1、忙起来什么都不缺,空下来才知道什么都没有 。
Busy up everything is not missing, empty to know nothing.
2、你有你的红颜,而我却只有自己 。
You have your red face, but I have only myself.
3、身体和情绪一样软软的,感觉轻轻一碰就要变形 。
The body is as soft as the mood, and it will be deformed when touched gently.
4、用余生写一首长诗,里面没有你的名字 。
Write a long poem for the rest of your life, without your name.
5、伤心时别担心,回头看看我一直在你身后 。
Don't worry when you are sad. Look back and see me behind you.
6、把心放宽不去抱怨不去嫉恨不去想象 。
Relax your heart and complain, hate, and imagine.
7、愿来生能做春风,流浪又自由 。
May the next life be spring breeze, wandering and free.
8、炎热的夏日,却依旧温暖不了我的心 。
Hot summer, but still can not warm my heart.
9、沉默不是不说话,只是不想说话 。
Silence is not to speak, but not to speak.
10、我不是你爹妈,别拿你的脾气挑战我的性格 。
I'm not your mom and dad. Don't challenge my character with your temper.
11、你给不了你的快乐,会有人做到的 。
You can't give you happiness, someone will do it.
12、饮下烈酒,吹吹清风,试着放下特别喜欢的你 。
Drink the strong wine, blow the breeze, try to put down the special love of you.
13、我没成为那株玫瑰,倒被你驯服成了狐狸 。
I didn't become that rose, but you tamed me to be a fox.
14、这么执着的爱着你,是出自爱情还是不甘心 。
So persistent love you, is it from love or not willing.
15、是我把你看得太重要,才误以为我也很重要 。
It is because I think you are too important to think I am important.
16、生活有太多的无奈,让人言不由衷 。
Life has too many helplessness, let people say no heart.
17、当夜显得寂寞不堪,去路显得无尽漫长 。
That night seemed lonely, and the way seemed endless and long.
18、其实没什么,失望也不是一次两次了 。
Actually, it's nothing. Disappointment is not twice at a time.
19、嘴上说着单身挺好,可是看到两个人还是会沉默 。
It's nice to say single on your mouth, but I still can be silent when I see two people.
20、你以为你早就忘记的人,输入法都给你记着 。
You think you have forgotten the people, input method to you remember.
21、人生就像剥洋葱,总有一片会让人流泪 。
Life is like peeling onions, there is always a tear.
22、当我们不再年轻,请让我们安心的老去 。
When we are no longer young, please let us go old.
23、我如果能让时光倒流,便不在如此难过 。
If I can make time flow back, I will not be so sad.
24、余生我可以自己过,不用你指教了 。
I can live by myself for the rest of my life, without your instruction.
25、去成为你想成为的人,什么时候都可以开始 。
Go to be the person you want to be, and you can start at any time.
26、也曾有人说过喜欢我,只是没人坚持过 。
I was once said to like me, but no one has insisted.
27、以后别做朋友,朋友不能牵手 。
Don't be friends later. Friends can't hold hands.
28、我走得不快,但决不走回头路 。
I don't go fast, but I will never go back.
29、算了,所有的失望都是源于我凭空的期待 。
Forget it, all the disappointment is due to my expectation.
30、你走的太急,我开始怀疑,曾经你是否来过 。
You are too anxious to go. I began to wonder if you had ever been here.
31、万般皆是命,半点不由人 。
All things are life, not at all.
32、心酸,像一杯烈酒,说完了故事开始上头 。
Sad, like a glass of strong wine, finished the story began to start.
33、向来缘浅,奈何情深 。
Always shallow, but deep.
34、化雪永远比下雪冷,就像结束永远比开始疼 。
Snow is always colder than snow, just like ending is always more painful than beginning.
35、再美的爱情,终究逃不过时间的鉴定 。
The love of beauty, after all, can not escape the identification of time.
36、我在快乐这两个字都不知道怎么写的年纪最快乐 。
【英文签名简短带翻译优伤】I am happy in the two words do not know how to write the happiest age.
37、秉着无所谓的态度,过着随遇而安的生活 。
With a indifferent attitude, we live a life of peace.
38、太廉价的糖,终归没那么甜 。
Too cheap sugar, it's not so sweet at all.
39、我还是会相信爱情,只是不再相信爱情能永恒 。
I will still believe in love, but I don't believe in love forever.
40、那些总是很忙的人,你何必去打扰 。
Those who are always busy, why do you have to disturb.
41、我是默默为你守护的影子,我爱你胜过爱自己 。
I am the shadow of silent protection for you, I love you more than love yourself.
42、可能我只是个过客,但你不会遇见第二个我 。
Maybe I'm just a passer-by, but you won't meet the second one.
43、是眼睛迷失了方向,还是心中本就没了光 。
Is the eye lost the direction, or the heart is not light.
44、我希望有一双手能牵我一辈子,而不是一阵子 。
I hope to have a hand to hold me for a lifetime, not for a while.
45、我开始选择销声匿迹,终于不再把你记起 。
I started to choose to disappear and finally I won't remember you.
46、将你锁紧进心底,将记忆彻底记忆 。
Lock you into the bottom of your heart, and remember it thoroughly.
47、想一想就疼的回忆,又怎么能对别人提起 。
Think about the pain of memories, and how can I mention it to others.
48、你以毕生眼泪偿我,我以余生光阴祭你 。
You pay me with tears for your life, and I sacrifice you for the rest of your life.
49、突如其来的情绪,让我瞬间措手不及 。
The sudden mood, let me suddenly surprise.
50、若未来你能想起我,希望那是温暖瞬间 。
If you can think of me in the future, hope it is a warm moment.
- 失望的签名
- 难受的个性签名
- 超级好听的个性签名22句,读懂你的心
- 写给自己的微信签名伤感
- 超短伤感个性签名
- 丧的简短个性签名
- 伤感心痛的个性签名大全合辑
- 一句话简短伤感的说说
- 浪漫的个性签名
- 伤心的签名