1、生活就像超级女声,走到最后的都是纯爷们儿 。
Life is like a super girl. All the men come to the end.
2、问傻逼何在,蓦然回首,他就在我眼前咫尺处 。
【酷的英文句子】Ask the fool where, suddenly look back, he is in front of me.
3、没有什么比熬夜更重要,猝死了还有下辈子 。
Nothing is more important than staying up late. Sudden death has the next life.
4、此刻情绪不好,除了吃得下饭,什么都不想干 。
I'm in a bad mood at the moment. I don't want to do anything but eat.
5、我一生只不会两件事:这也不会,那也不会 。
There are only two things I can't do in my life: neither this nor that.
One person's efforts can never determine the relationship between two people!
7、没事的话别来找我,有事那就更别来找我了 。
If it's OK, don't come to me. If you have something, don't come to me.
In the best of times, meet the most obscene you, good!
9、以前对你所做的无知行为,我在这里跟您老道歉 。
I would like to apologize to you for your ignorance.
10、即日开始忘记所有烦恼,开开心心度过每一天 。
Today, I began to forget all my troubles and spend every day happily.
11、你的父母都是做实验员吗?你看起来好像试验品 。
Are your parents both experimenters? You look like an experiment.
12、我是个很酷的人,扭头就走,比你残酷比你狠 。
I'm a cool person, turn around and leave, more cruel than you, more cruel than you.
13、看你长的一副欠抽样,真是驴见驴踢,猪见猪踩 。
Look at your long a pair of under sampling, it is true that the donkey sees the donkey kicking, the pig sees the pig trampling.
14、说真的,你没有太阳那么耀眼,还偶尔是阴天 。
Seriously, you are not as dazzling as the sun, and occasionally cloudy.
15、睡在蚊帐里的感觉,就像夏天饭桌罩里一盘剩菜 。
Sleeping in a mosquito net feels like a plate of leftovers in the cover of a table in summer.
16、目前最大烦恼之一:经济能力跟不上审美能力 。
One of the biggest worries at present: the economic ability can't keep up with the aesthetic ability.
17、童言无忌的含义就是把小孩说的话,当做是放屁 。
The meaning of tongyanwuji is to take what children say as farting.
18、没有人是不可替代的,没有东西是必须拥有的 。
No one is irreplaceable, nothing is necessary.
19、我说:要有上班以外的生活!于是,有了加班 。
I said: to have a life outside of work! So, there was overtime.
20、别人生日吃的是长寿面,我生日吃的是挂面 。
Other people's birthday is longevity noodles, my birthday is noodles.
21、五毛和五毛是最幸福的,因为他们凑成了一块 。
Wumao and Wumao are the happiest, because they are all together.
22、若有来生,但将陪君醉笑三千场,不诉离殇 。
If there is an afterlife, but will accompany you drunk smile 3000, do not tell from the war.
Believe it or not, I beat you on the wall with one slap. I can't even dig you down!
24、爸爸说:惹什么都不能惹流血一周都不死的动物 。
Dad said: nothing can be provoked to make animals bleed for a week.
25、我的人生理所当然是要酷到底,但又毫无拘束 。
Of course, my human physiology is to be cool to the end, but not restrained.
26、赚钱,能治愈一切矫情,有钱,能治愈一切自卑 。
Making money can cure all affectation, money can cure all inferiority complex.
27、我的男人就得听我的,他不听我的还听你的啊 。
My man has to listen to me. He doesn't listen to me and he listens to you.
28、哥哥面前一条弯弯的河;妹妹胸前荡起层层的波 。
In front of my brother, there is a winding river; there are waves in front of my sister.
29、彼此说话客气点,我没你想的,那么善解人意 。
Talk to each other politely. I'm not as understanding as you think.
30、记得小时候最霸气的一句话是:你放学等着 。
I remember the most domineering sentence when I was a child: you wait after school..
31、看到美女就神魂颠倒,怪不得别人夸你叫色狼 。
When you see a beautiful woman, you can't be surprised.
32、想尽办法挽回所有,却找不到重归於好的理由 。
I tried my best to save everything, but I couldn't find a reason to return to the good.
33、如果你想要无可取代,就必须时刻与众不同 。
If you want to be irreplaceable, you must always be different.
34、你吹牛皮厉害是吗?有本事你真给我吹破一个 。
You boast a lot, don't you? If you have the ability, you can blow one for me.
35、别说你会改,阻碍我的步伐,浪费我的青春 。
Don't say you will change, hinder my pace, waste my youth.
36、好好拼搏吧,以后有事找秘书干,没事干秘书 。
Fight hard. If you have something to do with your secretary, you can do it if you have nothing.
37、空有一身撩妹的本事,可惜自己也是个妹子 。
He has the ability to tease a girl, but he is also a girl.
38、亲爱的,你慢慢飞,小心摔一跤,我可不负责 。
Honey, you fly slowly. I'm not responsible for your fall.
39、真正的爱情不需要海誓山盟,因为那样不会永远 。
True love doesn't need vows, because it won't last forever.
You'd better let me kneel on the washboard, kneeling electric heating really can't stand it!
41、你的齐天大圣正在来的路上,别被野猴子迷了眼 。
Your Qi Tian Da Sheng is on his way. Don't be blinded by wild monkeys.
42、黄瓜必须拍,人生必须嗨,短暂生活不留遗憾 。
Cucumber must be photographed, life must be hi, short life without regret.
43、你当我是浮夸吧,有多少人有用这句话安慰自己 。
You regard me as boastful, how many people use this sentence to comfort themselves.
44、别再庸人自扰,峩并不太可靠,何必投妳所好 。
Don't bother yourself, I'm not very reliable, why vote for you.
45、不管多大岁数的人类成员,在钱面前,一概年轻 。
No matter how old human members are, they are always young in front of money.
46、现在的我,上不去的是工资,下不去的是体重 。
Now I, can not go up is the salary, can not go down is the weight.
Life makes me a man, but you make me act like a bird?
48、减肥不过是说出来,吓唬吓唬这一身肉罢了 。
Losing weight is just saying it out and scaring the whole body.
49、懂我的人不需要解释,不懂我的人没必要解释 。
People who understand me don't need to explain, people who don't understand me don't need to explain.
50、可能我只是个过客,但你不会遇到第二个我 。
Maybe I'm just a passer-by, but you won't meet a second me.
51、年轻时候不努力,老了的时候只有喝西北风了 。
When you are young, you don't work hard. When you are old, you have to drink.
52、哪有什么逗比,只不过是想让朋友开心而已 。
It's just to make friends happy.
53、对喜欢的人不需要备注,正因她占了一个分组 。
There is no need to comment on the person you like because she is in a group.
54、如果命运掐住了你的喉咙,你就挠命运的咯吱窝 。
If fate pinches your throat, you scratch the creak nest of destiny.
55、你的牙如同天上的繁星,色泽鲜艳,相距甚远 。
Your teeth are like the stars in the sky. They are bright and far apart.
56、不要拿我离不开你当把柄,就去随便勾搭别人 。
Don't take me away from you as a handle, just go and hook up with others.
57、这日子太无聊了,一点点风吹,我就想草动 。
This day is too boring, a little wind, I want to move grass.
58、努力不一定改变人生,想要改变人生必须努力 。
Hard work does not necessarily change life. If you want to change your life, you must work hard.
59、你不是我脑袋里的交警,无权干预我的走向 。
You are not the traffic police in my head, and have no right to interfere with my direction.
60、不能自拔的,除了爱情,还有别人地里的萝卜 。
Unable to extricate themselves, in addition to love, there are others in the field radish.
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