1、品过的味,才知道有涩有凉 。
Only after tasting can we know that there is astringency and coolness.
2、橱窗里盛放的琳琅满目,是阜盛而过的年华栩栩生辉 。
In the window, there are a lot of colorful things, which are the life of Fusheng.
3、别让那些暧昧,破坏了彼此相爱的默契 。
Don't let those ambiguity destroy the tacit understanding of love.
4、低头要有勇气,抬头要有底气,平时要有骨气 。
You should have courage to bow, courage to look up, and courage at ordinary times.
5、劝你们别惹我,我有小熊魔法棒 。
Don't provoke me, I have bear magic wand.
6、与其苦苦纠缠,不如一别两款,各生欢喜吧 。
It's better to have one and two, each living happily, than to be entangled in bitterness.
7、星不过是星,终会灭;烬不过是烬,永远如此 。
A star is but a star, and it will die; an ember is but an ember, and it will always be so.
8、笑骂由他笑骂,好官我自为之 。
He is the one who laughs and scolds, and I am the good official.
9、要相信,地球是圆的,对的人,兜兜转转总会回来的 。
We should believe that the earth is round, and the right person will come back when he goes around.
10、有理尽管胆大,无私何妨心雄 。
If you have reason, you should be brave. If you are selfless, you should be brave.
11、生命,本就是有了陪伴才会温暖 。
Life is only warm with company.
12、繁忙的工作放一放,复杂的心情搁一搁 。
Let go of busy work and complex mood.
13、恋爱可以慢慢谈,肉必须趁热吃 。
Love can talk slowly, meat must be eaten while hot.
14、为了爱,可以承受着世间一切苦难 。
In order to love, can bear all the suffering of the world.
15、谈何失去,毕竟所有人生来孤独 。
Talk about how to lose, after all, all people are born lonely.
16、只要小伙精神在,到哪都是高富帅 。
As long as the spirit of the lad is there, he will be rich and handsome everywhere.
17、东方不亮西方亮,你爹啥样我啥样 。
The East is not bright and the west is bright. I am what your father is like.
18、不懂得自爱的人,是没有能力去爱别人的 。
People who don't know how to love themselves have no ability to love others.
19、每次发脾气前要先这么想想,据说这个方法可以制怒 。
Think about it before you lose your temper. It's said that this method can make you angry.
20、他让你红了眼眶,你却还笑着原谅,这就是爱情 。
He let you red eyes, but you still smile forgive, this is love.
21、为人处世也是如此,饭要七分饱,话留三分好 。
The same is true of life. You should be satisfied with seven parts of your food and three parts of your words.
22、因为爱过,所以慈悲:因为懂得,所以宽容 。
Because of love, so compassion: because of understanding, so tolerance.
23、闲来风雅,诗意无瑕,袅袅墨香沏清茶 。
Leisure elegant, poetic flawless, curling ink fragrance brew tea.
24、缘分天定,一个惊艳了时光,一个温柔了岁月 。
Predestination, a stunning time, a gentle years.
25、跟什么人学什么艺,跟黄鼠狼学会偷鸡 。
With whom to learn what skills, with weasel learn to steal chicken.
26、人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺 。
People have ups and downs, and the moon has ups and downs.
27、走过、路过、错过,就是一辈子 。
Pass, pass, miss, is a lifetime.
28、话怕三头对面,事怕挖根掘蔓 。
I'm afraid of digging roots and vines.
29、我们活着是为了快乐,为了开心 。
We live to be happy, to be happy.
30、我连我自己都猜不透,怎敢奢求别人来懂我 。
I can't even guess myself. How dare I ask others to understand me.
31、就算世界荒芜,总有一个人,他会是你的信徒 。
Even if the world is deserted, there will always be someone who will be your believer.
32、使我有身后名,不如即时一杯酒 。
It's better to have a glass of wine at once.
33、直到最后,你才发现,最爱你的,是你的父母 。
It's not until the end that you find that your parents love you the most.
34、人生不怕重来,就怕没有将来 。
Life is not afraid of coming back, but afraid of no future.
35、天上下雨地上滑,自己跌倒自己爬 。
It rained and slid on the ground. I fell down and climbed by myself.
36、人还是要有梦想,即使是咸鱼,也要做最咸的那条 。
People still have a dream, even if it's salty fish, it's also the saltiest one.
37、成人的世界,总是这么脆弱 。
The world of adults is always so fragile.
38、不阿谀以苟合,不谄媚以求亲 。
Don't flatter to meet, don't flatter to courtship.
39、散伙是人间常态,我们又不是什么例外 。
【英语格言情感】We are no exception to the norm of breaking up.
40、身欲出樊笼外,心要在腔子里 。
The body wants to go out of the cage, the heart needs to be in the cavity.
41、一天很短,开心了就笑,不开心了就过会儿再笑 。
A short day, laugh when you are happy, and laugh later when you are not happy.
42、没有任何东西是长久的,所以拥有的时候请珍惜 。
Nothing is long-term, so treasure it when you have it.
43、余生只想牵你的手,从天光乍破走到暮雪白头 。
I just want to hold your hand for the rest of my life, from the sudden breaking of the sky to the snow white head in the evening.
44、大男人,会作威作福;好男人,会作牛作马 。
A great man is a tyrant; a good man is a horse and a cow.
45、你不来,远处星河,近处大海,均是人间美景 。
If you don't come, the stars and rivers in the distance and the sea nearby are all beautiful sceneries on earth.
46、大家做事寻常,小家做事慌张 。
We do things in an ordinary way, but our family is flustered.
47、理智告诉你多此一举,情感怂恿你最后一搏 。
Reason tells you to do more than that, and emotion encourages you to fight for the last time.
48、你再聪明,也别耍小聪明,聪明反被聪明误 。
No matter how clever you are, don't play tricks on your cleverness. Cleverness is mistaken by cleverness.
49、前半生到处浪荡,后半生为你煲汤 。
I spent the first half of my life wandering around and the second half cooking soup for you.
50、天热脾气爆,我不微笑,你别闹 。
Hot temper, I do not smile, you do not make trouble.
51、最感叹的莫过于一见如故,最悲伤的莫过于再见陌路 。
The most lamented thing is to see the past at first sight, and the saddest thing is to see a stranger again.
52、如果今天,你我易地而处,我会信你 。
If today, you and I change places, I will believe you.
53、休与小人为仇,小人自有对头 。
Hugh and villain are enemies. Villains have their own enemies.
54、一天之中,多少人最喜欢黄昏时分 。
How many people like dusk the most in a day.
55、时光保持开心,没有永远糟糕的事 。
Time to keep happy, there is no always bad things.
56、兴盛时更谨慎,暴怒时能忍耐 。
Be more prudent in prosperity, and patient in wrath.
57、脚下千里道路,腹中万卷诗书 。
Thousands of miles under the feet of the road, in the belly of thousands of volumes of poetry.
58、但愿花园里花常好,一生饮酒花前老 。
I hope the flowers in the garden are always good, and I'll be old before I spend my life drinking.
59、群众眼睛雪亮,英雄所见略同 。
The eyes of the masses are bright, and the views of the heroes are similar.
60、像风一样,可以肆意的冲进你的怀抱 。
Like the wind, you can rush into your arms.
61、非学无以广才,非静无以成学 。
Without learning, there is no wide range of talents; without quietness, there is no way to achieve learning.
62、只盼望未来可期,我也可爱 。
Just hope for the future, I'm lovely.
63、累不怕,怕就怕你不勇于正视,怕就怕你选择了将就 。
Tired not afraid, afraid that you do not dare to face up to, afraid that you choose to make do with.
64、我已经做腻了可爱的女孩子,突然有点想做你的太太 。
I'm tired of being a lovely girl, and suddenly I want to be your wife.
65、坚强的人并不是能应付一切,而是能忽视所有的伤害 。
Strong people are not able to deal with everything, but can ignore all the harm.
66、或许是不知梦的缘故,流离之人追逐幻影 。
Maybe it's because they don't know the dream that the exile pursues the illusion.
67、那首情歌有关风月,却无关你我 。
That love song has nothing to do with you and me.
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