1、我在等 , 等你回头 , 或等我死心 。
I'm waiting, waiting for you to turn back, or wait for me to die.
2、有多久没有肆无忌惮的大声笑,有多久我们没有在一起 。
How long have we not laughed at it with all our reckless voice, and how long we haven't been together.
3、敏感的人大多都不幸福,因为太在乎 。
Most sensitive people are unhappy because they care too much.
4、血染江山的画,怎敌你眉间一粒朱砂 。
Blood stained the painting of the river and mountain, how to enemy your eyebrows a grain of cinnabar.
5、时间过的真快,一转眼你就喜欢上别人了 。
Time flies so fast that you like others in a second.
6、我花光了所有的好运气,可还是没能遇到你 。
I've spent all my good luck, but I still haven't met you.
7、很久不触碰的思念,现在以变得陌生 。
Long time do not touch the missing, now to become strange.
8、就是因为只剩自己一个人了,所以才要活的更加洒脱 。
Because only one person is left, so we should live more freely.
9、我不是坚强,而是我脆弱的时候从来不让别人知道 。
I am not strong, but I never let others know when I am weak.
10、如果这都不算爱,那我还有什么好悲哀 。
If it's not love, then I have something to mourn.
11、树下斑驳的光影,那是那年盛夏我们零碎的流年 。
The mottled light and shadow under the tree, that is the summer of our fragmented year.
12、记忆 , 突然又回到我们相遇的那一天 。
Memory, suddenly back to the day we met.
13、承诺总是给不了现实,说好白头偕老,却沦落天涯 。
Promise always can not give reality, say that life grows old, but fall into the end of the world.
14、真正的强者,不是没有眼泪的人,而是含着眼泪奔跑的人 。
The real strong man is not the one who has no tears, but the one who runs with tears.
15、向来缘浅 , 奈何情深 。
Always shallow, but how deep.
16、爱情,不是一辈子不吵架,而是吵架了还能一辈子 。
Love, not a lifetime of no quarrel, but quarrel can still be a lifetime.
17、天使的微笑,夹杂着痛苦与悲伤 。
The angel's smile, mixed with pain and sadness.
18、我给了你一切 , 你却还给我拼凑不完的序节 。
I gave you everything, but you gave me the endless preface.
19、曾经的海誓山盟,终究随着时间烟消云散 。
Once the vows of the sea, eventually with time.
20、不是害怕爱,而是怕我爱上你后,你又无情的走开 。
Not afraid of love, but fear that I love you, you go away mercilessly.
21、有时候 , 虽然能想明白,但心里就是理解不了 。
Sometimes, although I can understand, I can't understand it in my heart.
22、我哭了,你笑了,然后,我笑了 。
I cried, you laughed, and then I laughed.
23、请微笑 。这比解释为何悲伤要容易 。
Please smile. It's easier than explaining why sadness is.
24、一辈子不长 , 活给自己看 。
Life is not long, live to oneself.
25、我会用那灵魂的挽歌带走忧伤的回忆 。
I will take away the sad memories with the elegy of the soul.
26、我终日恍惚不知归宿,坠入迷途时你在何处 。
I am in a trance all day long, where you are when I fall in a lost way.
27、快离开我吧别再回头感动我 。
Leave me quickly. Don't turn back and move me.
28、你说过爱我一万年,誓言变成了谎言 。
You said love me for 10000 years, oath has become a lie.
29、破碎的爱情,破碎的心,你比侩子手更懂得如何伤人最痛 。
Broken love, broken heart, you know how to hurt people the most than the Philistine.
30、花开依旧,物是人非 。
Flowers still bloom, things are human beings.
31、现实里得不到的,就努力在梦里得到 。
What can't be obtained in reality is to try to get it in a dream.
32、我来不及参与你的曾经,却把你的未来都错过了 。
I can't participate in your past, but I miss your future.
33、一切都过去了,以后活得没心没肺点就好了 。
Everything is over, and it's better to live a little bit of heartless later.
34、刚认识你的时候,我们谁也没想到会成为对方的致命伤 。
When we first met you, none of us thought we would be the other party's fatal injury.
35、你的攻击漫不经心,我的防守却不堪一击 。
Your attack was careless, but my defense was not easy.
36、我一路在失去,我也一路在寻找,我相信阳光下会有美好 。
I am losing all the way, I am looking for it all the way, I believe there will be a good day in the sun.
37、我怀念的是争吵以后,还是想要爱你的冲动 。
I miss the impulse to love you after quarreling.
38、既然找的到理由难过,那就一定找的到理由快乐 。
Since the reason is sad, then it must be found that the reason is happy.
39、我等待的 , 永远都只是你 , 而我等不到的,也永远只有你 。
What I wait for is always you, and what I can't wait for will always be you.
40、给我一张爱的地址 , 在你的世界不再走失 。
Give me a love address, in your world no longer lost.
41、每个人眼泪不一样 , 但想哭的念头是一样的 。
Everyone has different tears, but the idea of crying is the same.
42、如果你想成为最棒的人,必须遇见最厉害的对手 。
If you want to be the best person, you have to meet the best opponent.
43、是不是活的太明白了,所以都不容易得到 。
It's not easy to get it because it's too clear whether it's alive.
44、你答应我的 , 我都记得,但是你却忘了,你的承诺 。
I remember what you promised me, but you forgot, your promise.
45、在墙上画个小人和自己拉着小手,宣告着我不孤独 。
Draw a little man on the wall and pull his hand, declaring that I am not alone.
46、从未像这样过,因为一个人要遗忘一座城 。
Never like this, because one person wants to forget a city.
47、有时像患了忧郁症一样,会突然心情不好 。
Sometimes, like suffering from depression, it will suddenly be in a bad mood.
48、经过时间旳推移,涐旳心只剩下回忆 。
After the passage of time, my heart only left memories.
49、我要功成名就,然后孤独终老 。
I want to be famous, and then I will be lonely and old.
50、你若能够偷得浮生半日闲 , 定是他能宠你天荒地老无限 。
If you can steal half a day of leisure, it must be that he can spoil you forever.
51、海誓山盟无需太多,陪伴就是最好的承诺 。
Haivow Mountain Alliance does not need too much, accompany is the best commitment.
52、不要躲避风雨,因为风雨之后必定是彩虹 。
Don't avoid the wind and rain, because it must be a rainbow after the rain.
Wine is the best anesthetic. He took me through those long years!
54、如果放不下那个错的人 , 你永远也遇不上那个对的人 。
If you can't put the wrong person, you'll never meet the right one.
55、先学会不生气,再学会气死人 。
Learn not to be angry first, then to die of anger.
56、相逢无悔,过往无憾 。愿未来前路各自珍重,祝好!
Meet without regret, no regret in the past. May the future be cherished and good wishes!
Wave your hand and touch the cold air, and feel the warmth you have no longer.
58、听说、习惯隐身的人、都有一段伤痕 。
People who are used to stealth have a scar.
59、快从我心里搬走,永远有多远你就滚多远 。
Move away from my heart, and you will roll as far as you can.
60、受罪,想念久了会流泪 。
Suffer, Miss long will cry.
61、小时候我们哭着哭着就笑了,长大后笑着笑着就哭了 。
When we were young, we laughed when we were crying, and when we grew up, we laughed and cried.
62、我要结婚了,希望你会来 , 这往往都是等待最后的结果 。
I'm going to get married, I hope you will come, which is often the result of waiting for the final result.
63、不开心的时候请假装乐观 , 装着装着可能就像了 。
When you are unhappy, pretend to be optimistic, and dress like.
64、把悲伤温习了一遍,告诉自己现在的这点痛算个甚 。
I have studied my sadness and told myself that it is a pain now.
65、一个人最难受的时候、不是想哭 。而是想哭却、哭不出来 。
When one is most miserable, he doesn't want to cry. But want to cry but can not cry out.
66、能够给别人带来快乐的人 , 私得下不一定快乐 。
People who can bring happiness to others may not be happy in private.
67、如果你忘了苏醒,那我宁愿先闭上双眼 。
If you forget to wake up, I'd rather close my eyes first.
68、不要惹姐、姐也不是好惹的 。
Don't get into trouble with your sister, or sister.
69、我们以相爱的方式,来伤害彼此 。
We hurt each other in a way that we love each other.
70、问候不一定要慎重其事,但一定要真诚感人 。
Greetings don't have to be careful, but they must be sincere and touching.
71、奈何桥永远是一个终点,也是一个起点 。
The bridge of Naho is always an end and a starting point.
72、一个人,在任何时候都不应该做自己情绪的奴隶 。
A man, at no time, should be a slave to his emotions.
73、有时候 , 我甚至相信:只有破碎的东西才是美丽的 。
Sometimes, I even believe that only broken things are beautiful.
74、感觉自己的身体越来越差了,我要好好珍惜自己的身体 。
Feel my body is getting worse and worse. I should cherish my body.
75、我把列表长的丑的都删了,留下的都是更丑的 。
I deleted all the ugly ones in the list, leaving behind the uglier ones.
76、总有一天,你会从我的梦中走出,睡在我的枕边 。
One day, you will come out of my dream and sleep in my pillow.
77、苦于乐都是财富,生与死都要绚丽 。
To be happy is wealth, and to live and die is to be gorgeous.
78、谁盘起了尔的长发,谁给了尔一个家 。
Who has set up his long hair, who gave her a home.
79、别把爱情当戏演、没人给你当导演、你也没有彩排的时间 。
Don't play love, no one gives you a director, you don't have rehearsal time.
80、人生,反反复复 , 自欺欺人 。
Life, back and forth, deceive oneself.
81、柠檬水就是柠檬水,它不是甜的 , 也不是酸的 。
Lemonade is lemonade. It is not sweet or sour.
82、让你在没有我的地方坚强,让我在没有你的地方疗伤 。
Let you be strong in the place without me, let me heal without you.
83、怪我于你心浮气躁,赔了自尊也失了心 。
【痛心的英文句子】Blame me for your impetuous, lose self-esteem and lose heart.
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