
1、常常责备自己的人,往往能得到他人的谅解 。
Those who often blame themselves can often get the understanding of others.
When you are sad, eat a piece of sugar and tell yourself that life is sweet!
3、万事开头难,每门科学都是如此 。
Everything is difficult at the beginning, and so is every science.
4、深情是我担不起的重担,情话只是偶然兑现的谎言 。
Affection is a burden I can't afford. Love words are just lies that happen to be fulfilled by chance.
5、海浪的品格,就是无数次被礁石击碎又无数闪地扑向礁石 。
The character of the wave is that it has been broken by the reef countless times and jumped on the reef countless times.
6、活在别人的掌声中,是禁不起考验的人 。
Living in the applause of others is a person who can't stand the test.
7、世界上那些最容易的事情中,拖延时间最不费力 。
Among the easiest things in the world, procrastination is the least laborious.
8、学得到东西的事情是锻炼,学不到的是磨练 。
What you can learn is exercise, what you can't learn is training.
9、有时候你认为的重新开始,不过只是重蹈覆辙 。
Sometimes you think of starting over, but you just repeat it.
10、一个人知道自己为什么而活,就可以忍受任何一种生活 。
A man who knows why he lives can endure any kind of life.
11、世界上只有想不通的人,没有走不通的路 。
There are only people in the world who can't think of it, and there is no way out.
12、我只担心一件事,我怕我配不上自己所受的苦难 。
I'm only worried about one thing. I'm afraid I don't deserve my suffering.
【英语每日一句心情签名微博】13、早晨是一只花鹿,踩到我的额上 。
Morning left its footprint on my forehead like a sika deer skipped by.
14、如果你有鸭梨,把它放冰箱里,它就会变成冻梨 。
If you have a pear, put it in the refrigerator and it will turn into a frozen pear.
15、没有所谓的运气,只有绝对的努力 。
There is no so-called luck, only absolute effort.
16、追求自身的利益不是自私,而忽视他人的利益才是真正的自私 。
Pursuing one's own interests is not selfishness, but ignoring the interests of others is real selfishness.
17、幸福就像香水,洒给别人也一定会感染自己 。
Happiness is like perfume, sprinkled to others will also infect themselves.
18、无论如何,请于时光的缝隙里,给精神留一块轻松的休憩之地 。
Anyway, please leave a relaxing place for the spirit in the gap of time.
19、外界的声音都是参考,你不开心就不要参考 。
All external voices are references. If you are unhappy, don't refer to them.
20、岁寒,然后知松柏之后凋也 。
Only in cold winter does one know that the pine and the cypress are the last to shed their leaves.
21、月色与雪色之间,你是第三种绝色 。
Between moonlight and snow, you are the third unique color.
22、你只管向前走,我会一直在你身后 。
Just go ahead and I'll always be behind you.
23、已经发生的,永远都不可能重来,所以,向前看吧 。
What has happened will never come back, so look forward.
24、活在这珍贵的人世间,水波温柔,阳光强烈 。
Living in this precious world, the water waves are gentle and the sun is strong.
25、我们的人生必须励志,不励志就仿佛没有灵魂 。
Our life must be inspirational, not inspirational as if there is no soul.
26、记住,努力暴富是解决你当前一切问题和困惑的最优途径 。
Remember, trying to get rich is the best way to solve all your current problems and puzzles.
27、你既是狂澜,也是没人能扑灭的火花 。
You are both a storm and a spark that no one can extinguish.
28、一个人不能永远做一个英雄,但一个人能永远做一个人 。
A man can't be a hero forever, but a man can be a man forever.
29、反正我不会白白付出,很简单我付出就是为了得到 。
Anyway, I won't pay in vain. It's very simple. I pay just to get.
30、不会生气的人是愚者,不生气的人乃真正的智者 。
He who is not angry is a fool, and he who is not angry is a real wise man.
31、读书使人充实,思考使人深邃,交谈使人清醒 。
Reading makes a full man, thinking makes a deep man, and conversation makes a sober man.
32、无论你觉得自己多么的不幸,永远有人比你更加不幸 。
No matter how unfortunate you feel, there will always be someone more unfortunate than you.
33、如果你曾歌颂黎明,那麽也请你拥抱黑夜 。
If you have sung the dawn, please embrace the night.
34、世事轮回,因缘际会,一切皆有定数 。
Everything has a definite number.
35、活着和喘气是两码事,别太满足现状,但要珍惜当下 。
Living and breathing are two different things. Don't be too satisfied with the status quo, but cherish the present.
36、曾经的回忆的画面已如烟;忘不掉思念,则抹不去孤独 。
The picture of memories has become smoke; If you can't forget your missing, you can't erase your loneliness.
37、没有等出来的一手遮天,只有拼出来的万人之上 。
Those who don't wait for it cover the sky with one hand, only those who spell it out.
38、做好自己,经营好每一天,给自己最好的优质感受 。
Do yourself well, manage every day, and give yourself the best quality feeling.
39、你知道人类最大的武器是什么吗?是豁出去的决心 。
Do you know what the greatest weapon of mankind is? It's a determination to go out.
40、走出自己的忧伤的小角落,你会发现一切都豁然开朗 。
Go out of your sad corner, you will find that everything will suddenly open up.
41、态度决定高度,习惯主宰人生 。
Attitude determines height, and habit dominates life.
42、最有效的资本是我们的信誉,它小时不停为我们工作 。
The most effective capital is our reputation. It works for us all the time.
43、我留一束花在海边,托海水帮我寄给你 。
I left a bunch of flowers by the sea and asked the sea water to send them to you for me.
44、自己要先看得起自己,别人才会看得起你 。
You should look up to yourself first, and others will look up to you.
45、热爱漫无边际,生活自有分寸 。
Love boundless, life has its own measure.
46、每颗星星都提着一盏小灯笼,来照亮一小块天空 。
Each star carries a small lantern to illuminate a small piece of the sky.
47、平安喜乐,好事多磨,来日方长 。
Peace and joy, good things are long-term.
48、无人理睬时,坚定执着 。万人羡慕时,心如止水 。
When no one pays attention, be firm and persistent. When ten thousand people envy, their hearts are like water.
49、最清晰的脚印,总是印在最泥泞的路上 。
The clearest footprints are always printed on the muddy road.
50、最困难的选择无非只有两个选项,你敢,或不敢 。
The most difficult choice is only two options, dare you, or dare not.
51、有人喝了酒,眼睛亮闪闪地跟你讲浪漫和爱 。
Someone drank wine and told you about romance and love with sparkling eyes.
52、你在的时候,你是一切 。你不在的时候,一切是你 。
When you are, you are everything. When you are away, everything is you.
53、听山河把春风酿成千言万语,吹过旧人故里 。
Listen to the mountains and rivers turn the spring breeze into thousands of words and blow through the old people's hometown.
54、既然没有了以后,何必再记住曾经 。
Since there is no future, why remember the past.
55、时光的年轮,在季节更迭中交替、变迁 。
The rings of time alternate and change in the change of seasons.
56、允许生活偶尔不怀好意,也相信一定会另有惊喜 。
Allow life to have bad intentions occasionally, and I believe there will be other surprises.
57、坚持自己的梦想,即使没有翅膀也能飞翔 。
Stick to your dreams and fly even without wings.
58、不苦不累,生活无味;不拼不搏,等于白活 。
Not bitter, not tired, life is tasteless; If you don't fight, you'll live in vain.
59、她在你面前完美无瑕,我在你面前丑态毕露 。
She's perfect in front of you, and I'm ugly in front of you.
60、你很自由,充满无限可能,这本身就是很棒的事情 。
You are free and full of infinite possibilities, which is a great thing in itself.
61、不要轻言放弃,否则对不起自己 。
Don't give up, or you'll be sorry for yourself.
62、先飞的都不是笨鸟,只有笨鸟才不肯先飞 。
It's not stupid birds that fly first. Only stupid birds refuse to fly first.
63、只要我们充满希望,我相信上帝会给我们幸福的机会 。
As long as we are full of hope, I believe God will give us a chance to be happy.
64、愿你觅得良人宠你万世千秋 。
May you find someone to spoil you forever.
65、唯其尊重自己的人,才更勇于缩小自己 。
Only those who respect themselves have the courage to narrow themselves.
66、这世界,美丽易碎,不必慌乱,只要静然于心,就会海阔天空 。
The world is beautiful and fragile. You don't have to panic. As long as you calm down in your heart, you will have a vast sea and sky.
67、喜欢自己过的生活,过自己喜欢的生活 。
Like the life you live, live the life you like.
68、你向神求助是因为你相信神,神没有回应是因为神相信你 。
You ask God for help because you believe in God. God doesn't respond because he believes in you.
69、用微笑告诉别人,今天的我,比昨天更强 。
Tell others with a smile that I am stronger today than yesterday.
70、想一千次,不如去做一次 。华丽的跌倒,胜过无谓的徘徊 。
If you think about it a thousand times, you might as well do it once. A gorgeous fall is better than a meaningless wandering.
71、如果你认定苦是自己应得的,那么光必然会照耀到你身上 。
If you believe that you deserve the pain, the light will surely shine on you.
72、我会披星戴月不辞万里,抛下世俗的一切奔向你 。
I will leave all worldly things and run to you.
73、不要去抱怨挫折,因为它是一种坚强 。
Don't complain about setbacks, because it is a kind of strength.
