
1、这年头爱情如果靠谱,母猪都能爬上树 。
If love is reliable these days, sows can climb trees.
2、那些没说出口的话,才是夜里让人辗转睡不着的原因 。
Those words that didn't say were the reason why people couldn't sleep at night.
3、在多说无益的时候,也许沉默就是最好的解释 。
When it's no use saying more, maybe silence is the best explanation.
4、失望攒够了,就买一张离开你的火车票吧 。
If you have enough disappointment, buy a train ticket to leave you.
5、或许这本来就没有错的,因为青春本来就是用来怀念的 。
Maybe this is not wrong, because youth is used to miss.
6、我不可能将你从我记忆中删除,我只能接受你不在我身边这个事实 。
I can't remove you from my memory. I can only accept the fact that you are not around me.
7、人活着,是不是有必要凡事都争个明白 。就是我太要明白了,现在没办法装糊涂 。
Is it necessary for people to understand everything when they are alive. It's just that I have to understand. Now I can't pretend to be confused.
8、你说南方有我,后来你往北走了 。
You said there was me in the south, and then you went north.
9、哭过以后我要大声的讽刺笑,继续伪装勇敢的自己 。
After crying, I will laugh loudly and continue to pretend to be brave.
10、我是你心中转身就忘的路人甲,却甘心陪你蹉跎年华到天涯 。
I am the passer-by that you will forget when you turn around in your heart, but I am willing to accompany you to the end of the world.
11、或许总要爱错一些人,才能恰逢对的人,得不到的遗憾,就让时间来填满 。
Maybe we should always love the wrong people so that we can meet the right people. If we can't get the regrets, we will let time fill up.
12、我只有离开你的倔强 , 却终究没有忘记你的力量 。
I have to leave you stubborn, but ultimately did not forget your strength.
13、感情没有先来后到,不被爱的才是第三者 。
Love doesn't come first, and the one who is not loved is the third party.
14、一个人回想你所说过的每一句话,都是那么的刻骨铭心 。
A person remembers every word you said, is so unforgettable.
15、前面的路还很远,你可能会哭,但是一定要走下去,一定不能停 。
The road ahead is still far away. You may cry, but you must go on and never stop.
16、酒,喝的半醉的好,喝的太多就醉了;爱,还是半真的好 , 爱的太深就心碎了 。
Wine, half drunk, drunk too much; love, or half really good, love too deep on the heartbreak.
17、我习惯孤独,并不是我喜欢孤独 。
I'm used to loneliness, not that I like it.
18、没有什么是永远灿烂的,太阳都不能,更何况爱情 。
Nothing is ever brilliant, the sun can not, let alone love.
19、越长大就越不敢依赖别人了 , 怕人心会变,怕承诺不会兑现!
The more I grow up, the more I dare not rely on others. I'm afraid that people will change and promises will not be fulfilled!
20、有些风景只能喜欢却不能收藏,就像有的人只适合遇见却不适合久伴一样 。
Some landscapes can only be liked but not collected, just like some people are only suitable for meeting but not for long-term company.
21、不要嘲笑我的悲伤,我不想伪装,也不想在坚强 。
Don't laugh at my sadness. I don't want to pretend or be strong.
22、我自持完美容貌,却连我爱的人都得不到 。
I have a perfect face, but I can't even get it from the one I love.
23、没遇见你之前 , 我随遇而安,遇见你之后,我以你为安 。
Before I met you, I went with the flow. After I met you, I took you as my safety.
24、在随空气游荡尽管吹过眼眸痛彻心扉,微笑扩散占据脆弱慌神过 。
Wandering with the air although blowing eyes pain through the heart, smile diffusion occupies fragile panic.
25、有开始就有结束 , 那么,我不说出口的爱情是不是可以永久,守着你都是幸福 。
There is a beginning and an end. Then, I don't say whether the exported love can last forever. It's happiness to keep you.
26、谁将烟焚散,散了纵横的牵绊 。
Who will smoke burning, scattered the vertical and horizontal ties.
27、总有那么一个人一句对不起,让你心痛到刻骨铭心 。
There will always be a person who is sorry for your heartache.
28、心凉的一瞬间的痛,是你用多少暖心的问候都弥补不过来的 。
The pain of a cold heart moment can't be made up by how many warm greetings you use.
29、一个人的时候,脑海里浮现的全是你;一个人的时候 , 会特别的想念你 。
When you are alone, you are in your mind; when you are alone, you will be missed.
30、是你慷慨予我岁月如歌,却也吝啬看我爱而不得 。
You are generous to me, but also stingy to see my love and not.
31、总有一些东西,要用消失来证明它的珍贵 。
There is always something to prove its value by disappearing.
32、每个人都有一个死角,自己走不出来,别人也闯不进去 。
Everyone has a dead end. They can't get out by themselves and others can't get in.
33、离别之于爱情好比风之于火,它能将小火熄灭,使大火熊熊燃烧 。
Parting is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes a small fire and makes a big one burn.
34、那些我们所相信过的诺言 , 终于还是成了一记耳光,啪的一声扇在了自己脸上 。
Those promises we believed in have finally become a slap in the face.
35、唯美的谎言,演绎着完整的残缺 。
Beautiful lies, deducting the complete incomplete.
36、每段青春都会苍老,但我希望记忆里的你一直都好 。
Every youth will be old, but I hope you are always good in my memory.
37、我来不及认真地年轻,待明白过来时,只能选择认真地老去 。
I don't have time to be seriously young. When I understand, I can only choose to be seriously old.
38、我只是一个普通人,我也会哭,我也会笑,只是我已经学会了不去打扰你 。
I am just an ordinary person, I will cry, I will laugh, but I have learned not to disturb you.
39、其实,我一直在你的身后 , 就差你的一个回头 。
In fact, I have been behind you, just a turn back.
40、无论风景有多美 , 我们只能做短暂的欣赏 。
No matter how beautiful the scenery is, we can only enjoy it briefly.
41、请珍惜我给予你的一切,这一切包括对你最起码的尊重 。
Please cherish everything I give you, including the least respect for you.
42、我喜欢你很久了 , 也等你很久了,现在我要离开,比很久很久还要久 。
I like you for a long time and have been waiting for you for a long time. Now I want to leave, longer than a long time.
43、靠近你的路程太拥挤 , 我被挤落在人群 。
The distance close to you is so crowded that I am crowded in the crowd.
44、别再忘记我也别记不清我,你要像我记住你那样记住我 。
【伤感的英语说说带翻译】Don't forget me. Don't forget me. Remember me as I remember you.
