1、微笑不用花一分钱,却永远价值连城 。
Smile doesn't cost a cent, but it's always valuable.
2、一万句承诺,不如一个眼神和一个证明 。
Ten thousand promises are better than a look and a proof.
3、生活不是电影,不会有那么多的不期而遇 。
Life is not a movie, there will not be so many unexpected encounters.
【伤感英文说说】4、自己生活贫乏的人,才喜欢刺探别人的私事 。
Only those who live in poverty like to pry into other people's private affairs.
5、我喜欢看着你的侧脸,但你总留给我一个背影 。
I like to look at your side face, but you always leave me a back figure.
6、死亡是一把匕首,然而流血负伤的却是活着的人 。
Death is a dagger, but it is the living who bleed.
7、你对俄许下的一时承诺,让俄一世都在回忆中蹉跎 。
You made a temporary commitment to Russia, so that Russia I wasted in memory.
8、我那样求你,你为什么还要违背承诺 。
I beg you that. Why do you break your promise.
9、明明抬头就是氧气,却宁愿孤独到窒息 。
Clearly looking up is oxygen, but would rather be lonely to suffocate.
Do you know how it feels to tie a shoelace?
11、记住你今天给我的伤,日后我定加倍还给你 。
Remember the injury you gave me today, I will double it to you in the future.
12、你不顾虑我的心痛,那我凭什么考虑你的感受 。
If you don't worry about my heartache, why should I consider your feelings.
13、再坚强的人,总有一天也会掉下那不该留的眼泪 。
No matter how strong the person is, one day will also fall the tears that shouldn't be left.
14、为了你,我付出了太多的真心 。
For you, I paid too much sincerity.
15、心里满满德全素伱,伱怎么忍心扔下俄 。
Heart full of moral integrity of you, how can you bear to leave Russia.
Fish drowning, is to let the sea remember itself?
17、我想知道,我们用青春到底能抱住多少悲伤 。
I want to know how much sorrow we can hold in our youth.
18、因为真的很在乎,所以我一直都在装作不在乎 。
Because I really care, so I always pretend I don't care.
19、一朵花的凋谢,一个季节的结束,许多人的离开 。
The withering of a flower, the end of a season, the departure of many people.
20、我把委屈心酸嫉妒难过都仔细藏好,不让你看见 。
I put the grievance, jealousy and sad carefully hidden, do not let you see.
21、一杯子的杯具,总有一天你会忘记它 。
A cup of cup, one day you will forget it.
22、我没有你那么洒脱,爱或不爱都随口说 。
I'm not as free and easy as you are, love or not.
23、不必去假装过得很好,其实没多少人在乎 。
You don't have to pretend you're doing well. Actually, not many people care.
24、是自己放弃了,所以我连喊疼的资格都没有 。
I gave up, so I didn't even have the qualification to cry for pain.
25、我只是想有一个人明白我,即使我什么都没说 。
I just want someone to understand me, even if I don't say anything.
26、我从来不知道什么叫淑女,更不装,我活的随意 。
I never know what a lady is, let alone pretend that I live at will.
27、我无意的柔情万种,你就不要再问我是否还要见面 。
I have no intention of tenderness, you don't ask me if I want to meet again.
28、生活不是电影,没有那么多不期而遇 。
Life is not a movie. There are not so many unexpected encounters.
29、人和人太熟就知道刀子往哪里捅,最痛 。
If you are too familiar with people, you will know where to stab with a knife.
30、这一次我们彻底结束了,不会再有以后了 。
This time we're over completely. There won't be any more.
31、自己不把自己打败,就没有人能把我们打败 。
If we don't beat ourselves, no one can beat us.
32、感谢那些看透了我,却还一直陪在我身边的人 。
Thank those who see through me, but still accompany me all the time.
33、我们的痛苦来源于爱,但我们的幸福也来源于爱 。
Our pain comes from love, but so does our happiness.
34、世界上最痛苦的事,莫过于爱上一个对别人痴心的人 。
The most painful thing in the world is to fall in love with someone who is infatuated with others.
35、前尘往事,缘尽散 。彼岸花开,两不见 。
The past and the past are scattered. Flowers bloom on the other side of the river.
36、重要的不是他有多好,而是他对你有多好 。
What matters is not how good he is, but how good he is to you.
37、哀莫大于心死,我渐渐听清自己心碎的声音 。
Grief is no greater than the death of the heart, I gradually hear the sound of their own heartbreak.
38、现在我有些倦了,倦得像一朵被风折断的野花 。
Now I am a little tired, tired like a wild flower broken by the wind.
39、寂寞的夜里,无尽的思念你辗转反侧,直到天亮 。
Lonely night, endless missing you, tossing and turning, until dawn.
40、保护一个人,并不是因为喜欢一个人 。
Protect a person, not because like a person.
41、没有你的午后,若有所失,却无从追忆 。
Without you in the afternoon, if you have lost, but there is no way to recall.
42、坚持自己现在坚持的,至少以后不会后悔 。
Insist on what you insist on now, at least you won't regret it later.
43、男人说的是一个理由,女人听的是一个借口 。
Men say a reason, women listen to an excuse.
44、金钱就像卫生纸,看着挺多,用着用着就没了 。
Money is like toilet paper. It looks like a lot, but it's gone when you use it.
45、希望在漆黑的夜晚,你也能点亮属于自己的小灯 。
Hope that in the dark night, you can also light your own light.
46、我的要求并不高,只希望我在乎的人也同样在乎我 。
My requirements are not high, just hope that the people I care about also care about me.
47、你长得如此多娇,引无数瞎子竞折腰 。
You are so charming that you make countless blind people bow down.
48、你纵有万般英雄豪情,不敌待我存真心 。
Even if you have all kinds of heroic sentiments, you can't resist to treat me with sincerity.
49、墙角屋檐下,我望着细雨,数落我的悲伤 。
Under the eaves of the corner, I look at the drizzle and count my sadness.
50、时间改变你我样子,却留下你爱我时的影子 。
Time changes the way you and I look, but leaves the shadow when you love me.
51、其实我的安静有迹可寻、只是你不太留心而已 。
In fact, there are traces of my quiet, but you don't pay attention to it.
52、你最后还是离开了,里里外外都是我一个人的错 。
You finally left. It's my fault inside and outside.
53、其实、所谓旳坚强只昰逞强、所谓旳笑容只昰伪装 。
In fact, the so-called strong is only show off, the so-called smile is only camouflage.
54、当彼此分离的那一刻,谁又曾回头望去 。
When the moment of separation, who has looked back.
55、能不能给我一个方向,让我幸福的走下去 。
Can you give me a direction, let me go on happy.
56、在人生中,永远都是自己一个人在唱独角戏 。
In life, you are always alone in singing monologue.
All say that meteor will respond to the request, is my ignorance, hurt your heart!
58、我也不想哭的真的,只是现实压得我喘不过气来 。
I don't want to cry really, but the reality pressure me out of breath.
59、爱是唯一的解答,那心痛是代价,那心碎是惩罚 。
Love is the only answer, the heartache is the price, the heartbreak is the punishment.
60、世界上最稳定的关系,就是没有关系 。
The most stable relationship in the world is no relationship.
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