
1、守信用,胜过有名气 。
Good faith is better than fame.
2、君子忧道,不忧贫 。
A gentleman is worried about Tao, not poverty.
3、打开天窗说亮话 。
Open the window and tell the truth.
4、诚信为人之本 。
Honesty is the foundation of people.
5、多虚不如少实 。
More empty is better than less solid.
6、心不负人,面无惭色 。
He has no shame.
7、坦诚是最明智的策略 。
Honesty is the wisest strategy.
8、智者不愁,多为少忧 。
A wise man is not worried, but more is less.
9、诚实重于珠宝 。
Honesty is more important than jewelry.
10、没有诚实,何来尊严 。
No dignity without honesty.
11、诚信,世界需要你 。
Integrity, the world needs you.
12、真诚能感动一切 。
Sincerity can move everything.
13、民无信不立 。
The people cannot stand without faith.
14、坦白真爽,最得人心 。
It's cool to be frank. It's popular.
15、诚是一种心灵的开放 。
Sincerity is an open mind.
16、正身直行,众邪自息 。
When you walk straight, all the evils will rest.
17、诚信创造财富 。
Honesty creates wealth.
18、信用是最大的资本 。
Credit is the biggest capital.
19、诚信是立身之本 。
Honesty is the foundation of life.
20、一言九鼎,重千秋 。
One word is worth a thousand years.
21、人背信则名不达 。
A man who breaks his word is not worthy of his name.
22、小信诚则大信立 。
A little faith is a great faith.
23、言不信者,行不果 。
If you don't believe what you say, you can't do it.
24、祸莫大于无信 。
There is nothing worse than no faith.
25、正路方登,直流才饮 。
Only when you are on the right road can you drink.
26、诚实是上策 。
Honesty is the best policy.
27、诺言就是债务 。
A promise is a debt.
28、对骗子不能诚实 。
You can't be honest with a liar.
29、挂羊头,卖狗肉 。
Hang the sheep's head and sell dog meat.
30、言必信,行必果 。
You must believe what you say and do what you do.
31、说谎就怕三当面 。
If you lie, you're afraid of three faces.
32、言忠信,行笃敬 。
He is faithful in his words and respectful in his deeds.
33、失信就是失败 。
Failure is failure.
34、人之所助者,信也 。
He who helps others believes.
35、一事真,百事真 。
One thing is true, Pepsi is true.
36、纸包不住火 。
The paper can't stop the fire.
37、金钱买不到信任 。
Money can't buy trust.
38、心和口不该分家 。
Heart and mouth should not be separated.
39、诚信为荣,失信可耻 。
It's a shame to be dishonest.
Be a man, honesty first!
41、一言既出,驷马难追 。
When a word comes out, it's hard to catch up.
42、诚实是最好的策略 。
Honesty is the best strategy.
43、诚信是人生之本 。
Honesty is the foundation of life.
44、忠诚是人生的本色 。
Loyalty is the essence of life.
45、信不足,安有信 。
If you don't have enough faith, you can have faith.
46、言过其实,不可大用 。
Exaggeration is not enough.
47、君子说话,一言为定 。
When a gentleman speaks, it's a deal.
48、胸怀坦荡,正大光明 。
Open minded and aboveboard.
49、一言之美,贵于千多 。
Beauty in a word is more than a thousand.
50、聪明正直的人为最好 。
The wise and upright are the best.
51、不愧于人,不畏于天 。
Worthy of man and fearless of heaven.
52、己所不欲,勿施于人 。
Don't do to others what you don't want.
53、廉者憎贪,信者疾伪 。
Honest people hate corruption, and those who believe in it are hypocritical.
54、与朋友交,言而有信 。
Keep your word when you make friends.
55、一言不实,百事皆虚 。
If a word is not true, all things are false.
56、宁可失钱,不可失信 。
Better lose money than lose faith.
57、信言不美,美言不信 。
Good words and good words.
58、内外相应,言行相称 。
Internal and external correspondence, words and deeds.
59、大人不华,君子务实 。
Adults are not Chinese, but gentlemen are pragmatic.
60、一言之美,贵于千金 。
Beauty in a word is more valuable than gold.
61、真诚是通向荣誉之路 。
Sincerity is the road to honor.
62、百种奸伪,不如一实 。
One truth is better than a hundred kinds of deceit.
63、精诚所致,金石为开 。
Sincerity is the key to success.
64、诚实守信,快乐人生 。
Honest and trustworthy, happy life.
65、正不容邪,邪复妒正 。
The right does not allow evil, and evil begrudges the right.
66、微笑服务、诚信待客 。
Smile service, integrity hospitality.
67、受人之托,终人之事 。
To be entrusted by others is to be done by others.
68、诚开金石,信步天下 。
Be honest and open to the world.
69、宁失万贯,不失诚信 。
It is better to be honest than to be honest.
70、精诚所加,金石为亏 。
If you add sincerity, you will lose gold and stone.
71、诚信为本,学做真人 。
Based on honesty, learn to be a real person.
72、诚信者,天下之结也 。
Honesty is the knot of the world.
73、敏而好学,不耻下问 。
He is quick and eager to learn.
74、心地安详,虽穷犹乐 。
Peace of mind, though poor, still happy.
75、言必诚信,行必忠正 。
Words must be honest and deeds must be honest and upright.
76、贫而无谄,富而无骄 。
Poor without flattery, rich without pride.
77、君子一百,快马一鞭 。
One hundred gentlemen, one swift horse.
78、内不愧心,外不负俗 。
【关于诚实的英文名言警句】We should live up to our hearts inside and live up to our customs outside.
79、诚实是人的最高品德 。
Honesty is the highest moral character.
80、不信不立,不诚不行 。
If you don't believe in it, you can't be honest.
81、开心见诚,无所隐伏 。
There's nothing to hide.
82、真理是诚实人的助手 。
Truth is the assistant of an honest man.
83、君子一言,驷马难追 。
A word from a gentleman is hard to trace.
84、没有诚信,何来尊严 。
No integrity, no dignity.
85、诚信在心,法治在行 。
Integrity in the heart, the rule of law.
86、不精不诚,不能动人 。
If you are not precise or sincere, you can't be moving.
87、去食去兵,不可去信 。
To eat or to fight, do not believe.
88、诚信比一切智谋更好 。
Honesty is better than all wisdom.
89、君子独处,守正不挠 。
A gentleman is alone and upright.
90、华而不实,虚而无用 。
Pompous but useless.
