
1、儿童节到了 , 送你一颗快乐的童心!
2、儿童节玩得开心 , 老顽童快悦舒心 。
3、儿童节 , 愿你放下包袱 , 简单生活 。
4、儿童节 , 祝你重回童年 , 快乐相连!
5、宏伟理想鼓斗志 , 幼小心灵开红花 。
6、愿你拥有儿童般的快乐 , 幸福常驻 。
7、预祝老小孩们节日快乐 , 无忧无虑!
8、Send you a small kite ,  fly to relax yourself!
9、Wish old children a happy holiday ,  so carefree!
10、一儿童节到来 , 愿你年年岁岁是童年 。
11、做一个永远快乐的孩子 , 儿童节快乐!
12、儿童节到来之际 , 愿你永驻花般笑颜!
14、朋友 , 愿你忘记烦恼 , 拥抱快乐甜蜜!
15、送你一只小风筝 , 放飞自己放松身心!
16、送你一颗童心 , 愿你烦恼少 , 快乐多 。
17、Receive my greetings must smile ,  enjoy you a candy.
18、Have a tong qu ,  carefree ,  hardship are not afraid.
19、像孩童一样抹平细密的沙子 , 抹平忧伤 。
20、像孩童一样攀爬楼梯 , 攀上人生的顶峰 。
21、寻找童年最喜欢的颜色 , 装扮美丽心情 。
22、愿你怀着一颗童心享受生活 , 收获快乐 。
23、祝福很真诚 , 你要很幸福 , 儿童节快乐!
24、送你一只棒棒糖 , 让你的爱情充满甜蜜 。
25、Children's day is coming ,  send you a happy heart!
26、Do a always happy children ,  happy children's day!
27、Like children put on new clothes ,  put on a good mood.
28、收到我的.问候一定要笑 , 赏你一颗糖哟 。
29、Like children recover fine sand ,  flattening of sadness.
30、保持着一颗天真善良的童心 。祝节日快乐 。
31、像孩童一样换上崭新的衣裳 , 换上好心情 。
32、儿童节到了 , 老中青们 , 大大方方乐起来 。
33、祝你如儿童搬容易满足、开心 , 笑口常开 。
34、送你半只棒棒冰 , 好东西我们要懂得分享 。
35、Like a child to climb stairs ,  climbing the peak of life.
36、the grand ideal of the dark spirit ,  a young soul saffron.
37、Have a happy children's day ,  the old urchin yue shu xin.
38、May you have the happy like children ,  permanent happiness.
39、一儿童节到了 , 有什么不懂的 , 赶紧补补吧!
40、拥有一颗童趣 , 无忧无虑 , 艰难困苦都不惧 。
41、童年 , 是人间的天堂;童心 , 是快乐的源泉 。
42、Children's day coming ,  may you be always spend as smile!
43、Send you a childlike innocence ,  let you worry ,  less happy.
44、今天儿童节 , 我甘愿花一毛钱 , 祝你节日快乐!
45、儿童节愿你童心童趣常相伴 , 开心快乐天天随!
46、Delivers you a lollipop ,  let you of the love is full of sweet.
47、Wish you like children moved easily satisfied ,  happy ,  smile.
48、Looking for a childhood favorite color ,  dress up beautiful mood.
49、儿童节到 , 祝你快乐永远 , 童真永在 , 幸福愉快 。
50、儿童节快乐!愿你永远拥有一颗童心 , 天天笑哈哈
51、Happy children's day ,  I wish you were a boy again ,  connected!
52、Little angel! Mom will love you forever! Happy children's day!
53、Children's day ,  wish you to put down the burden ,  the simple life.
54、Send you half ice pops ,  only good things we want to know how to share.
55、儿童节快乐 , 永远童真的你!愿你永远保持一颗童心 。
56、You would like to enjoy life with a childlike innocence ,  happy harvest.
57、Friend ,  you would like to forget the worry ,  embrace happiness sweet!
58、Maintained a kind of childlike. Wishing you happiness during the holidays.
59、Blessing is very sincere ,  you have to be happy ,  happy children's day!
60、June 1 children's day is coming ,  wish you are many ,  many years childhood.
61、Children's day is coming ,  to bring together ,  consumedly square square music up.
62、June 1 children's day is coming ,  have what not understand ,  a lot more quickly!
63、Childhood ,  is a heaven on earth; Childlike innocence ,  is the source of happiness.
64、Today is children's day ,  I am willing to spend a dime ,  wish you a happy holiday!
65、小朋友们最高兴的日子就是今天 , 祝小朋友们节日快乐 , 学习进步 。
66、Happy Children's Day! Wishes to you always have a Childlike Innocence ,  every day Xiao Haha.
67、社会主义的花 , 是你们呀 。多么幸福!你们是国家的宝贝 , 祝儿童节万岁!
68、Happy children's day to you childlike innocence tong qu often accompany ,  happy over every day!
69、Happy Children's Day ,  the innocence of you forever! You always willing to maintain a Childlike Innocence.
70、你的生命刚刚翻开了第一页 , 愿初升的太阳照耀你诗一般美丽的岁月 。明天属于你们 。
71、the children are most pleased that the day is today ,  I wish the children happy holidays ,  learning and proGREss.
72、A socialist flower ,  is your ah. What happiness! You are the country's Baby ,  I wish the Children's Day Hooray!
73、your life has just opened a first page and is willing to rising of the sun shining your beautiful poem years. Tomorrow belongs to you.
74、心愿是风 , 快乐是帆 , 祝福是船 。心愿的风 , 吹着快乐的帆 , 载着对小朋友祝福的船 , 漂向快乐的你 , 轻轻地问候:六一节快乐!
75、通告:明天是你的节日 。提前祝你节日快乐!请速到幼儿园领取棒棒糖一个 , 檫鼻涕绢一块 , 开裆裤一条 , 尿不湿一个 。特此通知!!
76、在我们祝福天下所有的孩子儿童节快乐的这一天 , 也让我们每一个成年人回到童年 , 用最纯真的情怀最纯洁的心灵过一个快乐的儿童节!节日快乐!
77、幼儿园老师说:尿床一次罚三元 , 二次五元 , 三次七元 。我正想问老师包月多少钱 , 就看见你举手说:老师 , 我要办VIP会员年卡!祝你儿童节快乐!
78、别动 , 抢劫!这是抢劫!懂吗?快拿出你的忧愁 , 交出你的伤心 , 掏出你的烦恼 , 摘下你的哀伤 , 喏!换上这个 , 我送来的快乐!预祝六一儿童节快乐!
79、希望每天的你都快乐得象炉子上的茶壶一样 , 虽然小屁屁被烧的滚烫滚烫 , 但依然吹着开心的口哨 , 冒着幸福的泡泡 , 乐的屁颠屁颠!预祝你儿童节快乐!
80、阳光下漫天飞舞的蝴蝶 , 可曾让你记得那追逐嬉戏的岁月?天真的笑脸好似花儿 , 引得蝴蝶流连忘返!儿童节到来之际 , 愿你永驻花般笑颜!儿童节快乐!
81、儿童节将至 , 我谨代表领导 , 向奋战在聊天一线各位小朋友们表示最深切的问候!并希望大家牢记住当年我给你的教导:好好上网 , 天天在线!儿童节快乐!
82、年一度 , 在我们祝福天下所有的孩子儿童节快乐的这一天 , 也让我们每一个成年人回到童年 , 用最纯真的情怀最纯洁的心灵过一个快乐的儿童节!节日快乐!
83、今天是儿童节 , 贪玩的你今天别玩手机 , 玩了你就别收短信 , 收了你就别读这条 。哎 , 你还是读了 。我除了祝你节日快乐外 , 只想说:你这小孩子咋不听话呢?
84、儿童节到来之际 , 祝曾经是孩子的你:青春不老 , 保持纯真的心 , 拥有甜美的微笑 , 孩童般的皮肤 , 无忧无虑的生活状态 , 对未来抱有幻想和憧憬!节日快乐!
85、曾经年幼无知 , 曾经莽撞少年;岁月于指间无声滑过 , 当儿童节走在街头 , 才意识到过去的日子不回头 。开支红酒 , 为这不属于我们的节日干杯!儿童节快乐!
86、树叶因风而动 , 雏苗因土而长 , 瀑布因流而成 , 天空因鸟儿而生动 , 海洋因珊瑚而神秘 , 沙漠因绿洲而有生气 , 生活因年轻而美丽!祝儿童节快乐!天天开心!
87、Bless all the world in our children a happy Children's Day On this day ,  let us return to childhood every adult with the most sincere sentiments of the most pure heart of a happy Children's Day! Happy holidays!
【六一儿童节英文祝福语】88、Aspiration is the wind ,  is a fan happy ,  blessed is the ship. Aspiration of the wind ,  blowing fan happy ,  the children carrying the blessing of the boats ,  drift to the happiness of you ,  gently greetings: Happy 61!
89、Do not move ,  robbery! This is a robbery! Understand? Quickly come up with your sad ,  to hand over your heart ,  out of your troubles off your sorrow ,  Well! Change this ,  I sent you! I wish a happy Children's Day 61!
90、The annual ,  all the world blessed in our children a happy Children's Day of this day ,  let us return to childhood every adult with the most sincere sentiments of the most pure heart of a happy Children's Day! Happy holidays!
91、Notice: Tomorrow is your day. I wish you happy holidays in advance! Please click here to a kindergarten for Bangbang Tang ,  a silk Sassafras tsumu the nose ,  a Kaidang pants ,  urine is not a wetland. We would like to inform! !
92、The day hope you are happy like a teapot on the stove ,  although small Pipi burned the boiling hot ,  but still happy blowing whistles ,  braving the well-being of the bubble ,  the music Pidianpidian! I wish you a happy Children's Day!
93、Children's Day is approaching ,  I wish you had children: youth are not old ,  and maintain pure heart ,  has a sweet smile ,  a child-like skin ,  carefree life ,  have no illusions about the future and look forward to! Happy holidays!
