
1、可是我需要你的存在,即使我不爱你 。
But I need your existence, even if I don't love you.
2、逃避,不一定躲得过;面对,不一定最难受 。
Escape, not necessarily can avoid; face, not necessarily the most uncomfortable.
3、我学会放弃爱你的心,直到将心彻底撕成两半 。
I learned to give up the love your heart, until the heart completely torn in two.
4、拯救我的人是你,而你却不知道我也深爱着你 。
You are the one who saved me, but you don't know that I love you too.
5、你会不会突然的出现,在街角的咖啡店 。
Will you suddenly show up at the coffee shop on the corner.
6、爱,不只是空间的距离,更是心灵的相依 。
Love is not only the distance of space, but also the dependence of soul.
7、笑话是什么,就是我现在对你说的话 。
What's a joke? It's what I'm telling you now.
How is the girl I once loved so much?
9、与其在等待中枯萎,不如在行动中绽放 。
It is better to bloom in action than to wither in waiting.
10、我在一座孤城,等待一个旧人的到来 。
I am in a lonely city, waiting for the arrival of an old man.
Looking for happiness to think that will be happy, heart is just a moment of things!
12、生活中,总是有着这种、那种的不如意 。
In life, there is always one kind of dissatisfaction.
13、日落月起,一些东西在无形里已变得物是人非 。
Since sunset, some things have become invisible.
14、连自己也猜不透的心情,该如何是好 。
Even their own can not guess the mood, what to do.
15、过着八戒的生活,却想要猴哥的身材 。
Live a life of eight commandments, but want the body of monkey brother.
16、我听得到的悲伤,是你看不见的心伤 。
I can hear the sadness, is you can't see heartbreak.
Can not stop, although life is very tired, but also continue!
Time takes only the face, but leaves unforgettable memories!
19、越是得不到的越想要、越是失去的越想珍惜 。
The more you can't get, the more you want to lose, the more you want to cherish.
20、今天不为学习买单,未来就为贫穷买单 。
If you don't pay for learning today, you will pay for poverty in the future.
21、优秀并非天生,而是后天磨砺的结果 。
Excellence is not born, but the result of honing.
22、要走的人就让他走,多一个字都是求 。
If you want to leave, let him go. If you have one more word, you will ask for it.
23、痛苦的底下是快乐,快乐的底下是痛苦 。
Happiness is at the bottom of pain, and pain is at the bottom of happiness.
24、一路上都是伏笔,转身的那刻全世界都失陷了 。
All the way is foreshadowing, turning around the moment the world is lost.
25、无论怎样挣扎,一向挣脱不出那段陈旧的以前 。
No matter how struggling, has always been unable to get rid of that old before.
26、不要拿过去的往事,来折磨此时此刻的自己 。
Don't take the past to torture yourself at this moment.
27、不要因为你的过去,影响到你的现在或未来 。
Don't affect your present or future because of your past.
28、成功等于目标,其他都是这句话的注解 。
Success is equal to goal. Everything else is the annotation of this sentence.
29、坚持不一定会胜利,但放弃一定会失败 。
Persistence does not necessarily lead to victory, but to give up is bound to fail.
30、你来的信写的越来越客气,关于爱情只字不提 。
Your letters are more and more polite, and don't mention anything about love.
31、那天,你说你讨厌我,我笑了,笑的撕心裂肺 。
I hate that day, I said.
32、闭上左眼、看到的是你那可爱的腼腆 。
Close your left eye and see your lovely shyness.
33、读书是在给未来省时间,是对自己的投资 。
Reading is to save time for the future. It is an investment in yourself.
34、鸟再怎么愤怒,也只会拿几只猪发泄 。
No matter how angry the bird is, it will only take a few pigs to vent.
35、你不珍惜我就会走,即使我很喜欢你 。
If you don't cherish me, I will go, even if I like you very much.
36、感受到他人的冷漠,你就会看透人心了 。
Feel the indifference of others, and you will see through the heart.
37、为别人鼓掌的人也是在给自己的生命加油 。
People who applaud others are also cheering for their own lives.
38、可以忘了受过的伤害,但别忘了它给你的教训 。
Forget the hurt, but don't forget the lesson.
39、任何值得拥有的东西,一定是值得等待的 。
Anything worth having must be worth waiting for.
40、梅花的美丽在于傲雪,竹的美丽在于傲骨 。
The beauty of plum blossom lies in Ao Xue, and the beauty of bamboo lies in Ao Gu.
41、女人,就该活的洒脱,别拖泥又带水 。
Women, should live free and easy, do not drag mud and water.
42、你每个小小的心愿,我都想要去兑现 。
I want to fulfill every little wish you have.
43、我宁愿要你残忍的冷漠,也好过那虚伪的承诺 。
I would rather you cruel indifference, better than that hypocritical commitment.
44、如果你爱我就请告诉我,趁我还在,趁我还爱 。
If you love me, please tell me, while I am still, while I still love.
45、本就不复杂的爱情,断了念想也不会太挽留 。
This is not a complex love, broken thinking will not be too detaining.
46、不吵不闹不喜不悲,安静的和你再无交集 。
No noise, no noise, no joy, no sorrow, no more intersection with you.
47、管我有多差 。在这个世界上 。就一个我 。
No matter how bad I am. In this world. Just me.
48、人生是一趟旅程,顺境也好,逆境也好 。
Life is a journey, good or bad.
49、女人的学识,灵性,人格,构成女人的味道 。
Women's knowledge, spirituality and personality constitute the taste of women.
50、曾以为你是我的太阳,却成为我握不住的流光 。
I thought you were my sun, but I couldn't hold the streamer.
Dream makes me different, struggle makes me change my destiny!
【唯美英文句子】52、结局很重要,没有结局,那些经过都是多余的 。
The ending is very important. Without the ending, the process is superfluous.
53、相信是成功的起点,坚持是成功的终点 。
Believe is the starting point of success, persistence is the end of success.
54、女孩的可爱程度,与能吃程度成正比 。
The loveliness of a girl is directly proportional to her ability to eat.
55、我浪不浪关你什么事,谁稀罕你给的家 。
It's none of your business whether I wave or not. Who needs your home.
56、该放弃的,我都能放弃,为何我就不能放弃你 。
Should give up, I can give up, why I can't give up you.
57、相信自己,你能作茧自缚,就能破茧成蝶 。
Believe in yourself, if you can bind yourself, you can break the cocoon and become a butterfly.
58、我会一直等你,即使已经没有再等下去的理由 。
I will always wait for you, even if there is no reason to wait any longer.
59、我站在原点,始终很怀念,而你总是很不屑 。
I stand at the origin, always miss, and you always despise.
60、别总把悲伤挂在嘴上,每个人都有自己的故事 。
Don't always talk about sadness. Everyone has his own story.
