
#mui-player img {max-width: 100%;}1、给别人一颗种子,就等于给自己一个春天 。
To give others a seed is to give yourself a spring.
For your Audi, my Dior, we need to refuel!
3、生活里没有太多时间给我盛放悲伤 。
I don't have much time in my life to be sad.
4、炫丽的彩虹,永远都在雨过天晴后 。
Gorgeous rainbow, always after the rain.
5、把不忙不闲的工作做得出色,把不咸不淡的生活过得精彩 。
Do a good job of not busy and idle, and live a wonderful life.
6、假如有一天我们不在一起了,也要像在一起一样 。
If one day we are not together, we should be like together.
7、对失意人,不谈得意事,处得意日,莫望失意时 。
If you are frustrated, don't talk about the good things. When you are happy, don't look forward to the time when you are down.
8、成功不在于有无天资,而在与无理想 。
Success lies not in talent, but in the absence of ideals.
9、来人间走一遭,不只是为了活着 。
It's not just to live.
Don't stay up too late, class minutes make good use of, absolutely have half the effect!
11、人之所以痛苦,在于错误的选择 。
The reason why people suffer lies in the wrong choice.
12、我喜欢的赶都不会走,我不喜欢的硬塞也没用 。
I don't like to rush away, I don't like the hard plug is useless.
13、每天都是新的开始,每天都以新的状态面对 。
Every day is a new beginning. Every day is faced with a new state.
14、命运如同手中的掌纹,无论多曲折,终掌握在自己手中 。
Fate is like the palmprint in the hand. No matter how tortuous it is, it is ultimately in your own hands.
15、你怎样生活,完全由你自己决定 。自己的选择,自己承担后果 。
How you live your life is entirely up to you. Your choice, your own consequences.
16、走好自己的路,迈好自己的步,少理那些背后说三道四的废物 。
Take your own way, take your own steps, and pay less attention to the rubbish behind the gossip.
17、剑痴刀狂世纷云,今将衣钵卸双肩 。
The sword is crazy and the world is full of clouds. Now I will take off my shoulders.
18、少年不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟 。
Young people don't know how to study early, but Bai Shou regrets reading late.
19、相逢不饮空归去,洞口桃花也笑人 。
Meet not drink empty return, the mouth of the peach blossom also laugh.
20、机会总在怀疑、犹豫中产生,在叫好、后悔中结束 。
Opportunities always arise in doubt and hesitation, and end in cheering and regret.
21、既然还有不甘心,就还没到放弃的时候 。
Since there is still not reconciled, it is not time to give up.
22、吸引一个人的最好方式,是独立自主,而非刻意谄媚 。
The best way to attract a person is to be independent, not obsequious.
23、生命不是活给别人看的,生命就是一朵花,静静地开,悄悄地落 。
Life is not for others to see, life is a flower, quietly open, quietly fall.
24、用经济学的眼光来看,时间就是一种财富 。
From the perspective of economics, time is a kind of wealth.
25、本周破零,笑口常开,重诺守信,获益良多 。
Breaking through zero this week, I always smile, promise and keep my promise. I have benefited a lot.
26、其实爱情的疗法就和牙痛一样,只有两种:不留着,就拔掉 。
In fact, the treatment of love is the same as toothache, there are only two kinds: do not keep, pull out.
27、小小的好事,做出来就变成大大的好处 。
Small good things, done, become great benefits.
28、你如果不够优秀,遇上了也抓不住 。
If you're not good enough, you can't catch it.
Since you have identified a road, why ask how long it will take!
30、如果你不努力一年后的你还是原来的你只是老了一岁 。
If you don't work hard, you are still the same one year later, you are only one year older.
31、无视细节的企业,它的发展必定在粗糙的砾石中停滞 。
Regardless of the details of the enterprise, its development is bound to stagnate in the rough gravel.
32、一个没有创新能力的民族,难以屹立于世界先进民族之林 。
It is difficult for a nation without innovation ability to stand in the forest of advanced nations in the world.
33、知识像烛光,能照亮一个人,也能照亮无数的人 。
Knowledge, like candle light, can light up one person and countless people.
34、不问励志座右铭的人永远和愚昧在一起 。
Those who do not ask for Inspirational mottos are always with ignorance.
Just smile, there's nothing wrong with it!
36、在你还没学会低调的时候,请把高调玩的优雅些 。
When you haven't learned how to keep a low profile, please make the high-key play more elegant.
37、低调并不是最牛逼的夸耀,而是你找不到值得高调的东西 。
Low key is not the best boast, but you can't find something worthy of high profile.
The world will make way for those who have goals and vision!
39、成功的路上,只有奋斗才能给你最大的安全感 。
On the way to success, only struggle can give you the greatest sense of security.
40、坚持的昨天叫立足,坚持的今天叫进取,坚持的明天叫成功 。
Insist on yesterday is called foothold, insist on today is enterprising, insist on tomorrow is success.
41、我要的就一定要得到,就算得不到我也不会让别人得到 。
I must get what I want, even if I can't get it, I won't let others get it.
42、待凛冬离去,雪融草青,相信一定有新的相逢,将温暖延续 。
When the winter leaves, the snow melts and the grass is green. I believe there will be a new meeting and the warmth will continue.
43、感觉累的时候,也许你正处于人生的上坡路上 。
When you feel tired, maybe you are on the uphill road of life.
Take a nap at this moment, you will dream; but study now, you will realize your dream!
45、别忽略面子问题 。不给面子的行为最易引起是非 。
Don't ignore the problem of face. The act of not giving face is the most likely cause of right and wrong.
46、吵着说要走的人,从不会走远,一声不吭就走的人,不回头 。
People who argue that they want to go will never go far. Those who leave without saying a word do not look back.
47、气是无明火,忍是敌灾星,但留方寸地,把于子孙耕 。
Qi is no open fire, tolerance is the enemy disaster star, but leave a square inch of land, to the descendants of farming.
48、用劳动来创造美的时候,美才能使人的情操更为高尚 。
When labor is used to create beauty, beauty can make people's sentiment more noble.
49、没有理想的人,就如一张白纸,寻找理想的人,就如一道彩虹 。
The person without ideal is like a piece of white paper. Looking for the ideal person is like a rainbow.
50、价值观的不同不代表人生轨迹不同,但却能让人形同陌路 。
Different values don't mean different life paths, but they can make people strangers.
51、不能从内心原谅别人,永远不能心安理得 。
You can't forgive others from your heart. You can never be at ease.
52、对人生命的最大威胁是以车代步,而不是交通事故 。
The biggest threat to people's lives is to use cars instead of walking, not traffic accidents.
Don't wet today's sunshine for last night's tears!
54、宁可被人笑一时,不可被人笑一辈子 。
It is better to be laughed at for a time than for a lifetime.
55、黑暗不一定邪恶,光明也未必带来良善 。
Darkness is not necessarily evil, nor light is good.
56、别人怎样看你,和你毫无关系 。你要怎样活,也和别人毫无关系 。
What other people think of you has nothing to do with you. How you want to live has nothing to do with other people.
57、我总是记得人家给了我什么,却不记得人家没给我什么 。
I always remember what people gave me, but I can't remember what they didn't give me.
58、我为母校而感到无比骄傲,也要让母校为我感到自豪七 。
I'm very proud of my alma mater, and I want my alma mater to be proud of me.
59、总有人比你好看,比你聪明,比你年轻,但没人能取代你 。
There will always be someone better looking, smarter, younger than you, but no one can replace you.
60、要想得到别人的认可和尊重,你就做出让别人赞同的事 。
【青春励志语录英文】If you want to be recognized and respected by others, you should do something that makes others agree.
