1、时间就像做梦,醒来后便无法再入相同的梦境 。
Time is like a dream. When you wake up, you can't enter the same dream again.
2、时间是熊熊燃烧的烈火,能把美梦烧得灰飞烟灭 。
Time is a blazing fire, can burn the dream to ashes.
3、夜晚给老人带来平静,给年轻人带来希望 。
Night brings peace to the old and hope to the young.
4、时钟只有前进,不可能倒退 。童年只有回味和回忆 。
The clock can only go forward, not backward. Childhood only has aftertaste and recollection.
5、时间是一笔贷款,即使在守信用的借贷者也还不起 。
Time is a loan, even in the trustworthy borrowers can not afford.
6、等时间的人,就是浪费时间的人 。
He who waits for time is a waste of time.
7、时间象奔腾澎湃的急湍,它一去无返,毫不流连 。
Time is like a surging torrent, it is gone without return, without lingering.
8、冬者岁之余,夜者日之余,阴雨者时之余 。
Winter is more than years old, night is more than days, rainy is more than hours.
9、任岁月流逝,但愿爱如少年 。
As the years go by, I hope love is like youth.
10、岁月流成了河,谁还在等我 。
Years flow into a river, who is still waiting for me.
11、天可补,海可填,南山可移 。日月既往,不可复追 。
The sky can be mended, the sea can be filled, and the south mountain can be moved. The sun and the moon are past, and cannot be pursued.
12、悠长岁月平静,无事亦是蹉跎 。
Long time is quiet, nothing is wasted.
13、季节不等人,一刻值千金 。
Seasons wait for no man, a moment is worth a thousand gold.
14、逝水不会有重归,时间不会有重返 。
There will be no return to the past and no return to time.
15、把往事的怅然悉心埋葬,把岁月的流逝交付远方 。
Bury the past with care, and deliver the passage of time to the distant place.
16、如果不想在世界上虚度一生,那就要学习一辈子 。
If you don't want to waste your life in the world, you have to study all your life.
17、十年花骨东风泪,几点螺香素壁尘 。
Ten years flower bone east wind tears, a few snail fragrant Su wall dust.
18、向往成功的桂冠,就别空费每一天 。
Yearning for the laurel of success, don't waste every day.
19、人生最大的幸福,莫过于连一分钟都无法休息 。
The greatest happiness in life is that you can't rest for a minute.
20、任你一代天骄,坐拥江山万里,终究不过一抔黄土 。
No matter how proud you are, after all, you are nothing but a little bit of loess.
21、时间一点一滴凋谢,犹如蜡烛漫漫燃尽 。
Time withers bit by bit, like a candle burning out.
22、黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟 。
Black hair does not know how to study early, but white head regrets how late he studies.
23、年华一去不复返,事业放弃再难成 。
As time goes by, it's hard to give up your career.
24、所有时间里的事物,都永远不会回来了 。
Everything in time will never come back.
25、在一切与天俱来的天然赠品中,时间最为宝贵 。
Time is the most precious of all natural gifts.
26、岁月是百代的过客,而逝去的年华也是旅客 。
Time is a passer-by of a hundred generations, and the lost time is also a passenger.
27、随着时间的流逝,人们会失去越来越多的东西 。
As time goes by, people will lose more and more things.
The more one knows the value of time, the more he feels the pain of lost time!
Father said that time is like a cigarette end, a few scraps will burn in the past, white head!
30、一日无二晨,时间不重临 。
Every day has two mornings, and time never comes again.
31、时间的锐齿能啮尽一切,只是对真理无能为力 。
The sharp teeth of time can bite everything, but they can't do anything about the truth.
32、抓住今天,尽可能少的信赖明天 。
Seize today and trust tomorrow as little as possible.
33、况是青春日将暮,桃花乱落如红雨 。
The situation is that the day of youth is coming to dusk, and peach blossoms are falling like red rain.
34、任时光匆匆流去,我只在乎你 。
As time goes by, I only care about you.
35、人生天地之间,若白驹之过隙,忽然而已 。
Life between heaven and earth, if Baiju gap, suddenly just.
36、青春一去不复返,事业一纵永无成 。
Once youth is gone, there will be no success in career.
37、机不可失,时不再来 。
Time never comes again.
38、封伤的回忆慢慢流走,吹散不去的疼痛 。
The memory of sealing wound flows away slowly, and the pain can't be blown away.
39、随着岁月流逝,记忆会被淡忘,你所有胜利都会褪色 。
As time goes by, the memory will fade away, and all your victories will fade away.
40、朝花夕拾,捡的尽是枯萎 。
Picking up flowers in the morning and evening is full of withering.
41、时间就像海绵里的水,只要愿挤,总还是有的 。
Time is like water in a sponge. As long as you are willing to squeeze, there will always be.
Time goes by, we are still nostalgic for the original agreement!
43、万金买爵禄,何处买青春 。
Where can we buy youth.
44、时光匆匆流逝,才发现,我们只是活在回忆里 。
Time flies, only to find that we are just living in memories.
45、日子切莫白过,青春切忌虚度 。
Don't live in vain. Don't waste your youth.
46、时间好比手中的阳光,看得见,摸不着 。
Time is like the sunshine in the hand. You can see it, but you can't touch it.
47、他深感到岁月流逝,一去不回 。
He deeply felt that the years had passed and would never come back.
48、想成事业,必须宝贵时间,充分利用时间 。
If you want to succeed in your career, you must value your time and make full use of it.
49、从那以后,时间在爱情和欢笑中飞逝 。
Since then, time flies in love and laughter.
50、花有重开日,人无再少年 。
Flowers bloom again, people are no longer young.
51、时间是一条金河,莫让它轻轻地在你的指尖溜过 。
Time is a golden river. Don't let it slip by your fingertips.
Feeling with the passage of time, feelings with time precipitation!
53、孤独,自由 。一念之间,岁月流转,遍经冷暖 。
Loneliness, freedom. Between a read, years flow, through the warm and cold.
54、岁月流光心依旧,流年似水善始终 。
Years flow, the heart is still, time is like water, good always.
55、你若需要时间,还得自己把他造出来 。
If you need time, you have to make it yourself.
56、时间是伟大的作者,她能写出未来的结局 。
Time is a great writer. She can write the ending of the future.
57、时间匆匆而过,连岁月都显得好斑驳 。
Time goes by in a hurry, even the years are mottled.
58、一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨 。
A year's plan is in spring, and a day's plan is in the morning.
59、当有时间时要利用时间,因为时间稍纵即逝 。
【时光流逝的英语短句】Use time when you have time, because time is fleeting.
- 桃胶煮不化的原因
- 一年级家长会的欢迎标语
- 给爸爸的父亲节祝福
- 落魄的时候看清了所有 关于人在落魄时候经典句子
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- 牛肉炖多久能烂熟