12月26日 , 蚂蚁集团接受了金融管理部门的约谈 。 蚂蚁集团会在金融管理部门的指导下 , 成立整改工作组 , 全面落实约谈要求 , 规范金融业务的经营和发展 。
蚂蚁集团将积极对照和落实监管要求 , 坚守服务实体经济和人民群众的本源 , 遵循市场化、法治化的原则 , 健全公司治理、梳理相关业务和机制、提升法律法规意识和水平、扩大开放共赢力度和范围、加强消费者权益保护 , 全面提高业务经营的合规水平和社会责任意识 。 蚂蚁集团已立即着手制定整改方案和工作时间表 , 并将在过程中及时寻求监管的指导 。
在全力保证业务合规的同时 , 蚂蚁集团会加强业务风险管控 , 保持业务连续性和服务质量 。 在整改过程中坚持「两不加、两不降」原则:不增加消费者成本、不增加金融机构等合作伙伴成本;不降低消费者服务体验、不降低风险防范标准和要求 。
蚂蚁集团感谢金融管理部门对于公司的指导和帮助 。 我们将利用此次契机 , 夯实企业合规发展的根基 , 在服务实体经济和遵从金融监管的前提下 , 坚持守正创新 , 坚持服务小微 , 通过发展金融科技助力提高金融服务效率和普惠性 , 并不断提升国际竞争力 , 为构建双循环新发展格局贡献力量 。
On Dec. 26, 2020, financial regulators held a meeting with Ant Group. Under the regulators’ guidance, Ant Group will establish a rectification working group and fully implement requirements raised at the meeting to bring into line the operation and development of our financial-related businesses.
And Group will comply strictly with regulatory requirements, focusing on serving the real economy and the people as the core of our business. We will firmly uphold market-driven and law-based principles, and work to improve our corporate governance, review relevant businesses and process, and enhance awareness of and ability to comply with relevant laws and regulations. We will enlarge the scope and magnitude of opening up for win-win collaboration, review and rectify our work in consumer rights protection, and comprehensively improve our business compliance and sense of social responsibility. Ant Group will make its rectification plan and working timetable in a timely manner and seek regulators’ guidance in the process.
While fully ensuring business compliance, Ant Group will also enhance our risk management and control, and ensure continuity and quality of our services. In the process of rectification, we will adhere to the principles of not placing additional costs on consumers and partners such as financial institutions, and maintaining the consumer experience as well as risk control standards and requirements.
We appreciate financial regulators’ guidance and help. The rectification is an opportunity for Ant Group to strengthen the foundation for our business to grow with full compliance, and to continue focusing on innovating for social good and serving small businesses. We will further develop technology to continuously improve the efficiency and inclusiveness of financial services, strengthen our global competitiveness and contribute to the new development paradigm of"dual circulation"under the preconditions of serving the real economy and complying with financial regulation.
Ant Group
【新浪科技综合|蚂蚁集团:成立整改工作组,全面落实约谈要求】December 27, 2020
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