be|女航天员在太空来例假了怎么办?( 六 )

“抑制月经周期是完全安全的 , ”詹恩说 。 当然 , 避孕药确实有一些风险--主要担心腿部和肺部的血凝块(blood clots) 。 但詹恩说 , 研究发现连续服用避孕药与一次服用三周的健康风险没有区别 。
表示“压制;阻止;抑制” , 英文解释为“to prevent sth from growing, developing or continuing”举个??:
The virus suppresses the body's immune system.
这种病毒会抑制人体的免疫系统 。
表示“凝块” , 英文解释为“an almost solid piece of something” 。
For long-term space travel, there are added benefits of skipping the flow. “The waste disposal systems onboard the U.S. side of the International Space Station that reclaim water from urine were not designed to handle menstrual blood,” Jain and Wotring write. A woman spending three years in space, say to go to Mars and back, would need about 1,100 pills, which adds some weight to a mission, but is less unwieldy than all those tampons.
对于长期的太空旅行 , 抑制经期还有额外的好处 。 詹恩和沃特林写道:“国际空间站(International Space Station)美国一侧的废物处理系统从尿液中回收水 , 并不是为了处理经血而设计的 。 ”一个在太空中度过三年的女性 , 比如说去火星再回来 , 将需要大约1100颗药物 , 这给任务增加了一些重量 , 但比所有卫生棉条要轻得多 。
unwieldy /?n?wi?ld?/ 表示“(物体因沉重、庞大或形状奇特而)不灵便的 , 笨重的;难移动的” , 英文解释为“An unwieldy object is difficult to move or handle because it is heavy, large, or a strange shape.”
As with many aspects of female physiology, there's still much we don't know. Could an IUD be shifted by the high Gs astronauts experience during launch? Would an implant under the skin catch on a spacesuit? There's no reason to think so, but no one has tried it.
与女性生理学的许多方面一样 , 我们仍有许多未知的地方 。 在发射过程中 , 宇航员所承受的高倍重力值会不会使宫内节育器移位?皮下的植入物会不会卡在宇航服上?没有理由这么认为 , 但没有人尝试过 。
physiology /?f?z???l?d??/ 表示“生理学” , 英文解释为“(the scientific study of) the way in which the bodies of living things work” 。
Maybe if we weren't so squeamish about discussing the menstrual cycle, we'd learn more.
也许如果我们对讨论例假不那么胆怯 , 我们会学到更多 。
squeamish /?skwi?m??/ 表示“易心烦意乱的;易受惊的;神经脆弱的” , 英文解释为“easily upset or shocked by things that you find unpleasant or that you do not approve of”举个??:
She's really squeamish and can't stand the sight of blood.
她神经很脆弱 , 见不得血 。
