托福独立写作由于对考生要求较高,因此30分钟的写作时间不少同学都觉得不太够用 。想要保证在规定时间内写完独立作文,考生就需要对写作的每个步骤所需要耗费的时间进行规划安排 。下面小编就和大家分享托福独立写作提速时间分配3个小建议分享,来欣赏一下吧 。
托福独立写作的第一步是审题、确定托福立场、列出理由(只需要在草稿纸上用英文单词或汉语列出各个理由,防止遗忘),最少3分钟最多5分钟 。要避免两个极端:
b.用时太多,不要追求一次思考就能把每一条理由及相关例证都想出来 。其实想出两条之后就可以动笔,各个理由的例证可以写到该段时边思考边写 。这一点你不必怀疑,只要你的思维还是正常的,一定能做到 。
a.各段写作时,注意对段落的不同部分给予不同的重视 。主题句给予最大重视,注意炼句,别说你不想写主题句,主题句可以使读者和笔者本人更清晰该段落写什么 。各段中支持性细节写作不必遵循相同的模式 。
有n种选择可供参考:1.举具体事例;2.说对方相对缺点;3.使用数据;4.使用假想例子;5.使用类比、比喻、引用等修辞手段来论述 。哪一种你最容易想出来,就用哪一种 。
b.考前将文章开头、结尾、例证、让步等各种句型背熟练,并且练习和模考时把他们用熟,要象做完型填空一样对待考场作文 。别试图在考场上再去临时决定比如哪种开头好,怎样结尾好 。使用自己选种的套话 。
c.当被告知还有5分钟结束时,一般你应该已经写到最后一条理由,或者已经在做结尾 。要确保文章有结尾段(不排除将它和最后一条理由的末段结合在一起的可能性) 。
a.句法:确保每句话是完整的,有谓语,且简单句只有一个谓语 。
b.时态:文章绝大部分使用的是一般现在时;一般现在时第三人称要使用单数;使用过去发生的事例时用的是过去时;c.主谓一致按此三步,持续练习5篇以上,可以确保时间问题 。
The mostimportant thing for government to improve health care is to cleantheenvironment.
题目大意:对政府来说,提升公众医疗保健最重要的是去清洁环境 。此题目为绝对词的题目,波波建议选择不同意,采用承认合理性,反驳绝对性的结构来写作 。具体来说,承认合理性,即承认清洁环境在健康保健方面的重要性;反驳绝对性,通过给出其他可以提升健康保健的方式来驳掉清理环境是最重要的方式 。
Do you agree or disagree: The most important thing for government toimprove health care is to clean the environment.
As economy advances, the consequences caused by industrial developmentbecome starker and various environmental problems cover the whole world. Thencomes one of the most serious issues that people’s health is confronted withhuge challenges. Surely, a number of solutions have been raised and discussedand as for whether the most important thing for the government to improve healthcare is to clean the energy, I cast doubt on it.
Undeniably, cleaning the environment is an effective way to ensure people’shealth. For instance, if the air pollution can be bridled, there will be fewerchances for citizens living in Beijing or TianJin suffering the respiratorydiseases. Besides, citizens in Flint City could drink clean water if the watersource was not acidified to erode the pipeline of tap water. However, thethreats human beings are faced with do not only come from the environmentalproblems and the government has to lay more emphasis on the other two areas.
For one thing, the outbreak of viruses that could sparkle off widespreadepidemics is a killer to human beings. Reflecting history can help us explorehow the devastating viruses tortured human beings and the death toll wasastounding. For instance, the once spread of cholera once caused the death ofmore than a million civilians in Russia and malaria is a kind of serious maladythat could cause the death of several hundred thousand in Africa in the past.The good news is those viruses were under control finally after the efforts madeby numerous medical experts. However, in recent years, people are still underhuge threats of many newly found viruses like Ebola, Zika that still remainhighly dangerous and could trigger huge damage to people’s physical health. Evenworse, a reported man in America was found dying of Zika virus. Therefore, it ismore urgent and indispensable for the government to invest to the development ofmedical technology.
For another thing, while analyzing the influence factors leading to thesub-health of most city employees, the deficiency in engaging sports can befound as one of the primary contributors. Therefore, there is necessity for thegovernment to build more available sporting facilities nearby the communitiesfor city workers who have to be fully involved in their career and cannot vacateenough time to either go to Gym or farther places for exercises. Take friendsaround me as an example. Most of them cannot afford to spend time in playingsports, one of who called Jason working as a software engineer can only get offwork till 10 o’clock PM. Another friend of mine has to travel across the countryfor business trips several times a month. The combination of long-terminvolvement in career and no chance to work out lead to the obesity and thedeclining immunity. However, if there is a public Gym constructed around myfriends’ residency, the possibilities of doing exercises could be higher and thephysical conditions could be better. Accordingly, to maintain the physicalhealth of citizens, it is more practical for the government to invest more tothe construction of sports infrastructure as far as my friends areconcerned.
In a word, even though cleaning environment means a lot to the citizens’health care, developing medical technology and building sporting facilities canbe more related to our health.
With the gradually raised awareness of health, how to improve health carehas become an issue of public concern and interest. Many scientists andenvironmentalists have fully realized the negative impact of environmentaldeterioration on the public health and propose that the most important thing forgovernment to improve health care is to clean the environment. However, in myeyes, the above viewpoint has oversimplified the complicated situation.
Indeed, a clean environment plays an important role in improving healthcare, because various environmental pollutions have posed a threat to the publichealth. To illustrate, the haze occurring in large cities of China has madethousands of people fall victims to respiratory diseases. However, it is a pieceof overemphasis to claim that cleaning the environment is the most important wayfor government to improve health care, because there are other two ways whichare equally important.
First of all, developing medical technology is another effective way toimprove health care. Given the indisputable fact that there remain manyincurable diseases such as cancer and AIDS across the globe, the appropriatetechnology of treatment and therapy is in great need. As a result, government issupposed to assume the responsibility of making progress in medical techniques,for the sake of curing the serious diseases and thus prolonging the lifeexpectancy. The elemination of SARS in the year of 2003 can be a good case inpoint. Upon the outbreak of SARS, most cities and provinces in China areaffected. Immediately, the government not only assembled a group of medicalprofessionals and excellent experts, but also allocated massive investment inthe medical research for vaccine. Unexpectedly, the emergency was perfectlyaddressed and the same is true of curing other diseases.
Besides that, government should place emphasis on improving the sportsinfrastructure. As is common sense, governmental support for public sportsfacilities can create a place for the average people to work out regularly.Obviously, the more exercise people engage in, the stronger their immune systemwill become. The sound immune system can serve as a shield to resist variousdiseases, which finally lead to the better health of the public. Take my ownexperience as an example. In my community, the sports facilities contain nothingbut a track in disrepair and a swing for kids. In this case, the residents havenowhere to do sports even though they may be willing to. However, if the localgovernment could invest a sum of money to build new playgrounds and establishPingpang tables, I bet lots of people will become interested in exercising, thusbecoming more physically healthy.
Fatoring what has been discussed above in, we can draw the conclusion thatit is an exaggeration to say that the most important thing for government toimprove health care is to clean the environment. I firmly recommend thatgovernment should attach equal importance to the above three measures in orderto improve health care.
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