
1、失望到极致的时候,真的会用后退来保护自己 。
Disappointment to the extreme, will really use retreat to protect themselves.
2、爱你是我乐意,不爱你是我的权利 。
Love you is my pleasure, do not love you is my right.
3、爱情无望,那就让我以朋友的名义爱你一生 。
Love is hopeless, let me love you all my life in the name of a friend.
4、如果来生太远寄不到诺言,不如学着放下许多执念 。
If the next life is too far away to send a promise, it is better to learn to put down many obsessions.
5、想如果会有声音,不愿那是悲伤的哭泣 。
Think if there will be a voice, do not want that is sad cry.
6、等待也许不容易,伤害却轻而易举 。
It may not be easy to wait, but it is easy to hurt.
7、雪下不下来都阻挡不了我的白,我白不白都掩饰不了一生的荒唐 。
Snow can't stop my white, I can't cover up the absurdity of my life.
8、甩掉你的假面具,你就能享受到自然的喜悦 。
Get rid of your mask, you can enjoy the joy of nature.
9、当我微笑着说我很好的时候,你应该对我说,安好就好 。
When I smile and say I'm fine, you should say to me, just be well.
10、不是谁都能一路单纯到底,但要记住,不忘初心,方得始终 。
Not everyone can be pure all the way to the end, but remember, don't forget the original heart, just always.
11、中宵刻窃去我仓卺的盖头浣绸,期年后红得才调风流 。
At midnight, I steal the cover silk from my warehouse. It's not until it's red that I can be romantic.
12、这温吞世俗人间烟火,只有你是我的江河湖泊 。
This worldly fireworks, only you are my River and lake.
13、承诺只是骗人的,谁信谁是傻瓜 。
Promise is just a lie, who believe who is a fool.
14、你对我来说是个很重要的人 。但是已经无关爱情了 。
You are a very important person to me. But it's not about love anymore.
15、我不介意你骗我,我介意的是你的谎话骗不了我 。
I don't mind if you cheat me. What I mind is that your lies can't cheat me.
16、弱水三千,我只饮一瓢 。
Weak water three thousand, I only drink a ladle.
17、征服自己,就能征服一切 。
Conquer yourself, conquer everything.
18、别人撞南墙选择的是回头,我撞南墙,选择的是把墙推到 。
When others hit the south wall, they choose to turn back. When I hit the south wall, I choose to push the wall to the front.
19、希望只有和勤奋作伴,才能如虎添翼 。
Hope that only with the company of diligence, can you add wings like a tiger.
20、你被别人嫉妒时,说明你卓越,你嫉妒别人,说明你无能 。
When you are envied by others, it means that you are outstanding. When you are envious of others, it means that you are incompetent.
21、此去经年,悲欢离合变,转瞬沧海桑田 。
Over the years, vicissitudes of life have taken place.
22、想把你的名字,留在我的青春里 。
I want to leave your name in my youth.
23、不用再慌着找理由,这次我潇洒放你走 。
Don't panic to find reasons. I'll let you go this time.
24、因为我想赢,所以你得输,整不好你还得哭 。
Because I want to win, so you have to lose, and you have to cry.
25、没有什么比失去更痛彻 。没有什么比回忆更绝望 。
Nothing hurts more than to lose. Nothing is more desperate than memories.
26、你可以忘了受过的伤,但别忘了它给你的教训 。
You can forget the injury, but don't forget the lesson it taught you.
27、我在也不要做他人的配角,我的世界,我做主 。
I don't want to play a supporting role in other people's life. I am in charge of my world.
28、学会交谈的技巧,应该从了解对方的谈话,也就是从倾听开始 。
To learn the skills of conversation, we should start with understanding each other's conversation, that is, listening.
29、生活感悟:心善自然美丽,心真自然诚挚 。
Life sentiment: good heart, natural beauty, true heart, natural sincerity.
30、伤口就像我壹样,是个倔强的孩子,不肯愈合 。
The wound is like me, is a stubborn child, refused to heal.
31、青春,一旦典当,则永不能赎 。
Youth, once pawned, can never be redeemed.
32、放不下是什么感觉?你怕黑,偏偏他是灯 。
What's it like not to let go? You are afraid of the dark, but he is a lamp.
33、有些记忆,注定无法抹去;就象有些人,注定无法替代一样 。
Some memories, doomed to be unable to erase; just as some people, doomed to be unable to replace the same.
34、何必拿尊严去挽留一个变了心的人 。友情也好,爱情也罢 。
Why take dignity to retain a changed heart. Friendship or love.
35、一路坎坷的人,以后的幸福亦是理所应当 。
People who have been bumpy all the way should be happy in the future.
As long as used to a person's habits, you can be happy!
37、和你擦肩而过的遗忘,是我一生的惊涛骇浪 。
And you pass the forgotten, is the rough waves of my life.
38、如果全世界都没有人要你,一定要记得还有我,我也不要你 。
If no one in the world wants you, remember that there is me, and I don't want you.
39、我追的很慢,我跑的很蹒跚,可我从未想过放弃你 。
I chase very slowly, I run very hobbled, but I never thought of giving up on you.
40、要做的事情总找得出时间和机会,不要做的事情总找的出借口 。
We can always find time and opportunities for what we want to do, and we can always find excuses for what we don't want to do.
41、你像是空气,不是不在乎你,而是我伸出手也抓不住你 。
You are like the air, not that I don't care about you, but that I can't hold you with my hand.
42、还没等到午夜皱眉,清晨微笑,你便突然不再属于我 。
Not until midnight frown, smile in the morning, you suddenly no longer belong to me.
43、秋天这么鲁莽地来临,有没有考虑过夏天的感受 。
Autumn is coming so rashly. Have you ever considered the feeling of summer.
44、我是一个情绪疯子,每天为你换几百遍心情 。
I'm an emotional maniac. I change your mood hundreds of times every day.
45、有了你,我都不愿跟别人有任何的牵扯 。
With you, I don't want to have any involvement with others.
46、后来的满腹心事不知说与谁听,茶人欲去,酒客未留 。
Later, I didn't know who to talk to. The tea man wanted to go, but the drinker didn't stay.
47、成熟的标志不是会说大道理,而是你开始去理解身边的小事情 。
The sign of maturity is not that you can say big things, but that you begin to understand the little things around you.
48、我不爱你了,我喜欢上了别人,我要和你分手 。
I don't love you, I like others, I want to break up with you.
Now you will have a dream if you take a nap, but now you will realize your dream if you study!
50、月非昔时月,春非昔时春,唯有此身昔时身 。
【英语短句子带翻译】The moon is not in the past, the spring is not in the past, only this body is in the past.
