1、总有一天,你会站在最亮的地方,活成自己曾经渴望的模样 。
One day, you will stand in the brightest place and live the way you once wanted to be.
2、睡觉是我唯一的解脱 , 睡着了 , 不悲不气不孤单,什么都烦恼都没有 。
Sleeping is my only relief. When I fall asleep, I'm not sad or angry, I'm not lonely, and I have nothing to worry about.
3、起身,仰望,额间清愁已入眼底 。薄洒的酒香,肆意熏醉,蒸晕了两腮,嫣红 。
Get up, look up, the forehead clear worry has already entered the fundus. Thin sprinkle wine fragrance, wantonly smoked drunk, steamed dizzy two cheeks, purplish red.
4、我愿金戈铁马为你君临天下,你可愿一袭嫁衣为我红袖添香 。
I would like to King for you, you may be willing to wear a wedding dress for my tea fragrance.
5、流年未亡 , 夏日已尽 。种花的人变成了看花的人,看花的人变成了葬花的人 。
Time is not gone, summer is over. People who grow flowers become people who watch flowers, and people who watch flowers become people who bury flowers.
6、你枉有杯醉人的酒,却浇不灭我半点愁,我饮过最浓烈的酒,是你低眉浅笑的温柔 。
You have a cup of intoxicating wine in vain, but I can't quench my worries. The strongest wine I've ever drunk is the tenderness of your frown and smile.
7、我的世界里,晴天是你,阴天是你,雨天也是你 。
In my world, sunny day is you, cloudy day is you, rainy day is you.
8、不做玫瑰,做你心上的野草,一点点湿意便肆意疯长,烧不尽 , 吹又生 。
Do not do roses, do your heart weeds, a little wet will wantonly grow, burning, blowing again.
【英语唯美句子】9、才二十岁的你凭什么不快乐,有什么资格说来不及 。
Why are you not happy when you are only 20 years old? What qualifications do you have to say too late.
10、不要轻易评论我的好与坏,我没吃过你家一口饭 。
Don't comment on my good or bad easily. I haven't eaten a bite of your family.
11、若是这世界的等待,都能如风吹花落般默契,该多好啊 。
If the world's waiting, can be as tacit understanding as the wind blowing flowers, how good.
12、年轻时你做了一个决定,要把生命献给爱情 。后来你没死,年轻替你抵了命 。
When you were young, you made a decision to give your life to love. And then you didn't die, and you died young.
13、有本事带我回家见家长,不然别说跟我谈恋爱 。
If you have the ability to take me home to see my parents, don't talk about falling in love with me.
14、年轻时面对夕阳 , 应该有想要跑出去的冲动 。
When you are young, you should have the impulse to run out.
15、车窗外 , 天空灰灰的,雨下的有点放肆,单曲循环一首歌 , 心情低到了尘埃里 。
Outside the window, the sky gray, rain a little presumptuous, single cycle a song, mood low to the dust.
16、这九州山河,万家灯火,无一家等我 。
This Jiuzhou mountains and rivers, thousands of lights, no one waiting for me.
17、希望我是一个让你心动的人,而不是权衡取舍分析利弊后,觉得不错的人 。
I hope I am a person who makes you excited, not a good person after weighing the trade-offs and analyzing the pros and cons.
18、乍见之喜不如久处不腻 , 乍见之欢不如久处不厌 。
It is better to be happy at first sight than not to be bored with it for a long time.
19、太阳像个老大老大的火球 , 光线灼人,公路被烈日烤得发烫,脚踏下去一步一串白烟 。
The sun is like a fireball of the eldest brother. The light is burning. The road is scorched by the scorching sun. Step down a string of white smoke.
20、我与你隔着山川大海 , 放不下,自牵挂 。
I and you across the mountains and the sea, can not put down, self care.
21、我还是很喜欢你 , 像旧城里的老折子戏,温言软语 。
I still like you, like the old opera in the old city, soft words.
22、陪你青丝变白发,陪你朝阳又夕下,我们三餐四季,我们煮茶赏花 。
Accompany you to turn white hair, accompany you sunrise and sunset, we eat four seasons, we cook tea and enjoy flowers.
23、现实和理想之间,不变的是跋涉,暗淡与辉煌之间,不变的是开拓 。
Between reality and ideal, what remains unchanged is trekking; between bleakness and brilliance, what remains unchanged is development.
24、最伤人的就是,昨天还让你觉得自己意义非凡的人 , 今天就让你觉得自己可有可无 。
The most hurtful thing is that the person who made you feel special yesterday makes you feel dispensable today.
25、对于潜藏的敌人 , 最好的办法,就是让她连上场的机会都没有 。
For the hidden enemy, the best way is to let her not even have a chance to play.
26、小女子不才,不知公子早已心系别家姑娘,此经一别,自是不必相见了 。
I'm not talented. I don't know that the young master has already been concerned about other girls. I don't need to see each other again.
27、我把你当作唯一,你却把我当作其中之一 。
I regard you as the only one, but you take me as one of them.
28、山因势而变,水因时而变,人因思而变!思考是我们的生命,也是我们快乐的源泉 。
Mountains change according to the situation, water changes with the times, and people change because of thinking! Thinking is our life and the source of our happiness.
29、听闻姑娘治家有方,余生愿闻其详 。
I heard that the girl managed her family well. I would like to hear about her for the rest of her life.
30、你不曾给我一次回眸,我却始终在对你微笑 。
You never give me a look back, but I always smile at you.
31、人和人是不平等的,其中最重要的,是人与人有知识的差异 。
People and people are unequal. The most important thing is that people have different knowledge.
32、很多时候我们放弃,以为不过是一段感情,到了最后 , 才知道,原来那是一生 。
Many times we give up, think it is just a relationship, to the end, only to know that it was a life.
33、对生命而言,接纳是最好的温柔,不论是接纳一个人的出现 , 还是接纳一个人的从此不见 。
For life, acceptance is the best gentleness, whether it is to accept a person's appearance or to accept a person's disappearance.
34、现在为难你的人和事,都是在逼你成长 , 并无任何恶意,你若争气 , 它们便不再与你过不去 。
The people and things that are troubling you now are forcing you to grow up without any malice. If you strive for success, they will no longer be unable to deal with you.
35、天地不过是飘摇的逆旅,昼夜不过是光阴的门户 。
Heaven and earth are but the vagaries of rebellion, and day and night are but the gates of time.
36、你走,我不送你 。你来,无论多大风多大雨,我要去接你 。
You go, I won't see you off. You come, no matter how windy or heavy rain, I will pick you up.
37、希望我所拼命争取的,最后都能如我所愿 。
I hope that what I strive for will be as I wish.
38、友情进一步可以成为爱情,爱情退一步却不再是朋友 。
Friendship can further become love, but love is no longer a friend.
39、人的一生会遇到两个人,一个惊艳了时光,一个温柔了岁月 。
People's life will meet two people, one amazing time, a gentle years.
40、他们是他们我是我 。人和人不一样,如果你有眼睛请不要用耳朵了解我 。
They're them. I'm me. People are different. If you have eyes, please don't understand me with your ears.
41、如果爱,当初为何你会离开;若不爱 , 当初又何必纠缠 。
If you love, why did you leave at the beginning? If you don't love, why bother at the beginning.
42、其实他也是个温柔的人呐,只不过这份温柔从不属于我 。
In fact, he is also a gentle person, but this gentleness never belongs to me.
43、见你的第一眼,就像被慌不择路的野猫撞了满怀,我只想抱起你,看你湛蓝的眼睛 。
See your first eye, like a wild cat bumped full, I just want to pick you up, see your blue eyes.
44、一见倾心,只为追逐那一道遥不可及的星光 。
Fall in love at first sight, just for chasing the distant starlight.
45、一善染心,万劫不朽 。百灯旷照,千里通明 。
A good heart is immortal. A hundred lights are shining, and a thousand miles are bright.
46、万里长篇不及你只言片语,风和日丽不如你寥寥一面 。
Thousands of miles long than you a few words, wind and sunshine as you few side.
47、纯真的阳光,天真无邪的笑脸,如今我就像个初生的婴儿 , 并不知闲愁的滋味 。
Pure sunshine, innocent smile, now I like a newborn baby, and do not know the taste of leisure.
48、你长大了,你需要的,是一个能够保护你爱护你的人,而不是一个只知道让你付出和难过的人 。
When you grow up, what you need is someone who can protect you and love you, not someone who only knows how to make you pay and feel sad.
49、在这个世界上总是有那么一个人,是你的念想,是你的温暖 。
There is always such a person in this world, is your thought, is your warmth.
50、距离之所以可怕,是因为你根本不知道对方是把你想念,还是把你忘记 。
The reason why the distance is terrible is that you don't know whether the other party miss you or forget you.
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