1、思念久了幻如梦 , 伪装久了心会痛 。
Missing for a long time, illusion like a dream, camouflage for a long time, the heart will hurt.
2、自己的热情,终究还是烫伤了自己 。
His enthusiasm, after all, scalded himself.
3、就算你让我掉望千次万次,我都不会不睬你 。
Even if you let me look down thousands of times, I will not ignore you.
4、我可以遇见世界的全部,却再也不会遇见你 。
I can meet all of the world, but I will never meet you again.
5、我的离开,你的不挽留,就这样散了 。
I leave, you do not retain, so scattered.
6、我久久不能放下的人,就在这一刻 , 放下了 。
I can not put down for a long time, at this moment, put down.
7、我曾以为你是我生命中的救赎,结果你是命劫 。
I thought you were the salvation in my life, but you are the life robbery.
8、愿为你守一座空城,等你一人归来 。
I am willing to keep an empty city for you, waiting for you to come back alone.
9、你从来都不知道,你说过的话有多伤人 。
You never know how hurtful your words are.
10、很多话都不想说,不愿被打扰,却又渴望被拥抱 。
Many words do not want to say, do not want to be disturbed, but eager to be hugged.
11、幕然回首、曾经沧海,早已是、换了人间 。
However, looking back, I have experienced the vicissitudes of life, and I have already changed the world.
12、一个人的世界 , 两个人孤独 。
One person's world, two people are lonely.
13、我把过去揉碎,用一种自以为很美丽的弧度抛出 。
I crumble the past and throw it out in a radian that I think is very beautiful.
14、我对你仍有爱意,我对自己无能为力 。
I still love you. I can't help myself.
Who caresses my hair, who owes me the price of my life?
16、时间会咬人,不然我们怎么会是伤痕累累 。
Time will bite, otherwise how can we be scarred.
17、一秒钟的爱上 , 一秒钟的分手,一辈子的遗忘 。
A second of love, a second of breakup, a lifetime of forgetting.
18、人心易变,岁月无情 , 很多事问心无愧就好 。
People are changeable, years are merciless, and a clear conscience is good for many things.
19、上课睡觉觉,下课打闹闹,考试死翘翘 。
Sleep in class, make noise after class and pass the exam.
20、我累了,下次再说吧 。
I'm tired. I'll talk about it next time.
21、一觉醒来,还是没有你的消息 。
When I wake up, I still haven't heard from you.
22、复制粘贴不是抄袭 , 只是心情相同罢了 。
Copy and paste is not plagiarism, just the same mood.
23、一生为感情所累,不懂脱身 。
I'm tired of feeling all my life, and I don't know how to get away.
I miss you, I hate the feeling that the brain is out of control!
25、你是我到不了的彼岸,你是我道不尽的遗憾 。
You are the other side I can't reach, you are my endless regret.
26、时间不会改变痛,时间只能适应痛 。
Time does not change pain, time can only adapt to pain.
27、不想再做你的影子,我要好好做自己 。
Don't want to be your shadow, I want to be myself.
28、晚安,万千思绪只为一人 , 和我再无瓜葛的人 。
Good night, thousands of thoughts only for one person, and I have nothing to do with people.
29、生命是一座空城,装满了光怪陆离的感情 。
Life is an empty city, full of strange feelings.
30、太多话哽咽在喉咙,我怕张嘴就是嘶吼 。
Too many words choked in my throat, I'm afraid opening my mouth is a roar.
31、拥有太多故事,却都没有后来 。
Have too many stories, but no later.
32、谢谢你们的冷嘲热讽,让我懂得现实的残酷 。
Thank you for your sarcasm, let me understand the cruelty of reality.
33、被拥挤的时间,挤得只剩下呼吸的空隙 。
The time of being crowded is only the space of breathing.
34、我做的再多,也比不上她什么都不做 。
I can't do more than she does nothing.
35、不想一路走来珍惜的回忆中,没有你的故事 。
Do not want to come all the way, cherish the memories, there is no story of you.
36、凌晨了,能否赐予我安眠无梦 。
Early in the morning, can you give me sleep without dream.
37、你的负担将变成礼物,你受的苦将照亮你的路 。
Your burdens will become gifts, and your sufferings will light your way.
If there is no money, I will become who's who!
39、原来是一直在扮演一个趁虚而如的爱情过度者 。
It turns out that he has been playing an excessive lover who takes advantage of emptiness.
40、心,一旦离开了,就再不会回来 。
Heart, once left, will never come back.
41、我曾想过去追风,追到海角天涯远 。
I used to want to go after the wind and the ends of the earth.
42、现在无法碰触的部分,终将可以当作笑话来讲 。
What can't be touched now will be told as a joke.
43、暗恋一个人,不需要语言,却需要勇气 。
It takes courage to love someone secretly without words.
44、这个世界太现实,有太多的东西是我接受不了的 。
This world is too realistic, there are too many things I can't accept.
45、我只叹时光太短相遇太晚 , 我真挚但不够勇敢 。
I only sigh that time is too short, meeting too late, I am sincere but not brave enough.
46、我们不是陌生人,但装的比陌生人还陌生 。
We are not strangers, but we pretend to be stranger than strangers.
47、长痘有什么的,那是我可爱的冒泡 。
What about acne? It's my lovely bubble.
48、说好了、不再为你哭可为什么眼泪还是会流下来 。
Said, no longer cry for you, but why tears will still flow down.
49、海是倒过来的天,你是我唯一的泪点 。
The sea is the upside down day, you are my only tears.
50、你是失望,是难堪,是填不满的黑色 。
【心痛到撕心裂肺的说说英文】It's embarrassing that you are disappointed.
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