
1、不幸的是,还没开始了解就要放弃了 。
Unfortunately, I'm giving up before I start to understand.
2、有个傻子爱过你,但是后来TA不傻了 。
There was a fool who loved you, but later he was not stupid.
3、真心无法作比较,就算我爱的很霸道 。
Really can not compare, even if I love very overbearing.
4、时钟可以指向原点,只是已不再是昨天 。
The clock can point to the origin, but it is no longer yesterday.
5、风很凉,水很清澈,从头到脚都快乐 。
The wind is cool, the water is clear and happy from head to foot.
6、金字塔是用一块块的石头,堆砌而成的 。
Pyramids are made of stones.
7、一切都看淡些,对名利,对金钱,对感情 。
Everything is indifferent to fame and wealth, money and feelings.
8、有些人,有些事,不是你想忘记就能忘记的 。
Some people, some things, not you want to forget can forget.
9、人心何时懂得知足,何时才能迎来幸福 。
When people know how to be contented, when can they usher in happiness.
10、有一种放弃叫爱情,请忘记我在我忘记你之前 。
There is a kind of give up called love, please forget me before I forget you.
11、因为我装无所谓忍着泪、笑得好狼狈 。
Because I pretended to be indifferent, holding back tears and laughing in confusion.
12、心总在最痛时复苏;爱总在最深时,落下帷幕 。
The heart always recovers in the most painful time; love always comes to an end at the deepest time.
13、学会生活学会学习,挑战自我直到成功 。
Learn to live, learn to learn, challenge yourself until you succeed.
14、你可知道我爱你,是下了多大的勇气 。
Do you know how much courage I love you.
15、一步一惊心的人生,一步一痛心的爱情 。
Step by step, the life is startling, the love is painful step by step.
16、对不起,我不是安徒生,写不出你想要的结局 。
Sorry, I'm not Andersen. I can't write the ending you want.
17、青春举杯,迸发激情,迈向成功未来 。
Youth toast, burst out of passion, towards a successful future.
18、失望并不可怕,可怕的是心存侥幸,不够绝望 。
Disappointments are not terrible. What's terrible is that you are lucky and not desperate enough.
19、我不是没有脾气,只是我愿意宠着你 。
I'm not without temper, but I'm willing to spoil you.
20、我的记性不太好,只是记住了你的好 。
My memory is not very good, just remember your good.
21、假如生活出卖了我,我希望是论斤卖 。
If life betrays me, I hope it will be sold by catty.
22、学会欣赏自己,才能把自己变得更加强大 。
Learn to appreciate yourself, in order to become more powerful.
23、做一个干净也洒脱的人,往事不记后事不提 。
Do a clean and free and easy person, past events do not remember, do not mention.
24、入了夏,万物明朗,心境也该焕然一新 。
In summer, everything is clear and the mood should be changed.
25、重要的不是他有多好,而是他对你有多好 。
What matters is not how good he is, but how good he is to you.
26、我要和你幸福的度过,每一天的时光 。
I want to spend every day with you happily.
You window cold rain a lamp lonely, material should be feeling done, also road have feelings?
28、地球不动的那一秒,爱情又唤醒了谁 。
The earth does not move that second, love wakes up who.
29、爱我就别伤害我,我的心是如此的痛 。
Love me, don't hurt me, my heart is so painful.
30、心被你伤的千疮百孔,你不心疼却当它是笑话 。
The heart is full of holes that you hurt, but you don't love it when it is a joke.
31、我对你的温度,取决于你对我的态度 。
My temperature to you depends on your attitude towards me.
32、正因为青春太短,所以才想变得热血 。
It is because youth is too short, so just want to become hot blood.
33、为自己加油,为自己奋斗,明天会更好 。
Cheer for yourself, fight for yourself, tomorrow will be better.
34、我也爱你,在未来,你仍是我最信赖的那个人 。
I love you too. In the future, you will still be the one I trust most.
35、我还是那么没出息,处处留意你的消息 。
I'm still so hopeless. I keep an eye on your news.
36、迟早有一天,我会知道你会找各种借口离开我 。
Sooner or later, I will know that you will find all kinds of excuses to leave me.
37、尽吾志也,而不能至者,可以无悔矣 。
If I try my best, if I can't, I will have no regrets.
38、人生最重要的一点是,永远不要迷失自己 。
The most important thing in life is never to lose yourself.
39、请不要用你的骚劲,来勾引我的男人 。
Please don't use your coquettish power to seduce my man.
People come and go, time will go, but what can I have?
41、结局已经如此,原因已经不再重要了 。
The end has been so, the reason is no longer important.
42、到最后我才知道,我最对不起的其实是我自己 。
At the end of the day, I realized that what I was most sorry for was myself.
43、其实你明白,这个年龄,谁都不会是谁的一生 。
In fact, you know, this age, no one will be whose life.
44、如果天不再是蓝色,云会不会不一样 。
If the sky is no longer blue, will the clouds be different.
45、听闻小姐治家有方,鄙人余生愿闻其详 。
I've heard that the young lady manages her family well. I'd like to hear more about it for the rest of my life.
46、我怎么舍得在你最需要我的时候离开 。
How can I be willing to leave when you need me the most.
47、拳头能把野猪打死,却塞不住人的嘴巴 。
A fist can kill a boar, but it can't stop a man's mouth.
48、你是我的万里挑一,我却是你的万分之一 。
You are one in ten thousand for me, but I am one in ten thousand for you.
49、青春之所以幸福,就因为它没有前途 。
Youth is happy because it has no future.
50、我曾怀念他,在我心里住了一秒之后继续擦肩 。
I once missed him and continued to wipe my shoulders after living in my heart for a second.
51、眼泪,有时候是一种无法言说的幸福 。
Tears, sometimes a kind of unspeakable happiness.
52、生命是一个过程,可悲的是它不能重来 。
Life is a process, but it can't be repeated.
53、有得有失,才是人生,切忌忿忿不平 。
There are gains and losses, is life, avoid resentment.
54、就算是真的心疼的你的,也要忍住管住嘴不说 。
Even if you are really distressed, you should also hold your tongue.
55、即便再苦再累也不要怕,心中有梦闯天下 。
Don't be afraid even if you are tired again. You have a dream in your heart.
56、你既认准这条路,又何必在意要走多久 。
Since you know this road, why do you care how long you will go.
57、曾梦想仗剑走天涯,看一看世界的繁华 。
I once dreamed of walking around the world with swords and seeing the prosperity of the world.
58、那时我们还年轻,阳光正好,青春年少 。
At that time, we were young, sunny and young.
59、什么天荒地老,什么天长地久,都是逝言 。
What time goes by, what time goes by, all are dead words.
60、我之所以非常自信,因为自信是免费的 。
【每日英语】I'm very confident because confidence is free.
