
1、我爱你爱了一个曾经,我输了累了够了 。
I love you love a once, I lost tired enough.
2、终究要亲自受伤,才会学着聪明 。
After all, if you hurt yourself, you will learn to be smart.
3、那些最终会让你陷进去的,一开始总是美好 。
It's always nice to start with what will eventually get you involved.
4、我活在,相遇之后,爱恋之间,离别之前 。
I live in, after meeting, between love, before parting.
5、世上没有未完的事,只有未死的心 。
There is no unfinished business in the world, only an immortal heart.
6、校服代表的是青春,最爱它的时候却是离别 。
School uniform represents youth, but it is parting when I love it most.
7、有时候觉得自己好累,真想一了了之 。
Sometimes I feel very tired. I really want to have a try.
8、在暧昧中徘徊,让我带着一身伤回来 。
Wandering in the ambiguity, let me come back with a body injury.
9、我谢谢你给的希望,都是那么的让人绝望 。
I thank you for the hope, are so desperate.
10、总有一个人的名字,是你的硬伤 。
There is always a person's name, is your hard injury.
11、爱那么累人,为何我们还要谈恋爱 。
Love is so tiring. Why should we fall in love.
12、曾经说会等我的人现在各自都有了爱人 。
People who once said they would wait for me now have their own lovers.
13、你从未顾忌我的感受,又怎会知道我多难受 。
You never care about my feelings, how can you know how I feel.
14、男人累,生活打拼心疲惫,苦涩酸咸不流泪 。
The man is tired, the life struggles, the heart is tired, the bitter acid salty does not shed tears.
15、我们为了爱情当傻瓜,爱情却把我们当傻瓜 。
We are fools for love, but love makes us fools.
16、留不住你给我的爱,我的伤心都叫做活该 。
I can't keep the love you gave me. My heartbreak is called deserved.
17、我还在原地等你,你却已经忘记曾来过这里 。
I'm still waiting for you, but you've forgotten to be here.
18、一个人害怕孤独,两个人害怕辜负 。
One is afraid of loneliness, and two are afraid of betrayal.
19、别因为知道我会等你,就把我晾在那儿等 。
Don't hang me there just because you know I'll wait for you.
20、你我分手了,唯一的默契就是彼此不联系了 。
You and I broke up, the only tacit understanding is not to contact each other.
21、失望攒够了就放手,不打扰是我最后的温柔 。
Disappointments accumulate enough to let go, do not disturb is my last gentle.
22、最近的访客,已经很久没有你了 。
Recent visitors, have not had you for a long time.
23、时间不是让人忘了痛,而是让人习惯了痛 。
Time is not to let people forget the pain, but to let people get used to the pain.
24、请不要假装对我好,我很傻,会假装当真的 。
Please don't pretend to be nice to me. I'm stupid and will pretend to be serious.
25、如果不能白头偕老,那还不如相忘江湖 。
If you can't live together, it's better to forget about the world.
26、他曾隐身只为陪我,现在隐身是为了躲我 。
He used to be invisible only to accompany me, but now he is to hide from me.
27、我仅有的一颗心,不是让你用来伤的 。
The only heart I have is not for you to hurt.
28、想念如果有声音的话,你早就被我吵死了 。
Miss if there was a sound, you would have been killed by me.
29、我想和你走一生,你却只愿共享一段情 。
I want to go with you for a lifetime, but you only want to share a love.
30、有些事,孤单时才明白,失去后才后悔 。
Some things, lonely to understand, lost only regret.
31、童话已经结束,遗忘就是幸福 。
The fairy tale is over, forgetting is happiness.
32、我是一个情绪疯子,每天为你换几百遍心情 。
I'm an emotional lunatic. I change my mood for you hundreds of times every day.
33、我们明明不是陌生人,却比陌生人还陌生 。
We are not strangers, but stranger than strangers.
34、也许他只是暧昧成瘾,而你却走了心 。
Maybe he's just addicted to ambiguity, and you've lost your heart.
35、生活不是电影,不会有那么多的不期而遇 。
Life is not a movie, there will not be so many unexpected encounters.
36、我心里一直有你,只是比例变了而已 。
I always have you in my heart, but the proportion has changed.
37、跟朋友装沉默,跟陌生人讲心里话 。
Pretend to be silent with friends and talk to strangers.
38、彼此相爱就是幸福,如此简单,如此难 。
Love each other is happiness, so simple, so difficult.
39、有时候,一个人的失踪,孤独了一个世界 。
Sometimes, a person's disappearance, lonely a world.
40、原谅是容易的 。再次信任,就没那么容易了 。
It's easy to forgive. Trust again, it's not that easy.
41、我要变得多坚强,才能承受这人世荒凉 。
How strong I have to be to bear the desolation of this world.
42、曾经发了疯的想,如今拼了命的忘 。
Once a crazy thought, now desperate forget.
43、就算要出卖灵魂,也要找个付得起价钱的人 。
Even if you want to sell your soul, you have to find someone who can afford it.
44、我假装不在乎你,但痛的是我自己 。
I pretend I don't care about you, but it's me who hurts.
45、如果心痛是爱你的代价,那么我笑纳 。
If heartache is the price of loving you, then I will accept it.
46、你是不是失去了记忆,所以才忘了说我爱你 。
Did you lose your memory, so you forgot to say I love you.
47、别自以为是,你在我眼里什么都不是 。
Don't be conceited. You are nothing in my eyes.
48、时间不会让我忘记你,只会习惯没有你 。
Time won't let me forget you, just get used to not having you.
49、可惜你不懂,躯壳也会痛 。
It's a pity that you don't understand. The body will hurt.
50、等一个不爱你的人,就像在机场等一艘船 。
Waiting for someone who doesn't love you is like waiting for a boat at the airport.
51、原来地久天长,只是误会一场 。
It turns out that it's just a misunderstanding.
52、要有多坚强,才敢念念不忘 。
How strong to have, just dare not forget.
53、让你觉得太累的关系,就算了吧 。
Let's forget the relationship that makes you feel too tired.
54、愿为你守一座空城,等你一人归来 。
Willing to guard an empty city for you, waiting for you to return alone.
55、你在我心里的位置,连我自己都羡慕 。
Your position in my heart, even I envy myself.
56、失去了不要挽留,留来的不一定是真心 。
If you lose, don't keep it. What you keep is not always true.
57、口口声声说着无所谓,深夜却哭的撕心裂肺 。
It doesn't matter if you say it, but you cry at night.
58、一直在等一个人,一个懂得珍惜缘分的人 。
Has been waiting for a person, a person who knows how to cherish fate.
59、不要等我走了,才说你多么爱我 。
Don't wait for me to leave to say how much you love me.
60、我们都曾盼望过十年,却不曾珍惜这十年 。
【凌晨QQ空间伤感句子加英文】We all looked forward to 10 years, but we did not cherish it.
