1、给生活一个目标,让我们有继续走下去的动力 。
Give life a goal, let us have the power to go on.
2、计划要细,动手要早,落实要准 。计划与目标、行动一致 。
Plan carefully, start early and implement accurately. The plan is consistent with the goal and action.
3、当你根据变化了的形势来制定自己的计划时,必须时刻记住你的目标 。
When you make your own plans based on the changed situation, you must always remember your goals.
4、生涯是连续的,终生的,与成功有约,有梦的人终会摘星 。
Life is continuous, life-long, with the success of the contract, the dream of people will eventually pick stars.
5、工作没有计划,往往弄得大家疲于奔命,收效也不大 。
Without a plan for work, we are often exhausted and ineffective.
6、有的人觉得,未雨绸缪、计划长远的生活与及时行乐同样重要 。
Some people think that it's equally important to plan for a long-term life and to have fun in time.
7、只有保持足够的水分,才能让你的减肥计划事半功倍 。
【关于计划与安排的英语句子】Only by maintaining enough water can you make your weight-loss plan work twice as well with half the effort.
8、任何时候做任何事,订最好的计划,尽最大的努力,作最坏的准备 。
Whenever you do anything, make the best plan, do your best and prepare for the worst.
9、我们做每一件事,都要有一个目标 。没有目标的举为是没有意义的 。
We should have a goal in everything we do. There is no point in doing without a goal.
10、失败的原因,不是在行动前没有计划,而是缺少计划前的行动 。
The reason for failure is not that there is no plan before action, but that there is no plan before action.
11、要规定收入的固定比例作为储蓄,以养成有计划的储蓄习惯 。
We should set a fixed proportion of income as savings, so as to form a planned saving habit.
12、想得好是聪明,计划得好更聪明,做得好是最聪明又是最好 。
Think well is smart, plan well is smarter, do well is the most intelligent and the best.
13、事先做好准备,就能成功,不然就会失败 。
Be prepared in advance, you will succeed, or you will fail.
14、有计划地做事,有计划的生活 。
Work in a planned way and live a planned life.
15、贫穷是不需要计划的,致富才需要一个周密的计划并去实践它 。
Poverty does not need a plan. To get rich requires a careful plan and practice it.
16、在未听到他们下一步行动计划之前,她将按兵不动 。
She will hold still until she hears their next action plan.
17、既然没有未卜先知的能力,那我们就做好万无一失的准备 。
Since we don't have the power of a prophet, we should be ready for everything.
18、没有计划和计算的生活,那注定是一败涂地的了 。
Life without plan and calculation is doomed to failure.
19、做事之前学会规划、分清主次,才会事半功倍 。
Learn to plan and prioritize before you do something.
20、上帝在我生命中有个计划,通过我的故事给予他人希望 。
God has a plan in my life to give hope to others through my story.
Passive acceptance can only be life, follow the heart of the goal, active to create life!
22、要完成这项工作,不但要计划周到,更要措施得当 。
To finish the work, we should not only plan carefully, but also take proper measures.
23、喜欢在黑夜里奔跑,丢了目标,却有了动力 。
Like to run in the night, lost the goal, but has the power.
Always follow the rules of your own investment plan, which will strengthen good self-control!
25、计划如何报复一个人,可以让我活得很有规律 。
Planning how to get back at someone can make me live a regular life.
26、空虚无聊的时候就读书,但一定得有自己的生活目标和计划 。
Read when you are empty and bored, but you must have your own life goals and plans.
27、把握一个今天,胜似于徒然计划两个明天 。
It is better to grasp one today than to plan two tomorrows in vain.
Human beings should learn to control themselves and have family planning!
29、一旦自私的幸福,变成了人生惟一的目标,人生就会变得没有目标 。
Once selfish happiness becomes the only goal of life, life will become aimless.
30、人生最大的目标,在于超越昨天的自己,因为有目标,人们才会努力 。
The biggest goal of life is to surpass yesterday's self, because there are goals, people will work hard.
31、向自己奋斗目标飞奔的人,才是美好生活的播种者 。
Those who run to their goals are the seeders of a better life.
32、赢家总有一个计划,输家总有一个借口 。
Winners always have a plan, losers always have an excuse.
I plan you to my future, but you fade out of my life!
34、新的一个月开始了,我要有新的计划,新的目标,新的方向 。
The new month has begun. I want to have a new plan, a new goal and a new direction.
35、有计划就去做,不要总找借口 。
Do it when you have a plan. Don't make excuses all the time.
36、做事要有理想目标,有了高度才能为之奋斗终身 。
To do things, we must have an ideal goal, and only with a high level can we strive for it for life.
37、让我们将事前的考虑,换为事前的思考和计划吧 。
Let's change the thinking in advance to the thinking and planning in advance.
38、有绝妙的计划,必须不遗余力地实施,而且今天就做 。
We must spare no effort to carry out the excellent plan and do it today.
39、生涯即人生、生涯即竞争,生涯规划就是个人一生的竞争策略规划 。
Career is life, career is competition, career planning is the competition strategy planning of one's life.
40、详细制定实验计划,帮助孩子了解更多事情 。
Make detailed experimental plans to help children learn more.
41、因为今天天气的问题,我们取消了原来的计划 。
Because of the weather today, we cancelled the original plan.
42、世界上最远的路是没有目标的路,更远的是没有目标而且乱动的路 。
The furthest road in the world is the one without goals, and the farther is the one without goals and moving in disorder.
43、他做事没有计划,白费了许多宝贵的时间 。
He didn't plan his work and wasted a lot of valuable time.
44、学习一定有恒心,要脚踏实地的完成自己的学习计划 。
There must be perseverance in learning, to complete their own learning plan on the ground.
45、因为昨天天气特别的不好,所以我们全家取消了出门旅行的计划 。
Because of the special bad weather yesterday, our family cancelled the plan of traveling.
46、告诉你使我达到目标的奥秘吧,我唯一的力量就是我的坚持精神 。
Tell you the secret that makes me achieve my goal. My only strength is my persistence.
47、各项比赛要按计划进行,不要把次序弄乱了 。
All competitions should be carried out according to the plan. Don't mess up the order.
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