
GRE写作中大部分中国考生都是ARGUMENT部分的得分更高,这是因为ARGUMENT作为驳论在写作思路的难度上还是较低的下面小编就和大家分享GRE写作ARGUMENT高分写法思路实例解读,来欣赏一下吧 。
虽然GRE考试本身出于公平的原则并没有对各类学科的高深专业知识提出要求,但考生还是需要具备一定的相关基础常识,比如GRE考试中经常涉及的社会、文化、经济、科技等常见主题的基本概念,都应该有所了解 。因为GRE作文中,常常会出现一些涉及这些基本知识的逻辑漏洞 。如果考生能够对这些知识有所了解,就能在文章题目中发现更多问题 。
如果大家读过一些专业性较强的原版杂志报纸,比如《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》或《经济学人》,就会发现其中很多文章都具备GRE作文考试最喜欢的特质:思考全面,观点平衡,有理有据 。极端的观点和结论在GRE作文中鲜少有正确的时候,也往往会是最主要的攻击论点 。因此,如果考生在题目的结论中看到了诸如“must”或者“undoubtedly”之类的用词,那么这就是极端结论的最好证明 。
在GRE写作的题目中,诸如 “few”, “many”, “more”, “less”, and“some”之类的用词常可以看到,这些词虽然在一定程度上具备数字含义,本身却并无法表达出具体的数字,可以说是含义相对模糊不清的用词 。如果题目中的论述,特别是涉及数据的部分是建立在这些模糊表达上而得出的结论,那么这个论述本身就存在问题,常常能成为可攻击的逻辑漏洞 。
有些题目,常会根据一个较小的例子来得出一个很大的结论 。这种以小见大的做法看似很好,但其实常常存在问题 。比如一类事物中的A,B,C可能具备一些特性,能够概括出某个共同的结论,但这结论并不一定就能适用于该类事物中的所有不同个体,而这种忽略个例特殊性进而一概而论的情况,也可以成为考生论述中的突破口 。
有时候,作文题目中会首先列出事物A的前提和结论,并根据A和事物B的相近性,把前提和结论套用到事物B上,这样就往往会产生不恰当的比较,从而形成逻辑上的问题,举例来说:曾看到过一篇例文,讲述人和狗的肥胖问题,把人的肥胖原因和新城代谢等因此直接套用到狗的身上然后得出结论,这就是一种不恰当的比较 。
如上文所说,其实很多时候一篇argument题目素材里,存在的逻辑漏洞往往不止一处,对于一些写作驳论文经验丰富的考生来说,有些题目甚至一眼望去就是千疮百孔的 。但这并不代表大家随便抓住一点就可以写出很有说服力的文章 。学会区分逻辑漏洞的主要和次要,集中精力从主要漏洞入手进行写作才能让文章更有说服力 。下面小编通过一个实例为大家分析:
The following appeared as part of an article in a business magazine.
A recent study rating 300 male and female Mentian advertising executivesaccording to the average number of hours they sleep per night showed anassociation between the amount of sleep the executives need and the success oftheir firms. Of the advertising firms studied those whose executives reportedneeding no more than 6 hours of sleep per night had higher profit margins andfaster growth. These results suggest that if a business wants to prosper, itshould hire only people who need less than 6 hours of sleep per night.
Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstatedassumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends onthese assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if theassumptions prove unwarranted.
最近一项研究根据每晚平均睡眠时间对300名男性和女性Mentian广告经理需要的睡眠总量与他们公司的成功之间的关联 。被研究的广告公司中,那些报告每晚需要的睡眠不超过6小时的经理有较高的利润率和较快的增长 。这些结果表明,如果一个企业想要成功,就应该雇佣那些每晚只需要不超过6小时睡眠时间的人 。
如果一个企业想要成功,就应该雇佣那些每晚只需要不超过6小时睡眠时间的人 。
这道题目选自最新的GRE考试机经,可以看出这道题目其实本身存在许多逻辑漏洞 。比如STUDY的结论是否权威,300人的样本数是否足够,还有受访者的男女比例,企业成功能否只靠经理,该现象是否只存在特定行业中等等 。逻辑漏洞一大堆,但并不代表着每个都值得大家大写特写一番 。
一般来说,比较主要的漏洞往往是从题目本身出发的,比如刚才提到的企业成功能否只靠经理以及广告行业现象是否只是特定行业问题等等 。对这些漏洞进行攻击,可以让你的文章更有说服力 。而其他诸如针对调查结果合理性权威性的漏洞,只能说是次要漏洞,大家可以在写到最后的时候稍微提一提,但如果把这些次要问题当成主要问题来展开写作,就显得有些小题大做了 。
综上所述,GRE写作ARGUMENT中,如何理顺文章思路安排逻辑论述和漏洞攻击的顺序也是很有讲究的,想要在这个部分获得高分进而整体提升作文得分,考生就必须对上文提到的这些套路有所了解 。
How children are socialized today determines the destiny ofsociety.Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who canhelp bring about a better society.
现在孩子的社会化程度决定了社会的命运 。可惜的是,我们还没有学会教孩子怎么样去建设一个更好的社会 。
People are never born into separated environment, while society will betheir destiny to face and join no matter whether they are willed to do so. Afterbeing educated in greenhouses of campus,children will one day step into thisdestiny inevitably, therefore making socialization an indispensable progress oftheir growth. However, it seems to me that socialization is a method ofacclimating to the surroundings and such abilities are inborn. So it may be tooextreme and pessimistic to say we have not yet learned how to raise children whocan help bring about a better society, especially when the education and otherrelated fields are keeping a high-speed development.
Socialization, defined as converting and meeting the social needs,determines a society's future by making its members work as effective parts ofit. Society is a huge constitution combined by different individuals and groups,who need cooperation with each other and gain the methods for living anddeveloping. Modern development has made such cooperation spear into every cornerof our daily life: industry, service, agriculture and academic fields providethe people living in a society what they need, and supported by each other'sproducts.
Education, as a way for us to raise children, gives them knowledge to takeparts in this society and realize their personal values. When entering schools,children are living with other contemporaries for years, learning how tocommunicate with each other, gaining senses of cooperation,competition andunderstanding. After that, they graduate and face the practical issues, such asmanufacturing, researching, designi
ng and so forth. All these issues ask for cooperation during modern time,because they are all highly complicated with different products provided bydifferent fields. An architecture design project, for instance, contains partsof architecture design, structure design, air-conditioner system, water supplysystem and so forth. During its designing progress,architects and other expertsneed communicate with each other,
persuade or be persuaded to change their ideas and plans. If some one ofthem are not socialized and just keep on working individually, the outcomes willbe not reasonable or even not feasible.
Moreover, socialization is an indispensable part of social living, evenpeople do not take parts in producing. We are living in a connected world,facing other peoples for information, products and so forth. After graduating,children will leave their greenhouses which are supported by their parents,teachers and society. They have to work and live directly with other socialmembers. If they are not socialized, and just continue their greenhouse life,they will find the world as a vacuum, bogging them with complex relation ofpeople. In Japan, a group of people are called OTAKUs, who are trapped by theirchildhood interests, including animation, video game,internet, and the sense ofsecurity at home. Those people are a reverse example of those who are not wellsocialized. They have their own worlds, cut off with others, and they are afraidof communicating. As a result, certain social problems have long been reportedamong these OTAKUs, such as suicide, crime, psychic diseases and so forth. Inthis case we may know the importance of socialization.
Although innovations such as video,computers,and the Internet seem to offerschools improved methods for instructing students,these technologies all toooften distract from real learning.
尽管诸如电视、电脑和互联网这样的发明似乎给学校教育提供了进步的手段,但是所有这些技术往往也是在偏离真正的学习 。
Nowadays there is a growing concern about the role that innovations haveplayed in the field of learning. While most people think that innovationsbenefit learning process in various ways,different opinions arise that thesetechnology advancements actually distract students from real learning. Onbalance,according to my personal observation,whether innovations can bebeneficial or detrimental to real learning depends on the students and theteachers,not on these innovations themselves.
To begin with,technological innovations do help teaching and learning invarious ways.With the aid of these technologies,the process of teaching andlearning can be shorter and easier than before. For instance,if a student wantcertain published papers of an academic discipline,he/she may look throughconsiderable catalogs to find the ones he/she needs. However,with the help ofInternet innovation,at present most of these papers are published online.Consequently,to find certain paper the procedure is much easier and shorter,thestudents just type the key words and other information of the paper,and then thesystem will search the database,and the papers are there waiting for them. Asthis new approach can save a lot of time for the students,he/she could have moretime reading the papers and absorbing the knowledge rather than checking andlooking for the papers that could be a waste of his/her time. This example aptlyillustrates how technology advancement benefited the students and their learningprocess.
Secondly,while innovations can help learning in various ways,it is moreimportant that the central role of the pursuit for knowledge and wisdoms aremaintained. What real matters is not the approach but the purpose of learning.In India,where modern technologies are less applied to the learning process thanin the US and other developed countries,still a lot of distinguished studentsachieved their academic goal with their hard work and desires to knowledge. Inthe US,where the software engineering students are given the most advancedfacilities and apparatus for their learning and research,however,it is wildlyaccepted that they are far less outstanding compared to the Indian students ofsoftware,who may share computers in groups. From this comparison we can see thatthe real and core push of learning is the desire for knowledge,not the help ofinnovations.
In addition,if not guided properly,the technology advancement might inhibitlearning.In other words,innovation can distract the students from real learningthan helping them. It is obvious that a computer can help students of science tocalculate mathematical equations but can also be used for recreation such as netsurfing or computer games. It is highly possible that these students can spendmore time and energy on recreations rather than learning when using a computer.Thus,learning is inhibited. Under this circumstance,guidance and restrictionsare needed to ensure the right use of innovations for learning,or theconsequence may be on the contrary to the students and teachers' desire.

