in every way.
15、不是每个人都一定快乐,不是每种痛都一定要述说 。
Not everyone must be happy, not every kind of pain must be described.
16、我曾踏月而行,只因你在山中 。
I used to walk on the moon because you were in the mountains.
17、酝酿着的诺言,保存期又有几年 。
The brewing promise will last for several years.
18、有些人,曾经无话不说 , 现在无话可说 。
Some people, once had nothing to say, now have nothing to say.
19、以前我只知道秘密不能说 , 原来现在委屈也不能说 。
In the past, I only knew secrets, but now I can't tell grievances.
20、没有什么过不去的,无非是少了一个陪伴而已 。
There's nothing that can't pass, it's just a company missing.
21、有一种平静,叫死水微澜 。
There is a calm, called stagnant water.
22、世界苍老了谁,谁苍老了我 。
Who is old in the world, who is old in me.
23、如此失落的 , 我也长大了,如此寂寞地,我也长大了 。
So lost, I also grew up, so lonely, I also grew up.
24、如果我遗忘了你,请你不要忘记我 。记住回来找我 。
If I forget you, please don't forget me. Remember to come back to me.
25、别傻了 , 你爱的人不爱你到最后也不会在一起 。
Don't be silly, the people you love don't love you, and they won't be together in the end.
26、同一件事,想开了就是天堂,想不开就是地狱 。
The same thing, want to open is heaven, want to open is hell.
27、如果不是那么喜欢,又怎么会恋恋不忘 。
If you don't like it so much, how can you love it.
28、留我一个人在原地徘徊等待,却再也看不见你的身影 。
Leave me alone in situ wandering waiting, but no longer see your figure.
29、任何时候 。一句有我在都能让我感动 , 温暖好久 。
anytime. A sentence with me can make me moved and warm for a long time.
30、朋友圈里未必都是朋友,黑名单中也有辛酸故人 。
There are not all friends in the circle of friends, and there are bitter friends in the blacklist.
31、你若敢动我的菜,我分分秒秒灭了你的世界 。
If you dare to touch my food, I will destroy your world every minute.
32、她一贯很忠实,连死也不假装 。
She has always been faithful and doesn't even pretend to die.
33、你对我的冷漠,全部写下了你对她的心疼 。
Your indifference to me, all write down your love for her.
34、我可以画一个圈 , 把自己关在里面,把回忆挡在外面 。
I can draw a circle, shut myself in and keep my memories out.
35、天空,藏不住的思念 。
The sky, cannot hide the missing.
36、阳光碎如我手心的花瓣,瓣瓣无声 。
The sunshine scattered into pieces, like the flower pads in my hand, droping with a silent sound.
37、如果这都不算爱 , 那我还有什么好悲哀 。
If this is not love, then I have nothing to be sad about.
38、世间万物俱在,一人永生的孤独 。
All things in the world, a person's eternal loneliness.
39、在感情的世界里,总是充满不确定性 。
In the emotional world, there is always uncertainty.
40、我过得很好,却已经慢慢苍老 。
I'm living well, but I'm getting old.
41、后来的我们都很干脆,你没有回头,我没有挽留 。
Later we are very simple, you did not look back, I did not retain.
42、你走后,我还在原地站了很久 。
After you left, I was still standing there for a long time.
43、下决心要忘了你 , 可是我要怎么做 。
Determined to forget you, but how can I do it.
44、心里的苦没有人懂,至少在难过的时候我还能想着你 。
No one understands the pain in my heart. At least I can think of you when I'm sad.
45、俩个人异地时间久了、是否就这样疏远了 。
Two people long time away, whether so alienated.
46、若有情,天涯也咫尺,若无情,咫尺也天涯 。
If there is love, the end of the world is close. If there is no mercy, the end of the world is close.
47、那些消失了的曾经,和那双清澈的眼睛 。
Those disappeared once, and those clear eyes.
48、原地画个圈圈,告诉你,你被我圈在了我的心里 。
Draw a circle in place to tell you that you are surrounded by me in my heart.
49、一个人 , 一碗清茶,相视一笑泯恩仇 。
A man, a bowl of tea, looks at each other with a smile.
50、我想过和你一起白头到老,可是爱情它 , 死于年轻 。
【很伤心的短句英文】I want to be with you forever, but love it, die young.
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