1、无关青云路,无关诗书,无你处无江湖 。
It has nothing to do with Qingyun Road, poetry and books, without you, without rivers and lakes.
2、照片,快乐时光的一些证据 。
Photos, some evidence of happy times.
3、追赶日落,是我送自己的一场浪漫 。
Chasing the sunset is a romance I give myself.
4、女孩外出不应该叫旅游,应该叫搬家 。
Girls' going out should not be called tourism, it should be called moving.
5、生命不长不短,刚好够用来看看这个世界 。
Life is not long or short, just enough to see the world.
6、生在南方,活在远方 。
Born in the south, live far away.
7、清明上巳西湖好,满目繁华 。
Qingming Shangsi West Lake is good and prosperous.
8、百里挑一,为了一次旅行 。
One in a hundred for a trip.
9、做一个世界的水手,游遍所有的港口 。
To be a sailor of the world, visit for all ports.
10、我频繁记录着,只因为生活值得 。
I record it frequently, just because life is worth it.
11、世界那么大,我想去朋友圈看看 。
The world is so big, I want to visit the circle of friends.
12、人生得意须尽欢,胡吃海喝需尽兴 。
To be happy in one's life, to be happy in one's eating and drinking.
13、看惯了人山人海,想见一回真正的大海 。
Used to the sea of people, want to see a real sea.
14、取悦自己,才是生活的王道 。
Please yourself, is the king of life.
15、带不走四季的风,就带走一路的景 。
If you can't take the wind of the four seasons, you can take the scenery all the way.
16、遇到困惑时,就去外面的世界走走看看 。
When you are confused, go to the outside world.
17、在路上,你会忘记昨天的烦恼 。
On the way, you will forget yesterday's troubles.
18、最好的时光,一直在路上 。
The best time, always on the road.
19、我要换个地方,睡觉觉啦 。
I'm going to sleep in another place.
20、图片有限,快乐无限 。
Limited pictures, unlimited happiness.
21、把自己,流放在世界的某个角落 。
Exile yourself in a corner of the world.
22、给自己,一段柔软的时光 。
Give yourself a soft time.
23、透过车窗看风景,山川湖泊也在看你 。
Through the window to see the scenery, mountains and lakes are also looking at you.
24、生活不只是眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方 。
Life is not only the present, but also the poem and the distance.
25、美好的事物,等你去发现 。
Beautiful things, waiting for you to find.
26、愿你脚踏善良,从此拥有远方 。
May you step on kindness and have a distant place from now on.
27、揣着一口袋的开心,满载而归 。
Carrying a bag of happy, full of home.
28、愿你我既可以朝九晚五、又可以浪迹天涯 。
I hope you and I can be nine to five, and can roam the world.
29、你爬过的峰除了早高峰,还应该有少女峰 。
In addition to the morning peak, you should also climb Jungfrau.
30、去流浪,去换成长 。
To wander, to grow up.
31、短暂且美好的时光 。
A short and wonderful time.
32、用旅行,给自己一次重启 。
With travel, give yourself a restart.
33、找不到答案的时候,就去这个世界看一看 。
When you can't find the answer, go to the world and have a look.
34、等风来,不如追风去 。
It's better to follow the wind than wait for it to come.
35、出去旅行,不是看看风景,而是找回自己 。
To travel is not to see the scenery, but to find yourself.
36、去哪里都不重要,重要的是去啊 。
It doesn't matter where you go. The important thing is to go.
37、世界上有不绝的风景,我有不老的心情 。
There are endless sceneries in the world, and I'm not old.
38、大家都挤在路上,而我想挤进你心里 。
Everyone is on the road, and I want to be in your heart.
39、出门远行,寻找自己 。
Go out and find yourself.
40、有趣的人生,一半是山川湖海 。
Interesting life, half of it is mountains, lakes and seas.
41、路上有斑马线,不如有斑马 。
Zebra crossing is better than zebra crossing.
42、去哪里,并不重要 。心宽,便是远方 。
It doesn't matter where you go. A broad heart is a distance.
43、你为什么要爬山,因为山就在那里 。
Why do you climb mountains? Because the mountains are there.
44、心中草莽无文案,只知游玩很欢愉 。
I have no copy in my heart, but I have fun.
45、山不来见我,我自去看山 。
If the mountain doesn't come to see me, I will go to see the mountain.
46、热爱可抵岁月漫长,风起风止我都在 。
Love can be worth a long time, the wind up, I am in.
【旅游的英文句子】47、一种生活过久了,总想出去走走 。
A life too long, always want to go out for a walk.
48、换个地方,看看人间烟火 。
Take a look at the fireworks in another place.
49、世界那么大,我想去看看 。
The world is so big, I want to see.
50、别让正事,耽误了玩 。
Don't let business delay play.
51、别赶路,去感受路 。
Don't rush, feel the way.
52、朝暮与岁月并往,愿我们一同行至天光 。
Day and night go hand in hand with the years. May we go together to the dawn.
53、假如生活欺骗了你,不如一路向西去大理 。
If life deceives you, it's better to go all the way to Dali.
54、请保持那一份热爱,奔赴下一场山海 。
Please keep that love and go to the next mountain and sea.
55、天气晴,宜收集快乐 。
The weather is fine, so we should be happy.
56、想尝鲜,不进卖场,只上农场 。
If you want to try fresh food, you don't want to go to the store, just go to the farm.
57、旅行,就应该只是单纯的出去走走 。
Travel, it should be just a simple walk out.
58、哪有那么多来日方长,现在就要快乐 。
How can there be so much time to come? Be happy now.
59、在所有的道别里,我最喜欢下次见 。
Of all the goodbyes, I like to see you next time.
60、旅行是治愈坏心情的良药,音乐也是 。
Travel is the cure for bad mood, so is music.
61、在这季节交替中,看昼夜往复日升月落 。
In the alternation of seasons, watch the day and night cycle, the sun rises and the moon falls.
62、这一路都是风景,我就不为你翻山越岭了 。
This road is full of scenery, so I won't go over the mountains for you.
63、我来见你,不远万里 。
I came to see you. It's a long way.
64、所见皆是草木,唯你是青山 。
All you see are plants, only you are green mountains.
Wish you all the way to the sun, all the way forward!
66、人间烟火气,最抚凡人心 。
The fireworks in the world are the most touching.
67、我装作在四处看风景,可我的眼里只有你 。
I pretend to be looking around at the scenery, but my eyes are only you.
68、乘兴而去,尽兴而归 。
Go with pleasure and return with pleasure.
69、心痒比什么都难受,要用玩来一次次止痒 。
Heart itching is worse than anything else. You need to play to stop itching again and again.
70、去哪儿不重要,重要的是去吧 。
It doesn't matter where you go, it's important to go.
71、不喜闹世世故,偏爱山川风水 。
I don't like to be worldly, but prefer Fengshui.
72、梨花风起正清明,游子寻春半出城 。
The pear blossom is blowing in the clear sky, and the wanderer is half out of the city in spring.
73、风景清明后,云山睥睨前 。
When the scenery is clear and bright, the cloud mountain stands in front of us.
74、旅行的深度,决定回味的长度 。
The depth of travel determines the length of aftertaste.
Change place, play mobile phone!
76、私奔吗,在太阳下山前 。
Elopement, before sunset.
77、如果你在看,我就试试你的风景 。
If you're watching, I'll try your scenery.
Happy may day, go to a date about life!
79、读书旅行努力工作,清醒识趣不负众生 。
Read, travel, work hard, be sober, be worthy of all living beings.
80、心之所向,就是最好的生活 。
What you want is the best life.
What else do you want, a better world?
82、被好风景收买,剩下都是好心情 。
Being bribed by good scenery, the rest is in a good mood.
83、生活里有人情世故,旅行中有世间百态 。
In life, there are worldly things, in travel, there are worldly things.
84、最好的时光,在路上一路向阳 。
The best time, all the way to the sun on the road.
85、我现在就很高兴,因为我又好又爱自己 。
I am happy now, because I am good and love myself.
86、还有星月可寄望,还有山川可浪漫 。
There are stars and moon to look forward to, and mountains and rivers to be romantic.
87、外面有不一样的世界,不一样的你 。
There's a different world out there, a different you.
88、趁着青春尚好,花季初起,去旅行吧 。
Take advantage of the youth is still good, the beginning of the flowering season, to travel.
89、被好风景,收买 。
Be bought by good scenery.
90、从未与你饮过冰,零度以下看风景 。
Never drink ice with you, below zero to see the scenery.
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