先收藏以后会用到 including
1. What's the departure time? 飞机何时起飞?
2. What time does the plane take off? 飞机何时起飞呢?
3. When does the next flight leave? 下一班飞机何时起飞呀?
4. Is the plane on time? 飞机准点不?
5. I need to reschedule my flight. 我要更改航班 。
6. Could u show me your boarding pass, please? 能让我看下你的登机牌吗?
7. I'm in economy/business/first class. 我在经济舱/公务舱/头等舱 。
【先收藏以后会用到 including】8. Ladies and gentlemen, we will be departing soon. Please fasten your seat belt. 女生们先生们 , 我们的飞机即将起飞 , 请系好安全带 。???
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