
1、面子不是别人给的,是自己挣的 。
Face is not given by others, but earned by oneself.
2、我走的干脆,因为我的字典里没有后悔 。
I left simply, because there is no regret in my dictionary.
3、宁愿胖得精致,也不愿瘦得雷同 。
I'd rather be fat and delicate than lean the same.
4、听不清的耳语最诚恳,看不到的内心都忠贞 。
The most sincere whispers you can't hear, and the hearts you can't see are loyal.
5、你能给我的,不是我想要的,而我想要的,是你永远不能给我的 。
What you can give me is not what I want, but what I want is what you can never give me.
I'm used to the habit that shouldn't be used to, but I'm persistent!
7、是好是坏,皆为经历,要无所畏惧,活得自由潇洒 。
Whether it is good or bad, it's all experience. We should be fearless and live free and unrestrained.
8、伤感是很华丽的节奏,奏出难忘的旋律 。
Sadness is a gorgeous rhythm, playing an unforgettable melody.
9、没有哪件事,能够一直捆住你的手脚;没有哪个人,能够成为你的永远 。
No matter what, can always bind your hands and feet; no one can become your forever.
10、你不是青春期靠后,就是更年期提前了 。
You're either late puberty or early menopause.
11、你是年少的欢喜,这句话反过来送给你 。
You are the joy of youth, this sentence is sent to you in turn.
12、对大多数人来说,能把家人照顾好,就是一生最大的成就了 。
For most people, the greatest achievement is to take care of their family members.
13、我说话从来不带刺,如果我说话让你难堪,请你记住,我是故意的 。
I never speak with a thorn. If I embarrass you, please remember, I mean it.
14、有时候挺讨厌自己的,不会说话,太过善良,没什么心眼,还这么可爱 。
Sometimes I hate myself. I can't speak. I'm too kind. I have no heart. I'm so cute.
15、我是个什么样的人,取决于别人怎么对我 。
What kind of person I am depends on what others do to me.
16、如果携手白头,谢谢你懂我;如果分道扬镳,谢谢你来过 。
If hand in hand, thank you for understanding me; if we go our separate ways, thank you for coming.
17、以前化成灰的人都能认得出,现在化个妆就认不出了 。
People who used to be gray can recognize it, but now they can't recognize it with a make-up.
18、我只当做是梦一场,醒来后连你的样子都回忆不清 。
I just take it as a dream, wake up and even your appearance can't remember clearly.
19、爱得仓促就像行走于沙漠,风一扬,就没有了后路 。
Love in a hurry is like walking in the desert, a wind, there is no way back.
20、我的性格就是懒,兴趣就是玩,特长就是吃,技能就是睡 。
My character is lazy, interest is playing, specialty is eating, skill is sleeping.
You don't like me, I don't mind at all, because I didn't live to please you!
22、早晚会有人代替你在我心里的位置的,别担心别愧疚别说对不起 。
Sooner or later someone will take your place in my heart, don't worry, don't feel guilty, don't say sorry.
23、在你来过后的每个人,我都不敢报太大希望,这是阴影,也是教训 。
After you come to everyone, I dare not report too much hope, this is a shadow, but also a lesson.
24、总有一种感动,叫做只有你懂;总有一种爱情,叫做只对你好 。
There is always a kind of moving, called only you understand; there is always a kind of love, called only for you.
25、不要以为你自己很了不起,在我眼里你压根什么都不是 。
Don't think you are great. You are nothing in my eyes.
26、靠脸蛋换来的爱情,一定会有撕破脸的那天 。
The love that depends on the face, will certainly have the day that tears the face.
27、失眠的人无非两种,一是手里拿着手机,二是脑子里有个剧场 。
There are no more than two kinds of insomnia, one is holding a mobile phone in hand, the other is a theater in the brain.
28、请不要拿和你身边的人比,根本就不是一个档次的 。
Please don't compare with the people around you. It's not a grade at all.
29、不要让自己被三件事所控制:过去,别人和金钱 。
Don't let yourself be controlled by three things: the past, others and money.
30、我心都放你那里了,你还在乎我这个人干什么 。
I put my heart there, you still care what I do.
31、不像朋友不如不做朋友,不像爱人不如坦然放手 。
It's better not to be a friend than to be a friend. It's better to let go than to be a lover.
32、听说现在结婚证很便宜,走 。我挺你 。咱把婚结了吧!
It's said that marriage certificate is very cheap now. Let's go. I support you. Let's get married!
33、他携妻参加她的葬礼,才知她终身未嫁 。
He took his wife to her funeral, only to know that she had never been married.
34、也许过程有些煎熬,但真的,熬过去就好了 。
Maybe the process is a bit of a torment, but really, it's OK to go through it.
35、当需要人陪,需要人安慰的时候,才发现能够陪自己的就只有手机 。
When people need to accompany, need people to comfort, only to find that can accompany their own mobile phone.
36、老干爹都出来陪老干妈了,咋大姨夫还不出来陪大姨妈 。
The old Godfather came out to accompany the old godmother. Why didn't my uncle come out to accompany my aunt.
37、我并不想做个征战四方的女流氓,可你们谁也没把我当成个小姑娘 。
I don't want to be a scoundrel, but none of you think of me as a little girl.
38、我要亲手给你幸福,别人我不放心 。
I will personally give you happiness, others I do not trust.
39、想我就要说出来,放在心里又不会涨利息 。
If I want to say it, I will not raise the interest in my heart.
40、别人存你号码是为了打给你,我不一样,我是为了不接 。
Other people save your number is to call you, I am not the same, I am not to answer.
41、没必要为一些没必要的人付出没必要的必要 。
There's no need to pay for someone who doesn't have to.
42、如果携手白头,谢谢你懂我;如果镳扬道分,谢谢你来过 。
If you hand in hand, white head, thank you for understanding me; if you go to Yangdao Fen, thank you for coming.
43、每天一言一行,对得起自己的心,那就是成功的 。
Every day a word and a deed, worthy of their own heart, that is success.
When we live, we want to be happy, because we have to die for a long time!
45、你的称呼由我来定 。恩?就叫老公吧 。
Your address is up to me. okay? Just call her husband.
46、缺席你的从前,让我用未来补回 。
Absence of your past, let me use the future to make up for.
47、乐观心态就是:得之坦然,失之淡然,争取必然,顺其自然 。
Optimistic attitude is: get calm, lose indifferent, strive for the inevitable, let it go.
48、我一直以为空气是免费的,直到我买了一包薯片 。
【英语个性签名霸气】I thought air was free until I bought a bag of potato chips.
