
1、在没有你的日子里,我连呼吸都会痛 。
In the days without you, I can't even breathe.
2、借我一个肩膀,我想崩溃一下 。
Lend me a shoulder. I want to break down.
3、我最信任的人,教会我不要信任任何人 。
The people I trust most teach me not to trust anyone.
4、日子会慢慢变好,丢下我的垃圾会慢慢死掉 。
Life will get better and my garbage will die.
5、谁是谁的谁,谁为谁心碎 。
Who's who, who's heartbroken.
6、如果可以选择的话,不要用恨来结束一段爱 。
If you have a choice, don't end a love with hate.
7、思念是最温情的等待,陪伴是最长情的告白 。
Missing is the most warm waiting, accompany is the longest confession.
8、分手万岁,分手快乐,分手泪流成河 。
Long live the break-up, happy break-up, break-up tears into a river.
9、我对你的喜欢,也只能到这里为止了 。
I can only like you so much.
10、真心总是无人喜,偏偏套路撩人心 。
No one likes sincerity, but the routine is provocative.
11、宁愿被误会,也不想勉强去解释 。
I'd rather be misunderstood than try to explain.
12、明明不习惯陌生人,却装比陌生人还陌生人 。
I'm not used to strangers, but I pretend to be a stranger.
13、我走过的孤独很黑,你拿什么体会 。
I walk through the loneliness is very dark, what do you experience.
14、那些道理我都懂,就是一到晚上翻了船 。
I know all that, but I capsized at night.
15、我怀念的是争吵以后,还是想要爱你的冲动 。
What I miss is the impulse to love you after the quarrel.
16、怎样才算情深,挫骨扬灰,还是万劫不复 。
How to be affectionate, frustrated or doomed.
17、我并没感到难过,只是很失望,仅此而已 。
I didn't feel sad, just disappointed, that's all.
18、假若念你变成习惯,假若爱你变成信仰 。
If thinking of you becomes a habit, if loving you becomes a faith.
19、我哪里还敢走近你,你的身边总是有人陪 。
Where do I dare to approach you? There are always people around you.
20、思念抵不过时间,信念换不来永远 。
Missing but time, faith can't change forever.
21、因为离别,我们才懂得了珍惜 。
Because of parting, we know how to cherish.
22、看你浅笑安然,匆匆走过有我的年华 。
See you smile Enron, in a hurry through my years.
23、不经意的思念是那么痛,痛到回想都不敢触碰 。
Inadvertent miss is so painful, pain to recall dare not touch.
24、我看不起你,其实我更看不起喜欢你的自己 。
I look down on you. In fact, I look down on myself who likes you.
25、忙碌的时光虽然匆匆,但不虚度 。
Although busy time is in a hurry, it is not wasted.
26、等待不是美德,就像善良无法取代容貌 。
Waiting is not a virtue, just as kindness cannot replace appearance.
27、避免心碎最好的办法,就是假装自己没有心 。
The best way to avoid heartbreak is to pretend you don't have a heart.
28、我不是个温柔人,却为你做尽了温柔事 。
I'm not a gentle person, but I've done all the gentle things for you.
29、迟些再遇见吧,你刚好成熟,我刚好温柔 。
I'll meet you later. You're just mature. I'm just gentle.
30、没关系我放你走,我还有清风和酒 。
It doesn't matter. I'll let you go. I still have the breeze and the wine.
31、天空,藏不住的思念 。
The sky, cannot hide the missing.
32、最怕在用了心之后,得到的是背叛 。
I'm afraid that after I use my heart, what I get is betrayal.
33、爱是藏不住的,闭上嘴巴,眼睛也会说出来 。
Love can't be hidden. Close your mouth and your eyes will say it.
34、没有你当初的放手,哪有我现在的幸福 。
If you didn't let go, how could I be happy now.
35、我们兵分两路,然后山顶重逢 。
We'll split up and meet again at the top of the mountain.
36、空山新雨后,天气晚来秋 。
The empty mountain is bathed in new rain, and the arrival of night makes people feel that it is early autumn.
37、想要开口的话,都被风吹的好远好远 。
If you want to open your mouth, you will be blown far away by the wind.
38、当你身处冰天雪地,你才懂得太阳的温暖 。
When you are in the ice and snow, you know the warmth of the sun.
39、看在你不喜欢我的份上,我也不喜欢你好了 。
You don't like me, and I don't like you anymore.
40、毕竟你身边人太拥挤 。而我又不是你唯一 。
After all, there are too many people around you. And I'm not the only one.
41、你让我学会了拥有,却教会了我放弃 。
You let me learn to have, but taught me to give up.
42、你给不了你的快乐,会有人做到的 。
You can't give you happiness, someone will do it.
43、我们之间最大的误会,就是我以为你喜欢我 。
The biggest misunderstanding between us is that I thought you like me.
44、我们风风雨雨一起走,为何你突然放手 。
We walk together, why do you suddenly let go.
45、不期待任何人的温暖,一个人也可以过的很好 。
Do not look forward to the warmth of anyone, a person can also live well.
46、红了樱桃绿了芭蕉,时光总把旧人抛 。
Red cherry, green banana, time always throw old people away.
47、即便是被命运百般捉弄,也要努力活的精彩 。
Even if you are teased by fate, try to live a wonderful life.
48、害怕不能在一起,所以不敢太爱你 。
Afraid not to be together, so dare not love you too much.
49、喜欢的时候拼命靠近,爱的时候只想保护 。
【英语伤感句】Like when desperately close to love when just want to protect.
50、人潮拥挤,背影似你,眉眼似你,不是你 。
Crowded, back like you, eyebrows like you, not you.
