1、垃圾各就各位,文明事半功倍 。
Garbage is in place, civilization is twice the result with half the effort.
2、一点分类,聚成绿洲 。
A little classification, gather into oasis.
3、混放是垃圾,分类成资源 。
Mixed waste is classified as resources.
4、给垃圾一个分类的归宿,还我们一个清洁的世界 。
Give garbage a sort of home, return us a clean world.
5、播下一个行动,你将收获一份美丽 。
Sow an action and you will reap a beauty.
6、千家万户垃圾分类,文明港城更加洁美 。
Thousands of household garbage classification, civilized port city is more clean and beautiful.
7、钟爱浙纺院始于心,垃圾细分类践于行 。
Love Zhejiang Textile Institute starts from the heart, and garbage subdivision is practiced in practice.
8、红橙蓝绿,垃圾也可添美丽 。
Red, orange, blue and green, garbage can also add beauty.
9、垃圾混置是垃圾,垃圾分类是资源 。
Garbage mixing is garbage, garbage classification is resource.
10、乱放是垃圾,分类是资源 。
Littering is rubbish, classification is resource.
11、蔚然成风新风尚,众人一条分类心 。
There is a new trend, everyone has a heart of classification.
【关于垃圾分类英语句子】12、垃圾要分类,生活变美好 。
Garbage should be classified and life should be better.
13、人以群分,物以类聚 。
People are divided into groups and birds of a feather flock together.
14、垃圾分类,举手之劳 。
Garbage sorting, please.
15、垃圾分类最光荣,常人也能当英雄 。
Garbage sorting is the most glorious. Ordinary people can be heroes.
16、分类,让校园井井有条;循环,让地球生生不息 。
Classification, let the campus in order; circulation, let the earth live forever.
17、垃圾变宝源自分类,呵护环境始于点滴 。
Garbage treasure comes from classification, and environmental protection starts from a little bit.
18、简单的动作,造就完美环境 。
Simple movements create a perfect environment.
19、你需要优美的环境,我需要你的电池 。
You need beautiful environment, I need your battery.
20、垃圾分类益处多,环境保护靠你我 。
There are many benefits of garbage classification, and environmental protection depends on you and me.
21、垃圾也有用,请别乱扔它 。
Garbage is also useful. Please don't litter it.
22、简单的动作,造就美好环境 。
Simple actions create a beautiful environment.
23、垃圾分类人人动手,干湿分离家家行动 。
Garbage sorting is done by everyone. It is a dry and wet separation.
24、垃圾科学分类,礼貌你我同行 。
Garbage scientific classification, courtesy of you and me.
25、分类收集人人有责,男女老幼齐参与 。
It's everyone's responsibility to collect by category, with the participation of men, women, old and young.
26、请为你手中的垃圾,找一个合适的家 。
Please find a suitable home for the rubbish in your hand.
27、千家万户垃圾分类,文明城市更加洁美 。
Thousands of household garbage classification, civilized city more clean and beautiful.
28、多谢您的配合,我为您的风度而赞美 。
Thank you for your cooperation. I praise your manners.
29、垃圾要分类,生活更完美 。
Garbage should be classified and life is more perfect.
30、垃圾分类扔,节约环保又卫生 。
The garbage is classified and thrown, which is environmentally friendly and sanitary.
31、无论春夏和秋冬,垃圾分类在心中 。
No matter in spring, summer, autumn and winter, garbage is classified in the heart.
32、感激你的关照,我寂寞的心如沐东风 。
Thank you for your care, my lonely heart is like bathing the east wind.
33、垃圾分类,给我们一个美好的生活空间 。
Garbage classification, give us a good living space.
34、为垃圾分家,给城市减负 。
Divide the garbage and reduce the burden on the city.
35、随手一分,美化十分 。
Easy to use, beautify very.
36、配合垃圾分类,争做文明市民 。
Cooperate with garbage classification and strive to be a civilized citizen.
37、请给垃圾找个合适的家 。
Please find a suitable home for the garbage.
38、礼貌餐饮,洁净家园 。
Eat politely and clean your home.
39、就算是扔垃圾,也能小窥操行之高低 。
Even if we throw garbage, we can also have a glimpse of the level of conduct.
40、分类一小步,文明一大步 。
Classification is a small step, civilization is a big step.
41、垃圾分类我给力,美丽纺服我受益 。
Garbage classification awesome, I benefit from beautiful spinning.
42、垃圾要分类,生活要品位 。
Garbage should be classified and life should be of good taste.
43、环境保护在心中,垃圾分类在手中 。
Environmental protection is in the heart, garbage is classified in the hand.
44、积极参与垃圾分类,共同呵护绿色家园 。
Actively participate in waste classification and jointly care for green homes.
45、众人一条分类心,垃圾也能变成金 。
All people have a heart of classification, and garbage can become gold.
46、我们不想住在一起,请给我们分个家 。
We don't want to live together. Please give us a home.
47、请不要乱扔我,我会污染环境 。
Please don't litter me, I will pollute the environment.
48、垃圾分类,创造美好生活 。
Garbage sorting to create a better life.
49、分类一小步,礼貌一大步 。
A small step in classification, a big step in politeness.
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