1、一次遇见你,一生走下去 。
Meet you once and go on for life.
2、我需要他,正如我需要空气 。
I need him as I need air.
3、命运偷走如果,只留下结果 。
Fate steals if, leaving only the result.
4、我们总是口不对心,言不由衷 。
We always say things out of place.
5、没有旅行的生活,只能叫生存 。
Life without travel can only be called survival.
6、余下的日子,就用来于你相爱 。
The rest of the day is for you to love.
7、我曾知道,你的好,你有多重要 。
I used to know how important you were.
8、我们都很容易败给情绪 。
We all lose easily to emotions.
9、你是水,维系着我的生命 。
You are the water that sustains my life.
10、走,不要停留,走,都走 。
Go, don't stay, go, all go.
11、睡好一个觉,打扮好自己 。
Get a good sleep and dress up.
Promise, just to make evidence of aphasia!
13、我姓名顽强,不死就挺胸昂扬 。
My name is tenacious, and I will hold my heart high if I don't die.
14、其实很难过,但骄傲不让我说 。
In fact, it's very sad, but pride won't let me say.
15、很累,可是,生活还是要继续 。
I'm very tired, but life still needs to go on.
16、我知道你会答应我的,你最好了 。
I know you'll promise me. You'd better.
Fortunately, I like to laugh, life is not so bad!
18、一整个宇宙,换一颗红豆 。
A whole universe, for a red bean.
19、没有过不去,只有回不去 。
There is no going, only going back.
20、心如画工师,能画诸世间 。
The heart is like a painter. He can draw the world.
21、让自己孤独 , 把一切看清楚 。
Let yourself alone, see everything clearly.
22、哥们 , 人上人不好当!加油!
Man, it's hard to be a man! come on.
23、明明心碎两半,却说碎碎平安 。
Mingming heart broken in two, but said broken peace.
24、但知口中有剑,不知袖里藏刀 。
But I know that there is a sword in my mouth, and I don't know that there is a sword in my sleeve.
25、我是你漫漫人生只配错过的好人 。
I'm a good person you can only miss in your long life.
26、祝你此后,一夜无梦,一生无我 。
I wish you a dream and a life without me.
27、耐心之树,结黄金之果 。
The tree of patience bears the fruit of gold.
28、眼泪的错觉 , 哭泣的依恋 。
The illusion of tears, the attachment of tears.
29、有你 , 我可以坐拥天下 。
With you, I can sit in the world.
30、工欲善其事,必先利其器 。
Sharp tools make good work.
31、社会太现实,有钱才耿直 。
The society is too realistic. Only when you have money can you be honest.
I am not weird, but limited edition!
33、好久不见 , 最亲爱的,曾经 。
Long time no see, dearest, once.
34、我要的不止是喜欢,还有偏爱 。
I want more than just likes, but also preferences.
35、盖屋离不了梁 , 安窗离不了墙 。
A house cannot be built without a beam, a window cannot be built without a wall.
36、自从删除你后,网速都快多了 。
Since you were deleted, the Internet speed has been much faster.
37、你错,有人包容你,这就是幸福 。
You are wrong, someone will tolerate you, this is happiness.
38、糊里花哨的,纯属意外 。
It's just an accident.
39、有一种默契,叫心照不宣 。
There is a tacit understanding called tacit understanding.
40、瞧着镜子乐,对着哈哈乐 。
Look at the mirror and have fun.
41、我爱你、爱了整整一个曾经 。
I love you, love a whole once.
42、美好的故事,学不完的问题 。
Good stories, endless problems.
43、要么别喜欢我,要么只喜欢我 。
Either don't like me or just like me.
44、我不以孤独为荣,但以此维生 。
I'm not proud of being alone, but I live by it.
45、爱与不爱、永远只在一念之间 。
Love and do not love, always only in a read between.
46、别说我花心,曾经我比谁都用心 。
Don't say I'm a flower. I used to be more attentive than anyone else.
47、这一辈子我非你不娶 。
I will marry you all my life.
48、所爱隔山海 , 山海亦可平!
Love the mountains and seas, mountains and seas can also be flat!
49、单筷难挟菜,独翅难飞天 。
It's hard to carry food with one chopstick, but it's hard to fly with one wing.
50、感谢万有引力将我拉向你 。
Thank you for pulling me to you.
I love you, and I will never part in this life!
52、上一次笑着入睡是什么时候 。
When was the last time I fell asleep laughing.
53、倾尽我一生 , 只为成全你半分 。
I'll devote my whole life to you.
54、心痛了,只能自己默默的承受 。
Heartache, can only bear in silence.
55、当我说爱你的时候,你去了哪里 。
Where did you go when I said I love you.
56、浮生若梦 , 别多会少,不如莫遇 。
Floating life is like a dream. It's better not to meet more than less.
57、真心见真情,真情见真人 。
True love is true, true love is true.
58、姑娘我天生傲骨怎能服输 。
Girl, how can I defeat with pride.
59、光阴带走流年,带不走伤 。
Time takes away fleeting years, but not injuries.
60、别拿我在乎的人,跟我扯淡 。
Don't take the people I care about and talk to me.
61、不要对哥笑 , 哥不吃你那套!
【英语句子短句】Don't laugh at me. I don't want to eat your way!
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