店小二的文字馆 适合发朋友圈的文案,愿我们都能在这个冬天有人喜欢,有人疼爱
1.怎么办 , 我竟像个小孩子一样憧憬未来有你的日子了 , 这种无时无刻怕被抛弃的感觉 有点难过 。
What should I do? I look forward to your day like a child. I feel a little sad that I am afraid of being abandoned all the time.
2.后来你那里的风没有吹到我怀里来我们的爱停留在秋风四起的九月 。
Later the wind from you didn't blow to my arms. Our love stayed in September when the autumn wind was blowing everywhere.
3.网上最火的一段话:“一个陪了你三年的人 , 和一个等了你三年的人 , 你选哪个 。”
The most popular online paragraph: "a person who has been with you for three years and a person who has been waiting for you for three years which one do you choose?"
4.不出意外的话 , 我会笑着嫁你 , 和你生下一儿半女 , 在这不算喧闹的城市一起孝顺父母 。
If there is no accident I will marry you with a smile give birth to a son and a half daughter with you and be filial to your parents in this not so noisy city.
5.你说为什么星期一离星期五这么近 , 星期五离星期一又这么远 。
Why do you think Monday is so close to Friday and Monday is so far away from Friday
6.美龄小姐喜欢法国梧桐 。 我就把梧桐树种满整个南京 。
Miss mei love French Indus. I planted all the trees of Nanjing.
7.12月了 , 一年又快要过去了 , 总是会感叹时间的强大以及自己在时间面前的无力感 。
December is coming and the year is about to pass. I always sigh at the strength of time and my powerlessness in front of time.
8.在十二月里藏好来自十一月的浪漫 , 想让你看到属于我所有的美好 。
【店小二的文字馆|适合发朋友圈的文案,愿我们都能在这个冬天有人喜欢,有人疼爱】In December I hide the romance from November and I want you to see the beauty that belongs to me.
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- 这就是街舞3 娱乐圈中的团宠,张艺兴凭借偶像特质,征服全网观众,获赞无数
- b《心动的信号4》官宣阵容,baby加盟,郭麒麟、宋祖儿惊喜现身
- 向往的生活5 李诞拥抱张艺兴,后者一脸地抗拒,但张艺兴和杨紫却可以亲密互动
- 心动的信号4 嘉宾阵容大洗牌!baby、宋祖儿加盟,张翰、杨超越退出