
1、伤了心,忘了情,拼了命,也不能挽回那破碎的曾经 。
Hurt the heart, forget the love, fight for life, can not recover the broken once.
2、后来 , 我遇见很多人,像你的发,像你的眼,却不是你的脸 。
Later, I met many people, like your hair, like your eyes, but not your face.
3、越长大越不敢依赖别人 , 因为人心易变,自己给的,才叫安全感 。
The more you grow up, the more you dare not rely on others, because people are changeable. What you give is called a sense of security.
4、我和她并肩坐在冰凉的台阶上,有风吹过,有爱来过 。却最终被我们,一起错过 。
I sat on the cold steps with her side by side. There was wind and love. But we finally miss it together.
5、没能陪我走到最后,你一定也挺难过吧 。
You must be very sad that you didn't accompany me to the end.
6、我们仅有的默契就是,我不联系你,你也不联系我 。
Our only tacit understanding is that I don't contact you and you don't contact me.
7、本以为最坏的结果不过是万劫不复,没想到竟然还可以形同陌路 。
I thought that the worst result was nothing but a disaster. I didn't expect that I could still be a stranger.
Only when you are at the bottom of your soul can you know who is the fool you are worried about and who is a stranger!
9、有时候,你放弃了某个人 , 不是因为你不再在乎,而是因为你意识到她不在乎了 。
Sometimes, you give up someone not because you don't care anymore, but because you realize she doesn't care anymore.
10、从不给面子,不给自己找麻烦事 。
Never give face or trouble to yourself.
11、也许有一天,你回头了 , 而我却早已不在那个路口 。
Maybe one day, you look back, but I'm not at that intersection.
12、有人说伤痛是成长的代价,但我宁愿把它们当成成长的积累 。
Some people say that pain is the price of growth, but I prefer to regard them as the accumulation of growth.
13、听多了谎话,看够了繁华,别让一句我爱你 , 只经过口腔,不经过心脏 。
Listen to more lies, see enough prosperity, don't let a sentence I love you, only through the mouth, not through the heart.
14、爱到深处就像红了眼的赌徒,明知结局是输,却还是一如既往的下注 。
Love to the depths like a red eyed gambler, knowing that the outcome is lost, but still as always bet.
15、我们走到分岔路口,泪水止不住的流 。
We went to a fork in the road, tears could not stop flowing.
16、我怕黑 , 却恋上了夜;怕痛,却把自己弄的伤痕累累 。
I am afraid of the dark, but fell in love with the night; afraid of pain, but make their own scars.
17、我用了我所有的力气想念一个人,那个人却从来不会为我停留 。
I miss someone with all my strength, but that person never stays for me.
18、有时候 , 我们就像鱼缸里的鱼,想说的很多,一开口就化成了一串省略号 。
Sometimes, we are like the fish in the fish tank. We want to say a lot. When we open our mouth, it becomes a string of ellipsis.
19、我念念不忘的旧时光里 , 什么都没有荒芜了一片 。
In the old time that I can't forget, nothing is deserted.
20、我可以比好人还善良,也可以比坏人更凶恶 , 一切源于他人怎样对我 。
I can be more kind than good people, or more vicious than bad people. It all comes from how others treat me.
21、再美的故事 , 终究会有一个悲伤的结局 。
No matter how beautiful the story is, it will have a sad ending.
22、断了的琴弦 , 弹奏着从前,一起走过的路线没有终点 。
Broken strings, playing the past, the route we walked together has no end.
23、人最大的痛苦就是心灵没有归属,不管你知不知觉,承不承认 。
The greatest pain is that the soul does not belong, whether you know it or not, whether you accept it or not.
24、感谢你 , 赠我一场空欢喜,我们有过的美好回忆,让泪水染得模糊不清了 。
Thank you, give me an empty happy, we have a good memory, let the tears dye blurred.
25、你说你后悔了,回来了,抱歉 , 我不是回收站 。
You said you're sorry, you're back. Sorry, I'm not a recycle bin.
26、哭过了就好了,你都市走的,伤也会好的 。
Just cry. If you walk in the city, your injury will be better.
27、忘不掉的是回忆,继续的是生活,错过的,就当是路过 。
What can't be forgotten is memories, what goes on is life, what we miss is just passing by.
【个性签名伤感说说英语】28、不是我不联系你 , 只是你每次给我的感觉都好像是我打扰到你了 。
It's not that I don't contact you, it's just that every time you give me the feeling that I disturb you.
29、知道真相又如何?青涩年华里,我们都怀揣着各自的秘密 , 原谅了彼此的心机 。
How about knowing the truth? In the green years, we all have our own secrets and forgive each other's intentions.
30、原来地久天长 , 只是误会一场 。
It's just a misunderstanding.
31、你说过的那些永远,是我们现在所谓的曾经 。
You said those forever, is we now so-called once.
32、最好的爱情,你陪我走过一无所有,我陪你走到岁月尽头 。
The best love, you accompany me through nothing, I accompany you to the end of time.
33、我对每一段感情都想着天长地久,可是,它回馈给我的,只有曾经拥有 。
I think of every relationship forever, but what it gives back to me is only what I have ever had.
34、我不想哭,我想笑 , 可是,嘴角却无法扬起一个我想要的弧度,连勉强都做不到 。
I don't want to cry, I want to laugh, but the corners of my mouth can't lift the arc I want, even barely.
35、你会遇到更喜欢的人,可我不会了 。
You'll meet someone you like better, but I won't.
36、原来分手还会想你,保持清醒,只是我再也不会爱你 。
The original break-up will miss you, keep awake, but I will never love you again.
37、很多时候都没有信心再去恋爱了,不是恋爱不好 , 是我不好 。
Most of the time, I have no confidence to fall in love again. It's not bad love, it's me.
38、也许我只能怪自己够贱,尽管你带给的伤没齿难忘,但是我还是会想起你 。
Maybe I can only blame myself for being cheap. Although the injury you bring is unforgettable, I will still think of you.
39、我一无所有,也依然没救,烟不离手,劣酒烧喉 。
I have nothing, but I still can't help it. I can't leave my hand without smoke and burn my throat with bad wine.
40、不懂 , 不爱,不想,不问,我安静的沉默 。
Do not understand, do not love, do not want, do not ask, my quiet silence.
41、别让我看到不该看的,听到不该听的,这样我会想对的 。
Don't let me see what I shouldn't see and hear what I shouldn't hear, so I'll think it's right.
42、我只是不想让我们的感情走走停停,没想过结果会是永远的断续 。
I just don't want to let our feelings go on and on, never thought the result would be forever intermittent.
43、有些风景只能喜欢却不能收藏,就像有的人只适合遇见,却不适合久伴一样 。
Some landscapes can only be liked but not collected, just like some people are only suitable for meeting but not for long-term company.
