
1、等你关心 , 等到我关了心 。
When you care, when I close my heart.
2、我终生的等候,换不来你刹那的凝眸 。
I've been waiting all my life. I can't change your eyes.
3、此生伴墨一生,终是文人志士 。
He lived with Mo all his life and was a scholar with lofty ideals.
4、你已经远远离开了,我也会慢慢的走开 。
You are far away, and I will walk away slowly.
5、逝去的东西,最好不念,最好不见 。
It's better not to read the lost things, or to see them.
6、望着这狼藉一片,我苦笑着 。
Looking at this mess, I smile bitterly.
7、别和往事过不去,因为它终究会过去 。
Don't worry about the past, because it will pass.
8、爱情如同野兽,吞没现实的我们 。
Love is like a beast, swallowing us in reality.
9、是够久了,我该走了 。
It's been long enough. I should go.
10、不稳定的情绪 , 压抑的我快要爆破 。
Unstable emotions, I am about to burst.
11、迟早有一天 , 我们会擦肩而过 。
Sooner or later, we will pass by.
12、原谅我孤陋寡闻,疏不知你心中有人 。
Forgive me for being ignorant and ignorant of someone in your heart.
13、曾今爱的那么真,如今伤的那么深 。
Once love so true, now hurt so deep.
14、习惯了两个人,睡单人床 。
Used to two people, single bed.
15、无乱是怎么样的恨 , 也都是另一种爱 。
Wuluan is how to hate, but also is another kind of love.
16、你怀里的温度 , 从来都不属于我 。
The temperature in your arms never belongs to me.
17、爱是,各自成全 。
Love is, make it all.
18、有些故事过程太完美,结局太悲惨 。
Some stories are too perfect and the ending too tragic.
19、孤单不可怕,就怕孤独会讲话 。
Loneliness is not terrible, just afraid that loneliness can talk.
20、我很好,心还在跳眼泪没掉面带微笑 。
I'm fine, my heart is still beating, tears are not falling, and I'm smiling.
21、有些爱只能止于唇齿,掩于岁月 。
Some love can only end in the lips and teeth, cover in the years.
22、嘴角的弧度 , 眼角的湿度 。
The radian of the corners of the mouth and the humidity of the corners of the eyes.
23、如果记忆不说话,流年是否也会开花 。
If the memory does not speak, whether the fleeting time will also bloom.
24、没有日期的纪念,半阳光半受伤 。
No date of commemoration, half sunshine and half injury.
25、最后,一个谎言 。
Finally, a lie.
26、转眼人间土一抔,无关风月无关情 。
In the twinkling of an eye, there is no relationship between the moon and the wind.
27、但愿日子清净,余生无怨无悔 。
I hope the days are clean and the rest of your life is without regrets.
28、我不会依赖别人 , 因为我受够了失望 。
I don't depend on others because I'm fed up with disappointment.
29、关系变了,就连说话的口气也变了 。
The relationship has changed, even the tone of speaking has changed.
30、说了再见是否就能不再想念 。
Say goodbye whether can no longer miss.
31、如果你是我的,我希望你永远是我的 。
If you are mine, I hope you will always be mine.
32、心若无归宿 , 走到哪里都是流浪 。
If the heart has no destination, it is wandering wherever you go.
33、我不复杂,但也不简单 。
I'm not complicated, but I'm not simple.
34、世界上最稳定的关系,就是没有关系 。
The most stable relationship in the world is no relationship.
35、丢掉回忆,做个没心没肺的女人 。
Lose the memory and be a heartless woman.
36、细品,杯中烈酒 。
Fine, strong wine in the cup.
37、越是不想说的话 , 越是压得心脏疼 。
The more you don't want to say, the more pressing the heart ache.
38、最好不相遇,如此便可不相聚 。
It's better not to meet, so we can't get together.
39、没有一个人,非要一个人,才能过一生 。
No one can live a life without a person.
40、天使,住在角落 。
Angel, live in the corner.
41、梦不过一瞬间,我却留恋了好几年 。
Dream is only a moment, but I miss for several years.
42、我耐心的看了,你还是很难看 。
I watched patiently. You are still ugly.
43、总是喜欢追忆,喜欢回顾,喜欢眷恋 。
Always like reminiscence, like review, like attachment.
44、悲伤的故事,只属于奢望幸福的人 。
Sad story, only belong to those who wish happiness.
45、人在俗世中,聚散不由人 。
In the secular world, it is not up to people to gather and disperse.
46、你说你爱我 , 我天真的以为是只爱我 。
You said you love me, I naive thought is only love me.
47、想要懂得今天,就必须研究昨天 。
If you want to understand today, you must study yesterday.
48、风花雪月,长恨时别 。
Love, love, love and love.
49、彼岸花开的妖艳、此岸人活的苍白 。
The other side of the flowers bloom, the shore people live pale.
50、已经开始要我哄,让我道歉了 。
I've started to coax me into making me apologize.
51、思念、是一根蔓在记忆的线,一拉就痛 。
Missing, is a vine in the memory of the line, a pull on the pain.
52、不怪誓言太轻?。?只怪时间太现实 。
No wonder the oath is too frivolous, only blame the time is too realistic.
53、一个人,在秋夜里 , 独自买醉 。
A person, in autumn night, alone drunk.
54、故事总会结束,只是有人欢喜有人哭 。
The story will always end, but some people are happy and others are crying.
55、情话总说不出口 , 眼泪总是不停流 。
Love words always can't say, tears always flow.
56、回忆是座桥,通向寂寞的牢 。
Memory is a bridge leading to lonely prison.
57、最终还是不舍得,只是移到了陌生人 。
Finally, I didn't give up, just moved to a stranger.
58、放下,简单两个字,寥寥十一画 。
Put down, simple two words, a few eleven paintings.
59、我,没你想得那么坚强 。
I'm not as strong as you think.
60、世界没有阳光,没有春天,没有生机 。
【暗恋的英文伤感句子】The world has no sunshine, no spring, no vitality.
