1、你不再需要我、心疼不舍却无可奈何 。
You no longer need me, heartache, but helpless.
2、我为数不多的热爱你 , 有一项 , 是追着你跑 。
One of the few things I love you is chasing you.
3、因为我不喜欢整理房间 , 所以他们都叫我乱室英雄 。
Because I don't like to tidy up the room, they call me the chaos hero.
4、愛不愛都可以 , 我怎様都依妳 。
【好听的英语短句子】Love or not, I can depend on you.
5、百无禁忌万夫莫及 , 我超喜欢你 。
I love you so much.
6、云散了 , 雨停了 , 风静了 , 天晴了 , 心却空了 。
The clouds dispersed, the rain stopped, the wind was quiet, the sky was clear, but the heart was empty.
7、如果你是风儿 , 那我就是沙 。
If I were you, I would be.
8、成也是你 , 败也是你 , 四面八方全是你 。
Success is you, failure is you. You are everywhere.
9、不光光是喜欢你 , 还想 , 每天早起醒来枕边是你 。
Not only like you, but also want to wake up every morning is you pillow.
10、自以为刻骨铭心的回忆 , 别人早已经忘记 。
People have already forgotten the unforgettable memories.
11、连这个时候我都觉得你很漂亮 , 所以我很生气 。
Even at this time, I think you are very beautiful, so I am very angry.
12、一天太短 , 才想了你一会儿 , 太阳就落山了 。
One day is too short, just miss you for a while, the sun will set.
13、幸得识卿桃花面 , 自此阡陌多暖春 。
Lucky to know the peach blossom noodles, since then more warm spring fields.
14、错过也许就这一秒 , 幸福也许在下一秒 。
Miss may be this second, happiness may be in the next second.
15、我会一直在 , 纵使寂寞开成海 。
I will always be, even if lonely open into the sea.
16、那几次不经意的转身 , 是不是也代表着你也关注着我 。
Those a few inadvertent turn around, is also on behalf of you also pay attention to me.
17、假如我年少有为不自卑 , 老公肯定一大堆 。
If I'm young and have no inferiority complex, my husband must be a lot.
18、可乐记得加冰 , 爱你一定走心 。
Coke remember to add ice, love you must be lost.
19、有多少爱情看不透 , 有多少人能走到最后 。
How much love can not see, how many people can go to the end.
20、将生命承担不起的难过 , 放手给我!
Life can not afford to bear the sad, let me go!
21、除了你 , 我的眼里容不下任何人 。
I can't hold anyone but you.
22、如果有一天你真的回过头 , 希望我还留在原地 。
If one day you really look back, I hope I still stay in place.
23、夜幕深沉里 , 你就是我的星 。
You are my star in the deep night.
24、想尔你的夜 , 多么希望尔能在我身边 。
Miss your night, how I wish you could be by my side.
25、把新路慢慢走旧 , 把旧路慢慢走平 。
Take the new road slowly and level the old road slowly.
26、越是乐观的人 , 就越是容易把心事藏的更沉重 。
The more optimistic people are, the more likely they are to hide their worries more heavily.
27、对付爱情 , 好像打仗一样 , 铠甲是没有用的 。
To deal with love, like war, armor is useless.
28、等待着有一天 , 所有的碎片化灰 , 我们重来 。
Waiting for one day, all the fragmented ash, we come again.
29、真正的装逼 , 敢于直面本身没有厚度的脸皮 。
The real pretending force, dare to face their own thick skin.
30、每个人都会喜欢自己吧 , 那么你还真是我的情敌 。
Everyone will like themselves, then you are really my rival in love.
31、失去的人 , 不要悲伤 , 你就当 , 他本身就不属于你 。
Lost people, do not be sad, you take it, he does not belong to you.
32、什么时候你的岁数是我的两倍了 , 我就不爱了 。
When you're twice my age, I don't love you.
33、等待花开花谢岁月的变迁 , 我对你的爱曾从不改变!
Waiting for the change of time, my love for you has never changed!
34、一段风景 , 两个人 , 算不算爱情?
A piece of scenery, two people, is it love?
35、余生只想牵你的手 , 从天光乍破 , 走到暮雪白头 。
For the rest of my life, I just want to hold your hand, from the light of the day to the snow.
36、我永远都在你身后默默跟随 , 你只需要回头就好 。
I'll always follow you silently, you just need to turn back.
37、人有三六九等 , 只你 , 是上上等 。
There are three, six, nine, only you, is superior.
38、我的终极目标是把你骗到手 , 然后养到老 。
My ultimate goal is to cheat you into getting old.
39、喜欢你的人 , 要你的现在 。爱你的人 , 会给你未来 。
Those who like you want your present. People who love you will give you the future.
40、握紧拳头 , 朝胸口来上一拳 , 说你太容易受伤了 。
Clench your fist and punch your chest, saying you're too vulnerable to injury.
41、怎么会没有心事?只不过都是你的名字 。
How can there be no worry? It's just your name.
42、如果你是风一样的女孩子 , 那我就是被风吹过的人 。
If you are a girl like the wind, then I am the one who has been blown by the wind.
43、你我相遇 , 不是偶然 , 是注定有缘 。
You and I meet, not by accident, is destined to have fate.
44、我还爱着你 , 只不过少了一些非要在一起的执着 。
I still love you, but less than some must be together persistent.
45、你是雨季的纸短情长;亦是心口的念念不忘 。
You are short-lived and sentimental in rainy season; you are also persistent in your heart.
46、幸福 , 就是找一个温暖的人过一辈子 。
Happiness is to find a warm person for a lifetime.
47、好不容易在一起 , 就要好不容易的 , 继续走下去 。
It's not easy to get together, we have to go on.
48、倒计时的那几天 , 是我与你在一起最后的日子 。
The countdown days are the last days for me to be with you.
49、有些路 , 只能一个人走 , 路上的艰辛 , 只有自己知道 。
Some roads, only one person to walk, on the road, only their own know.
50、抱歉了妈妈 , 我还是嫁得出去的 。
I'm sorry, mom. I can still get married.
51、我说过要保护你 , 要包容你的坏坏脾气 。
I said to protect you, to tolerate your bad temper.
52、我已经不是小孩了 , 一根棒棒糖哄不了我 , 至少三根 。
I'm no longer a kid. One lollipop can't coax me, at least three.
53、路还是灯火通明 , 可是我们却不在路的两边 。
The road is still full of lights, but we are not on both sides of the road.
54、爱情有千百种模样 , 我爱你 , 是你的模样 。
Love has thousands of shapes, I love you, is your appearance.
55、约定一下 , 今年你有我 , 明年我有你 。
Make an appointment that you have me this year and I will have you next year.
56、或许我在你心中排第一 , 倒数第一!
Maybe I am the first in your heart, the last one!
57、爱过方知情深 , 醉过后方知酒浓 。
Love is the only way to know the depth of love, drunk after the wine is strong.
58、与你相守 , 人生里塞满了快乐的气息 。
With you, life is full of happy breath.
59、幸福的秘诀在于接受你的现状 , 过好每一天 。
The secret of happiness is to accept your status quo and live every day.
60、不论怎么说 , 思念都是一笔巨大的精神财富 。
In any case, missing is a huge spiritual wealth.
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