
1、将一颗树种在你的心里 , 让我时时都关心你 。
A tree in your heart, let me always care about you.
2、送你红枫树 , 祝你生活事业红红火火!
Send you red maple, wish you a prosperous life and career!
3、植树节快乐 , 绿满家园 , 天天愉悦!
Happy tree planting day, green home, happy every day!
4、在水畔种一棵树 , 拥抱未来 。
Plant a tree by the water and embrace the future.
5、为你栽下长青树 , 青春作伴好还乡 。
Plant evergreen trees for you, keep company with youth and return home.
6、种一片快乐在心间 , 你将收获幸福无限 。
A piece of happiness in the heart, you will harvest infinite happiness.
7、种一棵如意树 , 祝您事事顺利 , 万事顺心皆如意 。
Plant a ruyi tree. I wish you all the best.
8、藏一粒思念的种子 , 让情意生根发芽 。
Hide a seed of missing, let affection take root.
9、绿色 , 希望的色彩 。
Green, the color of hope.
10、种下一片快活林 , 快乐天天走好运 。
Plant a happy forest, happy every day, good luck.
11、种棵成功树 , 伴你直上青云路 。
Plant a success tree to accompany you on the way to Qingyun.
12、愿君如愿 , 种下美好 , 收获幸福!
May you plant beauty and harvest happiness as you wish!
13、一棵发财树 , 恭祝你发财 。
A fortune tree, wish you fortune.
14、种下一棵理想树 , 有志之人天不负 。
If you plant an ideal tree, you will never fail.
15、植树节 , 给地球一点色彩 , 一起动起来来吧!
Arbor Day, give the earth a little color, let's move together!
【植树节英语祝福语】16、植下希望 , 让梦想发芽 。
Plant hope and let dreams germinate.
17、3.12植树节 , 种下一棵摇钱树 , 祝福你财源广进!
3.12 tree planting day, planting a money tree, wish you a lot of money!
18、植树节到 , 愿你人生有建树 , 成功又幸福!
Tree planting day to wish you success and happiness in life!
19、送你桃树 , 祝你爱情美满幸福!
Send you peach tree, wish you love happy!
20、事业如参天大树 , 直冲云宵 。
Business like a towering tree, straight to the cloud night.
21、愿你开心常在 , 笑口常开 , 植树节快乐 。
May you always be happy, smile and have a happy tree planting day.
22、送你一颗杏树 , 愿你幸福像花儿开 。
Send you an apricot tree, wish you happiness like flowers.
23、种一个希望在山巅 , 你将收获好运无边 。
Plant a hope on the top of the mountain and you will reap good luck.
24、给你绿色的呼吸 , 为健康树立保障 。
Give you green breath, set up security for health.
25、植的是毅力 , 收的是魄力 。
What we plant is perseverance, what we harvest is courage.
26、植树节 , 愿你快乐永驻!
Wish you happiness on tree planting day!
27、愿你好运像大树 , 枝繁叶茂 。
May you be like a big tree with luxuriant branches and leaves.
28、开放吉祥的花朵 , 结上美满的果实 。
Open auspicious flowers, bear happy fruit.
29、植树吧 , 让荒山披绿装 。
Plant trees, let the barren mountain green.
30、愿你深明树理 , 人生处处有建树!
I wish you a deep understanding of reason and achievements in your life!
31、让我为你种下一棵核桃树 , 祝你永远合家欢乐 。
Let me plant a walnut tree for you and wish you a happy family forever.
32、植下美好 , 让人生幸福 。
Plant beautiful, make life happy.
33、送你一棵苹果树 , 保你平平安安 。
Give you an apple tree to keep you safe.
34、种一颗苹果树 , 希望平安又幸福 。
Plant an apple tree, hope to be safe and happy.
35、栽下一株金钱松 , 祝你一生财运滚滚 。
I wish you a fortune in your life.
36、植树节 , 把快乐植入心底 , 把幸福植入生活 。
On tree planting day, we plant happiness in our heart and life.
37、种一棵发财树 , 祝您财源广进 , 四面八方都来财 。
Plant a fortune tree. I wish you a lot of money.
38、祝愿你 , 植树节 , 快乐多 , 幸福满 , 笑口开 。
I wish you, tree planting day, a lot of happiness, happiness, smile.
39、我种一株常春藤 , 愿我们永不分离!
I plant an ivy. May we never part!
40、花开满树 , 吉祥如意 。
Flowers are blooming all over the trees.
