
1、你是我每晚做梦都能梦到的人阿 , 怎么能不爱你 。
You are the one I can dream of every night. How can I not love you.
2、有波澜不惊的爱情 , 我陪你看流年的风景 。
There is a calm love, I accompany you to see the scenery of fleeting years.
3、别等不该等的人 , 别伤不该伤的心!
Don't wait for the wrong person, don't hurt the heart!
4、活在怀疑与恐惧之中是在浪费生命 。
Living in doubt and fear is a waste of life.
5、我等你 , 因为只有你值得我去爱 。
I wait for you, because only you are worth my love.
6、白纸黑字 , 续写了多少人的故事 。
How many people's stories have been written in black and white.
7、失去的不在回来 , 回来的不再完美 。
What is lost is not coming back, and what is coming back is no longer perfect.
8、努力的往前走 , 只为追上你的脚步 。
Hard to go forward, just to catch up with your pace.
9、有的时候 , 放弃 , 是送给自己最好的礼物 。
Sometimes, giving up is the best gift for yourself.
10、爱一个人 , 把她惯坏 , 她就是你的了 。
Love a person, spoil her, she is yours.
11、从此山水不相逢 , 莫问旧人长与短 。
Since then, mountains and rivers do not meet, do not ask old people long and short.
12、我的存在 , 对我是一个永久的神奇 , 这就是生活 。
My existence, to me, is a permanent magic, this is life.
13、常说口里顺 , 常做手不笨 。
Always say smooth, often do not stupid.
14、既然认准一条路 , 何必打听要走多久 。
Since we have identified a road, why ask how long it will take.
15、爱情 , 是一场跟不上节奏的舞蹈 。
Love is a dance that can't keep up with the rhythm.
16、当我的口气越来越客气 , 我们的关系也就越来越疏离 。
As my tone became more and more polite, our relationship became more and more estranged.
17、虽然有做好准备接受打击 , 但是心还是会很疼 。
Although prepared to accept the blow, but the heart will still be very painful.
18、你的眉间牵动着涟漪 , 是我最心动的弦 。
Your eyebrows affect the ripples, is my most exciting string.
19、我曾经默默无语地 , 毫无指望地爱过你 。
I have loved you in silence and without hope.
20、任时光匆匆流去 , 我只在乎你 。
As time goes by, I only care about you.
21、孤单的夜 , 虚幻的醉 , 我们曾经的爱情很美 。
Lonely night, illusory drunk, our love was very beautiful.
22、我唯一对你说的慌 , 就是离开你我不难过 。
The only thing I can tell you is that I'm not sad to leave you.
23、一颗理解的心 , 仅此而已 。
A heart of understanding, that's all.
24、梦想这回事 , 就是用来破灭的bɑ 。
The dream is used to break the B.
25、一夜香甜 , 抛却所有烦恼 。
Sweet night, let go of all troubles.
26、-我爱你你爱她她爱你 , 这何尝不是一种领悟 。
-I love you, you love her, she loves you, which is not a kind of understanding.
27、我会长成一颗大树等你赞一声良木 。
I will grow into a big tree, waiting for you to praise the good wood.
28、你没错是我爱多了 , 我的感情我自己收拾 。
You're right. I love more. I'll take care of my feelings.
29、因为真的很在乎 , 所以我一直都在装作不在乎 。
Because I really care, so I always pretend I don't care.
30、曾经她是我的软肋 , 而现在 , 我不再是她的铠甲 。
Once she was my weakness, but now, I am no longer her armor.
31、遗憾 , 也是一种幸福 。因为还有令你遗憾的事情 。
Regret is also a kind of happiness. Because there are things you regret.
32、多少人以友谊的名义 , 爱一个人 。
How many people love one person in the name of friendship.
33、所谓永恒的爱 , 就是从红颜到白发 , 从花开到花落 。
The so-called eternal love is from red to white hair, from flowers to flowers.
34、于其在别处仰望 , 倒不如在这里并肩 。
【欧美短句】Instead of looking at it elsewhere, it would be better to stand side by side here.
35、用一生的陪伴 , 在现实安稳中 , 细细地去解读、回味 。
With a lifetime of company, in the reality of stability, carefully to interpret, aftertaste.
36、想牵你的手 , 一起去散步 。
I want to take your hand and go for a walk.
37、你的世界 , 我来不及过问 。
Your world, I have no time to ask.
38、放纵的笑 , 是我仅剩的骄傲 。
Indulgent smile is my only pride.
39、能遇见就是福气 , 从不奢望拥有 。
Can meet is the blessing, never expect to have.
40、大概我们幼年 , 但绝对不蒙昧 。
Maybe we were young, but never ignorant.
41、愿所有的不安 , 都是虚惊一场 。
May all the uneasiness be a false alarm.
42、长街长 , 烟花繁 , 你挑灯回看 。
Long street, fireworks, you look back.
43、我会做到不打扰 , 不然怎对得起你的刻意躲藏 。
I will do not disturb, otherwise how can you afford to hide deliberately.
44、与其卑微的流泪 , 不如高傲的笑 。
It is better to laugh haughtily than to shed tears.
45、苦酒折柳今相离 , 无风无月也无你 。
The bitter wine turns the willow to leave now, no wind, no moon and no you.
46、烟花易冷 , 但她终究绚烂过 。
Fireworks are easy to be cold, but she is gorgeous after all.
47、你能否把心腾干净只装下我一个人 。
Can you clear your heart and just hold me alone.
48、我爱你是忠于自己忠于爱情的信仰 。
I love you because I am loyal to myself and to love.
49、情在君在 , 情亡君亡 , 君亡情亦在 。
The love is in the king, and the love is in the death of the king.
50、一时强弱在于力 , 万古胜负在于理 。
The strength of a moment lies in strength, and the victory and defeat of all ages lies in reason.
51、多希望自己是个铁人 , 没有悲伤没有情绪没有眼泪 。
I wish I was an iron man, no sadness, no emotion, no tears.
52、用暖暖的阳光 , 晒一晒这颗发霉的心 。
With warm sunshine, bask in this moldy heart.
53、自从丢了你那一天开始 , 我费尽心机四处找你 。
Since the day I lost you, I've tried my best to find you.
54、没阵风 , 每场雨 。都加速爱情的凋零 。
No gusts, every rain. All accelerate the withering of love.
55、每个幸福的开始 , 在之前必定有个悲伤的结局 。
Every happy beginning must have a sad ending before.
56、我想住进你的心里 , 没有邻居 。
I want to live in your heart, no neighbors.
57、幸福的人在哪儿都会幸福 , 幸福的我因为有你 。
Happy people everywhere will be happy, happy me because of you.
58、我们在一起的时光 , 会让所有人都羡慕 。
Our time together, will let everybody envy.
59、峩是拉线木偶 , 左右随你操控 。
I am a string puppet, you can control it.
60、何时能牵你手 , 共看海天成一色?
When can I hold your hand and watch the sea and sky become the same color?
