1、谆谆如父语,殷殷似友亲 。
Earnest as father's words, earnest as friends and relatives.
2、您是烛光,照亮了童稚的心灵 。
You are the candle light, illuminating the childish mind.
3、您是蜡烛,燃烧了自己照亮了别人 。
You are a candle, burning yourself and illuminating others.
4、一位好老师,胜过万卷书 。
A good teacher is better than ten thousand books.
Poetry, song Fu, praise of your worship!
On Teachers' day, I wish you good health and good health!
7、师恩重如山,学生不敢忘 。
Teachers' kindness is as heavy as a mountain, and students dare not forget it.
8、老师期望我们成为新世纪的太阳 。
Teachers expect us to be the sun of the new century.
9、教书育人,桃李天下 。
To teach and educate people is the world of peach and plum.
10、一寸粉笔,写下真理消磨自己 。
An inch of chalk, write down the truth, kill yourself.
11、经师易遇,人师难遇 。
Teachers of classics are easy to meet, but people are difficult to meet.
12、您是园丁,一年四季勤耕耘 。
You are a gardener. You work hard all the year round.
13、虽有桃李满天下,甘居清贫不后悔 。
Although there are peaches and plums all over the world, he is willing to live in poverty without regret.
14、横式竖式,算不尽老师的爱 。
Horizontal vertical, not all teachers love.
15、难忘你的温暖关怀,那是一弯明月 。
Unforgettable your warm care, it is a bright moon.
16、您是春蚕,春蚕到死丝方尽 。
You are the spring silkworm, the spring silkworm will die.
17、无私奉献,传授知识从未想到回报 。
Never thought of giving back, imparting knowledge.
18、您是智慧画笔,将美好勾勒 。
You are a smart brush, will be beautiful outline.
19、愿你永远快乐,安康 。
May you always be happy and healthy.
20、有你,我才感觉到世界的温暖 。
With you, I feel the warmth of the world.
21、仰之弥高,钻之弥坚 。
It's up to the top, but it's hard to drill.
Hard work, my teacher!
23、君子藏器于身,待时而动 。
A gentleman hides his tools in his body and waits for the time to move.
Love can't be forgotten! Thank you, teacher!
25、感恩的心,感谢师恩 。
Thank you for your kindness.
I sincerely wish you well and well!
27、老师,您辛苦了!愿您一生美好 。
Teacher, you work hard! Wish you a wonderful life.
28、您是一抹烛光,照亮希望 。
You are a candle light, light up hope.
29、您像大海一样广博,给我们勇气 。
You are as broad as the sea, giving us courage.
30、点点滴滴,悠然于心 。
Little by little, leisurely in the heart.
31、老师啊,歇歇吧,要爱惜自己 。
Teacher, take a rest and cherish yourself.
32、桃李天下,无可匹敌 。
There is no match in the world of peach and plum.
33、您是蜡烛,燃烧自己直至泪干 。
You are a candle, burning yourself until tears dry.
Dundun teaching, unforgettable Teacher's kindness!
35、不常问候,却把牵挂装在心里 。
Do not often greet, but care in the heart.
36、一生平安,永远快乐 。
Safe life, happy forever.
37、见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也 。
When you see a virtuous person, you should think about it together; if you don't, you should introspect yourself.
38、送您康乃馨,健康常在 。
Carnation for you, health is always there.
39、老师用知识的雨露浇灌我们成长 。
Teachers irrigate our growth with the rain and dew of knowledge.
40、辛勤的园丁,母爱的化身 。
Hard gardener, the embodiment of maternal love.
41、难忘你的谆谆教诲,那是一盏明灯 。
Unforgettable your earnest instruction, that is a lamp.
42、祝老师身体健康,桃李满天下 。
I wish the teacher good health.
43、最真的,是您眼中的深情 。
The most true, is the deep feeling in your eyes.
44、春播弟子三千万,秋收硕果定留香 。
Thirty million students will sow in spring, and the fruits will be kept in autumn.
45、您是春蚕,奉献自己关怀我们 。
You are the spring silkworm, dedicate yourself to care for us.
46、老师辛苦了,教师节快乐 。
Teacher hard, happy Teacher's day.
47、教师辛勤为国家,桃李成才栋梁娃 。
Teachers work hard for the country, Taoli Chengcai dongliangwa.
48、您的身影,常常在我脑海浮现 。
Your figure, often in my mind.
49、您如春风,沐浴我的心房 。
You are like the spring breeze, bathing my heart.
50、乐于付出,无私奉献 。
Willing to give, selfless dedication.
51、您是无私的智者,解开困惑的迷雾 。
You are a selfless wise man. You can untie the fog of confusion.
52、满怀期望,慈爱关怀,学生健康 。
Full of expectations, loving care, students' health.
53、走一步,离不开老师的扶持 。
One step is inseparable from the support of teachers.
54、一似梦瑶台,心知玉女来 。
Like a dream of Yaotai, the heart knows that the jade girl comes.
My teacher's grace, in the heart forever!
56、人类灵魂的工程师 。
The engineer of the human soul.
57、在我们需要雨露是,您就是雨滴 。
When we need rain and dew, you are the raindrop.
58、爱就是教育,没有爱便没有教育 。
Love is education. Without love, there is no education.
59、没有你,我不明白生活的真谛 。
Without you, I don't understand the true meaning of life.
【英文感恩老师美句】I wish you more and more young, more beautiful life!
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