适合周年纪念日发的句子 周年庆典贺词

Deep love is less than long company, love does not need more words, happy anniversary!
2、承蒙时间不弃,你一直爱,我一直在 。
Thank you for your time. You've always loved me, I've always been.

适合周年纪念日发的句子 周年庆典贺词


3、一路走来,跌跌撞撞,坎坎坷坷,有苦有甜,有吵有闹 。
Along the way. Stumble. Bumpy. There are bitterness and sweetness. There are quarrels and excitement.
4、只愿细水长流是你,柴米油盐是你,白首也是你 。
I only wish that the flow of water is you, the daily necessities are you, and the white head is you.
适合周年纪念日发的句子 周年庆典贺词


5、不知不觉已经被你宠溺了十个年头,谢谢你的爱和包容,期待下一轮与你的春夏秋冬 。
【适合周年纪念日发的句子 周年庆典贺词】Unconsciously, I have been spoiled by you for ten years. Thank you for your love and tolerance, and look forward to the next round of spring, summer, autumn and winter with you.
6、愿多年以后,仍不忘初心,执子之手,与子偕老,苦乐共享 。
I hope that after many years, I will not forget my original intention, hold your hand, grow old with you and share happiness and hardship.
适合周年纪念日发的句子 周年庆典贺词


We are in the same boat. We share weal and woe. We continue to move forward hand in hand, happy anniversary!
8、你是我零零碎碎而烦躁无趣的生活琐事里,唯一耀眼而可爱的存在 。
You are the only dazzling and lovely existence in my fragmented and boring life.
适合周年纪念日发的句子 周年庆典贺词


Along the way, the scenery is not important, the important thing is that you are by my side, happy anniversary!
I divination, you will love me for many years, happy anniversary!
适合周年纪念日发的句子 周年庆典贺词


11、你是年少的喜欢,也是余生的甜蜜 。
You are my young love, and you are my sweet for the rest of my life.
Like is overnight, love is from the heart to the rare, happy anniversar
