
1、爱你那么久了,能腾点地方给我么 , 哪怕一点点!
Love you so long, can make room for me, even a little!
Why did you contact me when I was about to forget you?
3、可以一个人到处走走停停 , 随便看看,是件多么幸福的事情 。
It's such a happy thing to be able to walk around and stop by yourself.
4、爱上你 , 不是因为你给了我需要的东西,而是因为你给了我从未有过的感觉 。
Falling in love with you is not because you give me what I need, but because you give me a feeling I never had.
5、别人的爱情,总是比自己的美好 。
The love of others is always better than their own.
6、累了,蹲下来抱抱自己,依旧倔强的说:也不过如此 。
Tired, squat down to embrace their own, still stubborn said: but also so.
7、以前提起你,满口的骄傲和满足,后来想起你,全是心酸和可惜 。
Before mentioning you, full of pride and satisfaction, then think of you, are sad and regrettable.
8、若不是因为爱着你,怎么会深夜还没睡意,每个念头都关于你,我想你,好想你 。
If it's not because I love you, how can I not fall asleep at night? Every thought is about you. I miss you so much.
9、是当时的一时冲动,还是现在的无动于衷 。
It was the impulse at that time or the indifference at present.
【微信英文说说伤感说说大全】We love so clear, but still choose to leave, only the right to love!
11、别担心,如果合不来却又分不开 , 那就一起相爱相杀 , 直到把爱都耗光吧 。
Don't worry. If you can't get along but you can't get apart, just love each other and kill each other until you've consumed all your love.
12、懂得自爱 , 才能活得精彩 。
Only when you know how to love yourself can you live a wonderful life.
How can I suddenly want to cry? Do I also have some small sad river?
14、爱你是我的选择 , 不爱我是你的选择 。注定不是一条道上的人 。
Love you is my choice, do not love me is your choice. Destined not to be a person on the road.
15、历尽红尘劫,惟余一瓣香 。
Through the world of mortals, there is only one fragrance left.
16、有些人注定是等待别人的,有些人是注定被人等的 。
Some people are doomed to wait for others, some people are doomed to be waited for.
17、世界上最美好的事情莫过于,年少时遇见你,十年后还在一起 。
The best thing in the world is to meet you when you are young and stay together ten years later.
18、没有我以后,别一个人喝酒 , 也别再来找我,你应该幸福的,我就陪你到这里 。
If you don't have me, don't drink alone or come to me again. You should be happy. I will accompany you here.
Love is like an hourglass. When your heart is full, your brain will be empty!
20、你是我朝思暮想的笔尖少年,在绝城的荒途里辗转成歌 。
You are the young writer of my yearning, turning into a song in the wilderness of juecheng.
21、爱到深处,就像红了眼的赌徒,明知结局是输,却还是一如既往的下注 。
Love to the depths, like a red eyed gambler, knowing the outcome is lost, but still as always bet.
22、拥抱过后你转身就走,我笑着说再见心却在颤抖 。
After the hug, you turn around and walk away. I smile and say goodbye, but my heart is shaking.
23、原谅是容易的,再次信任 , 就没那么容易了 。
Forgiveness is easy, trust again, it's not so easy.
24、爱就这么回事,死不了人,但会在心脏最疼的地方插上一针 。
Love is such a thing. You can't die, but you will put a needle in the place where your heart hurts the most.
25、水中月是天上月,眼前人是心上人,只可惜,水中月捞不起,心上人不可及 。
The moon in the water is the moon in the sky, and the person in front of you is the sweetheart. Unfortunately, the moon in the water cannot be retrieved, and the sweetheart cannot be reached.
26、爱情的情敌,是时间,也是人心 。
The rival of love is time and heart.
27、回想最初的失败,不过就是谁都必须经历的印记而已 。
Looking back on the initial failure is just the mark that everyone has to go through.
28、如果你还在为黑夜叹息流泪,就不会看见照见眼里的第一缕日光 。
If you are still sighing and weeping for the night, you will not see the first ray of sunlight in your eyes.
29、我拳头般大的心脏告诉我,在我还有呼吸还有心跳期间直到死亡 , 都会有你的记忆 。
My fist sized heart tells me that you will remember me when I am still breathing and heartbeat until I die.
30、如果有人抓了你,换我的什么,我都愿意 。
If someone catches you, I'll give you anything.
31、我没有你想的那么坚不可摧,只是早已学会眼泪往心里流 。
I am not so indestructible as you think, but I have learned to shed tears to my heart.
32、我们的爱情最终就像数学里那个遗憾的词,渐近线,无限接近却永不相交 。
Our love is like the regretful word in mathematics, asymptote, infinitely close but never intersect.
33、爱像圆周率,无限不循环 。
Love is like pi, infinite and endless.
34、等待,不是为了你能回来,而是找个借口,不离开 。
Waiting, not for you to come back, but to find an excuse not to leave.
35、时间会淡化一个人的记忆,却永远没有办法消磨一个人的悲痛 。
Time will fade a person's memory, but there is no way to kill a person's grief.
36、生活让我难过,你也不放过我 。何必用这么残忍的方式,告诉我什么是物是人非 。
Life makes me sad, and you don't let me go. Why use such a cruel way to tell me what is wrong.
37、说太多,不如沉默 。想太多,我会难过 。
It's better to be silent than to say too much. Think too much, I will be sad.
38、只因为某人不如你所愿爱你,并不意味着你不被别人所爱 。
Just because someone doesn't love you as you want, doesn't mean you're not loved.
39、这个秋季,我以此来结束它带来的忧伤,沉碎以往,消失在黑夜的尽头 。
This autumn, I come to end the sadness it brings, break the past, and disappear at the end of the night.
40、如若爱你只是场梦,那这场梦什么时候才会醒来 。
If love you is just a dream, when will this dream wake up.
41、把眼泪留给最疼你的人 , 把微笑留给伤你最深的人 。
Leave tears to the one who loves you the most and smile to the one who hurts you the most.
42、曾经我也以为自己会闭口不谈情爱,可你偏偏是我的意料之外 。
I used to think that I would shut up on love, but you are my surprise.
43、自尊心大过爱,没人愿意先妥协,都在等着对方先服软 , 于是等着等着就散了 。
Self esteem is greater than love, no one is willing to compromise first, waiting for each other to be soft first, so waiting for it to break up.
