1、你就是我想要遗忘的曾经,然后再也不要回去 。
You are the one I want to forget, and then never go back.
2、人这一辈子,怎么都是过,与其皱眉头,不如偷着乐 。
People's life, how are all over, rather than frown, it's better to steal music.
3、学会自立自强,世态炎凉,世界并不善良 。
Learn to be self reliant, the world is cool, the world is not good.
4、现在想想,还是幼儿园好混 。
Now think about it. It's still a kindergarten.
5、不喜欢你的人永远都忙,想送你回家的人东南西北都顺路 。
Those who don't like you are always busy. Those who want to take you home are all on the way.
6、最清晰的脚印,总是印在最泥泞的路上 。
The clearest footprints are always on the most muddy road.
7、失败又有什么关系,只不过是从头再来罢了 。
What's the matter with failure? It's just starting from scratch.
【在朋友圈发说说英文】8、别把秘密告诉好朋友,好朋友也有好朋友 。
Don't tell a secret to a good friend. A good friend has a good friend, too.
If you ask me to leave, I'm not ashamed. If I want to leave, I have to dump you first!
10、别没事总是拿出手机装看时间,没人找你 。
Don't always take out your cell phone and look at the time. No one is looking for you.
11、你向神求助是因为相信神,神没有回应你是因为相信你 。
You ask God for help because you believe in him, and he doesn't respond because he believes in you.
12、人不应该像走兽那样活着,应该追求知识和美德 。
Man should not live like a beast, but should pursue knowledge and virtue.
13、我不是没素质,只是我的素质分人区别对待 。
I am not without quality, but my quality is treated differently.
14、世事轮回,因缘际会,一切皆有定数 。
There is a certain number of things in the world.
15、只要付出了努力,什么都不后悔了,一切皆有可能 。
As long as efforts are made, nothing will be regretted. Everything is possible.
16、一人花开,一人花落,这些年从头到尾,无人问询 。
One flowers, one flowers, these years from the beginning to the end, no one asked.
17、守口不谈新旧事,知心难得两三人 。
It's hard for two or three people to keep their mouths and not talk about the old and the new.
18、愿时光能缓,愿故人不散 。
May time be slow and old friends stay together.
19、任何关系,你想陌生,我根本不会多看你一眼 。
Any relationship, you want to be strange, I won't look at you more.
20、一身的痞子味,成不了你的乖乖女 。
A ruffian smell can't make you a good girl.
21、遇到喜欢的人,就像浩劫余生,漂流过沧海,终见陆地 。
Meet the people you like, just like the rest of the Holocaust, drifting across the sea, and finally land.
22、别人笑我孤身一人,我却可怜你沦落风尘 。
Others laugh at me for being alone, but I pity you for falling into the dust.
23、奇迹有时候是会发生的,但是你得为之拼命努力 。
Miracles happen sometimes, but you have to work hard for them.
24、牛逼的人不是有多少后台,而是能做多少人的后台 。
Niubi people are not how many backstage, but how many people can do backstage.
25、喧闹的人群,至始至终与我格格不入 。
The noisy crowd, from the beginning to the end, did not fit me.
26、不是每个人,都可以在我心里兴风作浪 。
Not everyone can make waves in my heart.
27、下辈子我要做你的心脏,至少没有我,你会死 。
I will be your heart in the next life, at least without me, you will die.
28、生命,并不介意短暂地关闭心门 。
Life doesn't mind closing the heart briefly.
29、我的无奈,你的不耐烦,最终成了我们之间的隔阂 。
My helplessness, your impatience, finally became the estrangement between us.
30、愿你习惯曲终人散,不再为谁独悲欢 。
May your habits end in song and no longer be sad and happy for others.
31、我若不强大,又怎能爱你所爱,毁你至爱呢 。
If I am not strong, how can I love your beloved and destroy your beloved.
32、星河可摘不可得,夜凉船影浸疏星 。
Star River can not be picked, night cool boat shadow soak sparse star.
33、像我这么懒的人,若非喜欢你,你以为我为什么如此殷勤 。
Why do you think I'm so attentive if I don't like you.
34、就算与全世界为敌,也绝不委屈自己 。
Even if you are against the whole world, you will never aggrieve yourself.
35、就像他们说的,后来我遇上的每个人都像你 。
As they said, everyone I met later was like you.
36、别和我说对不起,我既不能原谅你,也无法捅死你 。
Don't say sorry to me. I can't forgive you or stab you to death.
37、没有人在等我,我也不会再回头,就这样吧 。
No one is waiting for me, and I won't look back. That's it.
38、鱼和熊掌不可兼得,但单身和穷可以 。
You can't have both, but you can be single and poor.
39、漫漫人生祝你可爱的不像话,说话都像是在发芽 。
Long life I wish you lovely impertinence, talk like germination.
40、除非他能让你过得比单身时好,否则不必为了任何人脱单 。
Unless he can make you better than when you are single, you don't have to take off the bill for anyone.
41、只要你不嫌我烦,我就可以陪你很久很久 。
As long as you don't mind me, I can accompany you for a long time.
42、有些话,你不经意的说出口,我却很认真的难过 。
Some words, you inadvertently say, but I am very serious sad.
43、别把自己看得太重,其实好多人都不需要你 。
Don't take yourself too seriously. In fact, many people don't need you.
44、清晨的粥比深夜的酒好喝 。骗你的人比爱你的人会说 。
Porridge in the morning is better than wine in the night. People who cheat you say it more than people who love you.
45、还好还可以想你,不然拿什么对抗生活的琐碎和无趣 。
Fortunately, I can still think of you, otherwise, I will fight against the trivial and boring life.
Don't pretend to be cool with my sister, she's ten degrees below zero!
47、有人寂寞在热闹里,有人热闹在寂寞里 。
Some people are lonely in the bustle, others are bustling in the loneliness.
48、真正的成熟,是成为精神上自给自足的人 。
The real maturity is to become mentally self-sufficient.
49、智慧愚痴心之隔,天堂地狱一念间 。
Between wisdom and infatuation, between heaven and hell.
50、夜深人静时别矫情,孤独无依时别回头 。
Don't be hypocritical when people are still at night. Don't look back when you are lonely.
51、愿时间给我机会,让我放过你,也让我放过自己 。
May time give me the chance to let go of you and myself.
52、满纸荒唐言,一把辛酸泪 。都云作者痴,谁解其中味 。
Full of absurd words, a bitter tear. The author of Duyun is infatuated. Who can understand the flavor.
53、无奈的离去,选择回到原来,原来我们不曾相爱 。
Helpless to leave, choose to return to the original, the original we did not love each other.
54、最简单的事是坚持,最难的事还是坚持 。
The simplest thing is persistence, the hardest thing is persistence.
55、我不稀罕什么浪子回头,喜欢我的从一开始就要从一而终 。
I don't care what prodigal son turns back, like me from the beginning to be from one end.
56、你是什么货色,我就是什么脸色 。
What you are, I am what face.
57、所有人都祝你快乐,我只愿你遍历山河,觉得人间值得 。
Everyone wishes you happiness, I only wish you to traverse the mountains and rivers, and feel that the world is worth it.
58、其实没有对或错,只是在于你怎么看 。
In fact, there's no right or wrong, it's just what you think.
59、你知道的,这山野烂漫为你而开 。
You know, the mountains are open for you.
60、珍惜所有的不期而遇,看淡所有的不辞而别 。
Cherish all the unexpected, despise all leave without saying goodbye.
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