
1、但愿日子清静 , 抬头遇见的都是柔情 。
I hope the day is quiet, and all I see is tenderness.
2、别在我的坟前哭,弄脏我的轮回路 。
Don't cry in front of my grave and dirty my reincarnation road.
3、梦里飞花几度秋,红颜憔损香泪流 。
Several autumn flowers fly in the dream, the beauty is haggard, the fragrance is fragrant, and the tears flow.
4、从此伤春伤别,黄昏只对梨花 。
From then on, spring and dusk are only for pear flowers.
5、年轻人应该多尝试,做些有趣的事情 。
Young people should try more and do something interesting.
6、顷闻嘉讯,再祝鸿猷大展 , 万里鹏程 。
After hearing the good news, I wish Hongyou a great exhibition and a bright future.
When the spring silkworm dies, the wax torch turns to ashes and the tears begin to dry.
8、所爱未隔山海,幸得唇齿留香 。
Love is not separated by mountains and seas. Fortunately, lips and teeth stay fragrant.
9、你是梦中虚妄,你是无上理想 。
You are a vain dream, you are the supreme ideal.
10、你若不告而别,必是九州毁灭 。
If you leave without saying goodbye, Kyushu will be destroyed.
11、漠然回秋,你们早已温暖我的初秋 。
Indifferent back to autumn, you have already warmed my early autumn.
12、冰合井泉月入闺,金缸青凝照悲啼 。
Ice and well spring, the moon enters the boudoir, and the golden jar is green and sad.
13、生活给我什么,我就热爱什么 。
I love what life gives me.
14、四季又春秋,少女心不死 。
The four seasons are spring and autumn, and the girl's heart never dies.
15、丹桂不知摇落恨,素娥应信别离愁 。
Dan GUI doesn't know how to shake off her hatred. Su E should believe in parting sorrow.
16、阳光碎如我手心的花瓣 , 瓣瓣无声 。
【仙女系签名英语】The sunshine scattered into pieces, like the flower pads in my hand, droping with a silent sound.
17、万物都有裂痕,那是光照进来的地方 。
Everything has cracks. That's where the light comes in.
18、我从不为生活而皱眉 , 只为吻你而低头 。
I never frown for life, just bow my head to kiss you.
19、哪有什么错过的人,会离开的都是路人 。
There are no people who miss anything. Those who will leave are passers-by.
20、花开花落千年,我对你的爱永生不变 。
Flowers bloom and fall for thousands of years, my love for you will never change.
21、不迁就任何人,做自己最好 。
Don't accommodate anyone and be your best.
22、朕与将军解战袍,芙蓉帐暖度春宵 。
The general and I untie our war robes, and the lotus tent warms the spring night.
23、阑珊处,夜未央,你低吟浅唱 。
At the end of the night, you whisper.
24、眉尖早识愁滋味,娇羞未解论心事 。
The tip of the eyebrow knows the taste of sorrow early, and the delicate shame is not solved.
As long as you still love me, I won't leave you!
26、回廊四合掩寂寞 , 碧鹦鹉对红蔷薇 。
Cloister four cover loneliness, green parrot to red rose.
27、一个人送走日落 , 星光会盛你满怀 。
A person sends off the sunset, and the stars will fill you.
28、得到相伴此生的人,那是千年的缘分 。
It's a thousand years of fate to get the people who accompany you in this life.
29、宁我负天下人 , 不见叫天下人负我 。
It is better for me to bear the world than for the world to bear me.
30、相离莫相忘,且行且珍惜 。
Don't forget when you are apart, and cherish when you do.
31、王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁 。
Master Wang set the Central Plains day in the north, and told naiweng that he had not forgotten his family sacrifice.
32、今生若是缘未尽,宁负天下不负卿 。
In this life, if the fate is not exhausted, it is better to bear the world than you.
33、帘卷青珠挂泪愁,枝绽桃花含笑羞 。
The curtain is rolled with green beads, the tears are sad, and the branches are blooming with peach blossoms, smiling and ashamed.
34、人言柳叶似愁眉,更有愁肠似柳丝 。
People say that the willow leaves are like sad eyebrows, and the sad heart is like willow silk.
35、青鸟不传云外信 , 丁香空结雨中愁 。
Green birds do not send letters outside the clouds, cloves are empty and sad in the rain.
36、青春就是疯狂的奔跑 , 然后华丽的跌倒 。
Youth is running madly and then falling luxuriantly.
37、十年生死两茫茫 , 不思量 , 自难忘 。
Ten years of life and death are boundless. If you don't think about it, you'll never forget it.
38、老衲曾经回眸一笑,迷得师太神魂颠倒 。
I once looked back and smiled. I was fascinated by abbess.
39、活着,只是为了与你相遇 。
Live just to meet you.
40、最初的面庞,碾碎梦魇无常 , 命格无双 。
The original face is crushed, nightmare is impermanent, and life is unparalleled.
41、天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无 。
The light rain on the sky street is as smooth as crisp, and the grass color is not seen from a distance.
42、你拥有的此刻,是仲夏最灿烂的花火 。
The moment you have is the most brilliant flower in midsummer.
43、得成比目何辞死,只羡鸳鸯不羡仙 。
If you get a better picture, why do you die? You only envy mandarin ducks, not immortals.
44、我们一起白头,谁都不许偷偷去焗油 。
We are white headed together. No one is allowed to secretly bake oil.
45、荆州麦熟茧成蛾,缲丝忆君头绪多 。
Jingzhou wheat cocoons become moths, and the silk remembers you. There are many clues.
46、若有诗书藏于心,岁月从不败美人 。
If there are poems and books hidden in the heart, years will never defeat beauty.
47、谁为我执手天下 , 我为谁倾尽年华 。
Who controls the world for me, I pour out my years for who.
48、我把我的温柔,从此设置成仅你可见 。
I set my tenderness to be visible only to you.
49、一杯温柔,一尊童年,金风细雨 。
A cup of tenderness, a childhood, golden wind and drizzle.
50、白莲开,净颜照月牙,弱水三千尽繁华 。
The white lotus opens, the pure face shines on the crescent moon, and the weak water is 3000 prosperous.
51、岁月不饶人,我亦未曾绕过岁月 。
Years do not forgive, and I have never bypassed them.
52、问渠那得清如许 , 为有源头活水来 。
Ask Quna to be clear, so that there is a source of living water.
53、你是年少的欢喜,这句话反过来也是你 。
You are the joy of youth, which in turn is you.
54、傍邻闻者多叹息,远客思乡皆泪垂 。
Neighbors sigh when they hear it, and distant guests weep when they are homesick.
55、良言一句三冬暖 , 恶语伤人六月寒 。
A good word is warm in winter, but a bad word hurts people in June.
56、愿你来的时候,暴雨骤停,长风栖歇 。
May when you come, the rainstorm suddenly stop and the long wind rest.
57、别害怕带着梦向前走,流过泪才笑得从容 。
Don't be afraid to walk forward with a dream. You smile calmly only when you shed tears.
58、时见幽人独往来,缥缈孤鸿影 。
When I see you alone, I see the shadow of a lonely Hong.
59、云白山青万余里 , 愁看直北是长安 。
Yunbai mountain is more than ten thousand miles green. It's Chang'an to the north.
60、听悲伤的歌,看幸福的戏 。
Listen to sad songs and watch happy plays.
61、可笑长做人间客,却忘天意几多难 。
It's funny how hard it is to be a guest on earth, but forget God's will.
62、只身步步海天涯,路无归,霜满颜 。
Walking alone at the ends of the world, the road has no return, and the frost is full of face.
63、只恨初见美如玉,更怨人间太匆匆 。
Only hate to see beauty as jade, but also complain that the world is too hasty.
64、你来人间一趟,总要看看太阳 。
When you come to the world, you always have to see the sun.
65、迩的笑,美的如阳光照在青石板的暖 。
Your smile is as beautiful as the warmth of the sun shining on the bluestone slab.
66、青春不负你,青春不负我 。
Youth does not lose you, youth does not lose me.
67、人生平淡,能吃好穿好就已满足 。
Life is plain. You can eat well and wear well.
68、纵有新诗赠别离,医不可相思病体 。
Even if there is a new poem for parting, the doctor can't miss the sick body.
69、做出成绩来,全世界都会和颜悦色 。
If you make achievements, the world will be happy.
70、千里莺啼绿映红,水村山郭酒旗风 。
Thousands of miles of warblers crow green and reflect red, and Shuicun mountain Guo wine flag wind.
71、温柔的暖风 , 一定能吹散很多的不愉快 。
The gentle warm wind will blow away a lot of unhappiness.
72、当时相候赤栏桥,今日独寻黄叶路 。
At that time, I was waiting for the Chilan bridge. Today, I look for Huangye road alone.
Tenderness is like water, and the season is like a dream. Take care of the magpie bridge and return!
74、乾坤天地又如何 , 都不足以我为敌 。
What about heaven and earth? It's not enough for me to be an enemy.
75、明明是你做错 , 何必装作很难过 。
It's obviously your fault. Why pretend to be sad.
You really love the way you eat. Have you practiced it?
77、杨柳丝丝弄轻柔,烟缕织成愁 。
Willows and willows are soft, and smoke is woven into sorrow.
